Tenn. Senate OKs Bill To Allow Anti-Evolution Talk In Classrooms

You are right about a lot of things. Satan knows exactly what will happen and he fears Jesus. Even the demons know Jesus name and they fear Him. The reason he will fight is pride. Pride is what caused him to fall and is the root of most of mans sin. Materialism, anger, envy, vengeance...all are rooted in pride.

On this subject, how did an angel know pride?
You touched on something else I never could understand. A lot of Evangelicals talk about The Rapture and Armageddon. Satan and Jesus is going to have their showdown and Jesus will win by casting him into the abyss.

My question is why would Satan even bother. Why would he and his fellow Fallen fight a battle they know they have no chance of winning. Seriously its one thing to be the Underdog but he has known what the outcome will be for thousands of years. You are literally battling GOD. That is 1000 to 0 odds in vegas

alot of theologist belief Satan actually thought he could beat God and thought if Jesus died it meant he won. It was only at the end that he realized Jesus death actually beat him.

Some also believe that he does not believe he will be beat.

I personally believe he knows he has lost now and is doing his best to send as many people to hell with him as possible out of pure rage and hate.
that's right. That is not free will. That is mans "sin nature" given to us by adam and eve. The Bible says a mans heart is wicked above all things. Free will is your ability to choose to do right or wrong, to act on those impulses or not. Most importantly free will is choosing whether to accept Jesus as the Messiah or not. Denying Christ is the only unforgivable sin. Its a scary proposition and a constant burden to any believer. There are many unsaved people in my family on my job etc. I don't want any of them to go to Hell. I have a burden right now for the folks in this thread and want you to know I've been praying for you all. I love people of all races creeds and backgrounds and I want us all to go to Heaven. That's why I put my limited free time into this. I definitely don't have it all figured out but the Bible makes the salvation plan very clear for a reason. God wants us all to choose him. He says " I am not willing that any should perish, but have everlasting life through Christ."

If more Christians in this country debated and explained their beliefs as well as you do Pews would start filling up again.:hi:
alot of theologist belief Satan actually thought he could beat God and thought if Jesus died it meant he won. It was only at the end that he realized Jesus death actually beat him.

Some also believe that he does not believe he will be beat.

I personally believe he knows he has lost now and is doing his best to send as many people to hell with him as possible out of pure rage and hate.

I must say you and Marcus earned my respect reading these responses. You two actually sound like you did what Jesus wanted his followers to due. Sought him out and took notes for study hall. :)

Seriously guys :hi:
I must say you and Marcus earned my respect reading these responses. You two actually sound like you did what Jesus wanted his followers to due. Sought him out and took notes for study hall. :)

Seriously guys :hi:

I came to the conclusion that there is a God because the odds of all this happening from nothing at all to a fully functional universe where everything fits into place perfectly is just not logical...sorry scientist on here it's just not.

So from there, I asked if this world was created then who created and why would he create it.

From there I rationally looked at the Bible and feel that it is the most logical premise of how this universe came about and why we are here.

I personally don't care about whether or not God created the world in six days and built it like legos stacked on each other (which I believe) or that he made one lego and billions of legos came from that one lego over billions of years (which I find hard to believe) but either way God is and was in control and that is all that matters.

whether the duck was always a duck or the duck was once a fish doesnt mean a hill of beans to my salvation and reason for being here.
If more Christians in this country debated and explained their beliefs as well as you do Pews would start filling up again.:hi:

Thanks bud. My knowledge of scripture is limited for sure. OEs is quite impressive. VN is my first internet socializing. Not on facebook etc. And my computer skills are weak at best. I don't even know how to post a link..I have really enjoyed learning some different viewpoints and having new questions in my mind. God bless you and yours. I have learned a lot here.
I came to the conclusion that there is a God because the odds of all this happening from nothing at all to a fully functional universe where everything fits into place perfectly is just not logical...sorry scientist on here it's just not.

So from there, I asked if this world was created then who created and why would he create it.

From there I rationally looked at the Bible and feel that it is the most logical premise of how this universe came about and why we are here.

I personally don't care about whether or not God created the world in six days and built it like legos stacked on each other (which I believe) or that he made one lego and billions of legos came from that one lego over billions of years (which I find hard to believe) but either way God is and was in control and that is all that matters.

whether the duck was always a duck or the duck was once a fish doesnt mean a hill of beans to my salvation and reason for being here.

You can't imagine how happy you just made me. I mean that sincerely. Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
So many people spend their lives searching for the purpose of life. The reason for human life is simply to glorify God. That is also the simplest way to decide if something is wrong or right. Many things are not mentioned in the Bible because they are "new". If you simply ask yourself if an action brings glory to Him it can generally help you make the decision. I believe the number 1 stumbling block for Christians (myself included) as they try to improve their walk with him is self denial. I am trying to make it to a place where I can truly "give Him the keys" to my life and let Him drive. To get up in the morning and pray "Lord whatever your will is for me please give me the strength and wisdom to do it to the best of my ability. Help me to put away my own fleshly desires and seek to only glorify you this day. Please keep me from sin and draw me closer to you. If I accomplish nothing else today help me to know you a little better and love you a little more." I fail him every single day of my life and he loves me anyway. He is my. Father. He is the author of forgiveness and love. I draw a lot of my strength from my wife. She is a prayer warrior.she gets up at 6 am every day though she doesn't work outside the home and gets on her knees in my dining room to beg God for guidance and protection for our whole family. She led me to Christ in 2003 and has been a constant source of spiritual inspiration. I believe if more men had a good Christian woman behind them the world would be an entirely different place.
I came to the conclusion that there is a God because the odds of all this happening from nothing at all to a fully functional universe where everything fits into place perfectly is just not logical...sorry scientist on here it's just not.

So from there, I asked if this world was created then who created and why would he create it.

From there I rationally looked at the Bible and feel that it is the most logical premise of how this universe came about and why we are here.

I personally don't care about whether or not God created the world in six days and built it like legos stacked on each other (which I believe) or that he made one lego and billions of legos came from that one lego over billions of years (which I find hard to believe) but either way God is and was in control and that is all that matters.

whether the duck was always a duck or the duck was once a fish doesnt mean a hill of beans to my salvation and reason for being here.

By the way, I agree with this mostly. (I tend to believe the 6 days was allegory, but the point is the same: God did it!)

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