Tenn. Senate OKs Bill To Allow Anti-Evolution Talk In Classrooms

That is true, but I'm just talking about it from a broad ID perspective. A higher being could have created life on earth through evolution.

If you are specifically talking Christians, yeah, some (a lot?) literally believe Adam was made from dust or whatever.

Agreed. It falls in-line with pantheism too. :)
This is just stuff I ponder, why did God allow Satan and his angels to fall?

Is this not the root of every thing?

I wondered that too growing up. Also why did Satan have evil come into his soul in the first place and was he the first of the angels to know sin. Why would god even create the thinking that leads to sin. Some people will say its free will but that answer falls apart if you think about it. God created all things. He therefore would have had to created all emotion and thought patterns.

Why did he create and give Human and Angels the emotions and thoughts that lead to sin in the first place? Free Will isnt all that free. He programmed us with the ability to turn away or against him. We have free will to make our on choices but is it really free will because he designed us this way.
I wondered that too growing up. Also why did Satan have evil come into his soul in the first place and was he the first of the angels to know sin. Why would god even create the thinking that leads to sin. Some people will say its free will but that answer falls apart if you think about it. God created all things. He therefore would have had to created all emotion and thought patterns.

Why did he create and give Human and Angels the emotions and thoughts that lead to sin in the first place? Free Will isnt all that free. He programmed us with the ability to turn away or against him. We have free will to make our on choices but is it really free will because he designed us this way.

First paragraph, it is odd that we humans were created because angels followed God without question but Satan and a host fell. How is this possible?

Free will is to expansive and deserves its own thread. Free will was afforded to Adam and Eve, question is did they lose it?
Definitely not trying to be arrogant or anything like that. I apologize to you personally bro. I really do wish you would get a commentary like that and dive in. You are very passionate about your beliefs. If you pray for understanding before you read His word He will help you. The Bible is not about man. Its purpose is to reveal God to us. All of his characteristics not just love. Love is the greatest though. A person as passionate as you could accomplish much for the Lord if your desires changed to Him.

I am probably the most open minded person you are ever going to meet (weird that in the twenty-first century we say meet when talking on a message board...ironic).

I wouldn't say that I am "passionate" about what I believe. I read a lot of philosophy and theoretical physics in my spare time. My views about everything are constantly evolving based on new science, new ideas I read, and of course new life experiences. I come from the skeptical viewpoint of everything.

"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing." ~ Socrates

I don't engage in these discussions to share my views. If you have noticed, I haven't expressed my views at all. I merely ask questions, challenge people about their beliefs, and fact check in hope of broadening my own knowledge while simultaneously trying to not only broaden the views of others but also to look upon their faiths in a different light.

Like I mentioned before, I am going to watch the video you posted and reply tomorrow. I have done this in the past for other posters who posted Christian Science videos. One of them actually raised a couple good points which I went on to thoroughly research for myself until I had a satisfactory answer.
Oh yes. But to be honest, at the end of the day, all that matters is that what you believe helps you sleep at night. To me, that is part of the role of religion. To help us cope with the ugliness of our reality.

I personally find the Judo-Christian God to unpleasant if true on an emotional level and inconsistent with my perception of reality on a rational level.

I understand that. The whole Paradise or Lake of Fire belief has always baffled me.

Now God loves us. He wants us to accept and love him if we do then paradise is our reward. However if we chose to no and turn away from him everlasting Torture, Torment, and Despair becomes our eternity.

First off thats one Hell of a choice lol. Second how can a father who created something he loves do that to his child. Even if the child says screw you Dad how can a being that is literally described as Love send his creation to a fate like that.

Basiclly Daddy loves you with all my being. I want you here with me. Oh you dont feel the same way son. Well now you will no just how evil a father of love can be.
First paragraph, it is odd that we humans were created because angels followed God without question but Satan and a host fell. How is this possible?

Free will is to expansive and deserves its own thread. Free will was afforded to Adam and Eve, question is did they lose it?

Very true how can a being that has a mind and body flawed and imperfect from birth by Adams sin truly know free will.

You ever have bad thoughts just enter your mind. Lust Greed Hate etc.... Now your mind created a image you had no control over yet the bible says having the thought of sinning is no different than acting it out. So you hurt and angered God without intending too. Thats not Free Will
Very true how can a being that has a mind and body flawed and imperfect from birth by Adams sin truly know free will.

You ever have bad thoughts just enter your mind. Lust Greed Hate etc.... Now your mind created a image you had no control over yet the bible says having the thought of sinning is no different than acting it out. So you hurt and angered God without intending too. Thats not Free Will

Sex dominates my mind :)
This is just stuff I ponder, why did God allow Satan and his angels to fall?

Is this not the root of every thing?

I believe that for there to be good there must be evil.

God may or may not have created evil or evil may just have always been as God has always been.

But the Devil tapped into the evil and for there to be balance God stayed within the guidelines and let him fall.

When the Devil will finally be defeated he will still exist but exist in hell.

Evil will never go away but be simply locked in another portal kinda like the 3 bad people in Superman 2.

He will even break back out kinda like Superman 2 and then Jesus will beat his ass while in the fortress of solitude...uh I mean earth.
I believe that for there to be good there must be evil.

God may or may not have created evil or evil may just have always been as God has always been.

But the Devil tapped into the evil and for there to be balance God stayed within the guidelines and let him fall.

When the Devil will finally be defeated he will still exist but exist in hell.

Evil will never go away but be simply locked in another portal kinda like the 3 bad people in Superman 2.

He will even break back out kinda like Superman 2 and then Jesus will beat his ass while in the fortress of solitude...uh I mean earth.

Hey, that explanation of good vs. evil is just as good as any I've ever heard. I liked the JC = Superman thing. So how about the rest of the JLA?
Hey, that explanation of good vs. evil is just as good as any I've ever heard. I liked the JC = Superman thing. So how about the rest of the JLA?

supermans dad did send him to earth to save the planet...just saying.

well Satan would be obviously be darkseid.

I'll get back to you on the rest.
Is God omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolant?

Rev 19:6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
I am probably the most open minded person you are ever going to meet (weird that in the twenty-first century we say meet when talking on a message board...ironic).

I wouldn't say that I am "passionate" about what I believe. I read a lot of philosophy and theoretical physics in my spare time. My views about everything are constantly evolving based on new science, new ideas I read, and of course new life experiences. I come from the skeptical viewpoint of everything.

"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing." ~ Socrates

I don't engage in these discussions to share my views. If you have noticed, I haven't expressed my views at all. I merely ask questions, challenge people about their beliefs, and fact check in hope of broadening my own knowledge while simultaneously trying to not only broaden the views of others but also to look upon their faiths in a different light.

Like I mentioned before, I am going to watch the video you posted and reply tomorrow. I have done this in the past for other posters who posted Christian Science videos. One of them actually raised a couple good points which I went on to thoroughly research for myself until I had a satisfactory answer.

You seem to be a really cool cat. We have a lot in common as far as the way we pursue knowledge. I hope that video is online. I got my dvds on ebay. They are real cheap bc they are bootleg. Dr. Hovind says at the end to feel free to copy them and distribute. He actually has a theme park in Fla with a lot of cool stuff....a human femur like 4 ft long, dino skeletons, petrified stuff. Research trees that were petrified upside down. There are many which pass3 or 4 different strata supposedly millions of years apart. In order for that to have occurred the tree would have to stand upside down for millions of years while everything else died and turned to limestone....or it could have been Noahs flood. Did you know that almost every culture in the world has a flood story (ark and all) cultures that were completely separated for thousands of years. I highly recommend the whole series at the high school level. I think its called CSE 101 by Dr. Kent hovind. Please spend the 5 or 10 dollars to get it on ebay if you can't find it online. If you think its a waste of your time after watching it you can mail them to me and I will buy them. I need new copies anyway. I give you my word on that.
Very true how can a being that has a mind and body flawed and imperfect from birth by Adams sin truly know free will.

You ever have bad thoughts just enter your mind. Lust Greed Hate etc.... Now your mind created a image you had no control over yet the bible says having the thought of sinning is no different than acting it out. So you hurt and angered God without intending too. Thats not Free Will

that's right. That is not free will. That is mans "sin nature" given to us by adam and eve. The Bible says a mans heart is wicked above all things. Free will is your ability to choose to do right or wrong, to act on those impulses or not. Most importantly free will is choosing whether to accept Jesus as the Messiah or not. Denying Christ is the only unforgivable sin. Its a scary proposition and a constant burden to any believer. There are many unsaved people in my family on my job etc. I don't want any of them to go to Hell. I have a burden right now for the folks in this thread and want you to know I've been praying for you all. I love people of all races creeds and backgrounds and I want us all to go to Heaven. That's why I put my limited free time into this. I definitely don't have it all figured out but the Bible makes the salvation plan very clear for a reason. God wants us all to choose him. He says " I am not willing that any should perish, but have everlasting life through Christ."
He will even break back out kinda like Superman 2 and then Jesus will beat his ass while in the fortress of solitude...uh I mean earth.

You touched on something else I never could understand. A lot of Evangelicals talk about The Rapture and Armageddon. Satan and Jesus is going to have their showdown and Jesus will win by casting him into the abyss.

My question is why would Satan even bother. Why would he and his fellow Fallen fight a battle they know they have no chance of winning. Seriously its one thing to be the Underdog but he has known what the outcome will be for thousands of years. You are literally battling GOD. That is 1000 to 0 odds in vegas
supermans dad did send him to earth to save the planet...just saying.

I thought good ol' dad sent him to earth to save the little guy hisownself. But its been a while since I read the Gospel according to Action Comics.

well Satan would be obviously be darkseid.

Hmm. I don't remember him.

I'll get back to you on the rest.

You touched on something else I never could understand. A lot of Evangelicals talk about The Rapture and Armageddon. Satan and Jesus is going to have their showdown and Jesus will win by casting him into the abyss.

My question is why would Satan even bother. Why would he and his fellow Fallen fight a battle they know they have no chance of winning. Seriously its one thing to be the Underdog but he has known what the outcome will be for thousands of years. You are literally battling GOD. That is 1000 to 0 odds in vegas

Two things

1.) Napoleon said Megiddo is the perfect battlefield

2.) One last hurah and take as many with you?
You touched on something else I never could understand. A lot of Evangelicals talk about The Rapture and Armageddon. Satan and Jesus is going to have their showdown and Jesus will win by casting him into the abyss.

My question is why would Satan even bother. Why would he and his fellow Fallen fight a battle they know they have no chance of winning. Seriously its one thing to be the Underdog but he has known what the outcome will be for thousands of years. You are literally battling GOD. That is 1000 to 0 odds in vegas

You are right about a lot of things. Satan knows exactly what will happen and he fears Jesus. Even the demons know Jesus name and they fear Him. The reason he will fight is pride. Pride is what caused him to fall and is the root of most of mans sin. Materialism, anger, envy, vengeance...all are rooted in pride.

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