Tennessee Lady Vol News

We know Jackson will and you have to think all the players now upper classmen with a lot of experience will play a lot more confident and aggressive. I am still taking Sarah Puckett as my breakout player think she will be much improved and effective this coming season.
I believe Rickea can take over a game, and I think her play will inspire our team’s play. Hope you’re right about Sara, but to me, she can block under the basket, but she doesn’t rebound or shoot well under the basket. It’s not in her comfort zone, but I think she’s a leader, so we’ll see.
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Last year you could see certain players come out scared/nervous in big games, so do we have someone on this team who will have that ‘refuse to lose’ mentality? Who will be the DAWG? Who will play with confidence, determined, relentless, unafraid and fearless, because that’s what this team needs. It’s not just the body, it’s the heart and mind.


It’s no secret that Destinee Wells and Jewel Spear have played against top P5 teams every year as a top offensive option on their former teams. Wells at times had another option to play off of in the backcourt so she’s use to being a facilitator and not just a scorer.
Destinee Wells has experience playing in the NCAA tourney as an underclassmen.
Spear had a great showing last season in the ACC tourney. Jewel also had some dominant ACC regular season performances.
Jillian Hollingshead had a big performance in the SEC tourney in the victory over LSU. Having both Tamari Key and Rickea J back and looking to be healthy puts this team in a position to dominate the post.
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Mock drafts have Rickea slipping to 5th and going to the Wings. I would be thrilled. Hope the idiocy of the ESPN reporters continues all season and she becomes a Wing. Of course when she leads TN to a one seed and a FF that might change, but I wouldn’t count on it.
It should be interesting for that POY award this upcoming season. We also have alot more offensive options this year with Spear and Wells coming in, the return of Key and continued growth of Hollingshead. Don't really expect Rickea's scoring to go up much from last year although I think her efficiency numbers will continue to climb. The improvement of field goal percentage from Mississippi State to Tennessee was remarkable in year one here. Should be even better because of the offensive options around her this year and teams will not be able to double team her defensively.
I expect RJ's scoring to stay roughly the same, consistent 20 ppg, maybe upping the rebounds to around 8 fm last yrs nearly 7. IMO it's the consistency, the efficiency, the ability to take over a game and the assurity of the big bucket when one is most needed that will make her the SEC POY. Along w a few crazy high scoring games, like Miss St, Arky, and KY in tourney last year.
Mock drafts have Rickea slipping to 5th and going to the Wings. I would be thrilled. Hope the idiocy of the ESPN reporters continues all season and she becomes a Wing. Of course when she leads TN to a one seed and a FF that might change, but I wouldn’t count on it.
Behind who? IMO Angel does not come out and if she did, will not be top 5 unless its for the hype and publicity. Also think there's a good chance Paige and Azzi stay in school, esp if they don't win the natty. Pretty sure Clark comes out and is the #1 pick. Maybe Edwards above Rickea, but who else? Brink? I just can't see that.

All that said, what I learned this year is getting drafted to the right team whose needs you fill is much more important than draft #. Ask Jordy, or Dorka. Rickea will definitely be KJH 4th straight first round pick, and from there I just hope for a really good fit who needs her strengths.
I expect RJ's scoring to stay roughly the same, consistent 20 ppg, maybe upping the rebounds to around 8 fm last yrs nearly 7. IMO it's the consistency, the efficiency, the ability to take over a game and the assurity of the big bucket when one is most needed that will make her the SEC POY. Along w a few crazy high scoring games, like Miss St, Arky, and KY in tourney last year.

Behind who? IMO Angel does not come out and if she did, will not be top 5 unless its for the hype and publicity. Also think there's a good chance Paige and Azzi stay in school, esp if they don't win the natty. Pretty sure Clark comes out and is the #1 pick. Maybe Edwards above Rickea, but who else? Brink? I just can't see that.

All that said, what I learned this year is getting drafted to the right team whose needs you fill is much more important than draft #. Ask Jordy, or Dorka. Rickea will definitely be KJH 4th straight first round pick, and from there I just hope for a really good fit who needs her strengths.
Yea it kind of bugs me they keep leaving kea out of the conversation all they talk about on wnba games or anything is brink,angel,Clark,or Paige I mean no disrespect to any of them but my goodness
One of the main factors to consider when determining whether the roster is loaded and capable of going 15-1 in-conference -- Wow! That's way optimistic, IMO! -- is how all the new players will mesh.

I know we all remember all too well that last year's team took most of the season to get it together, and we'll have just as many new players this year as we did last.

I guess I'm going to need to see them in a game or two before I'll feel comfortable making any predictions. Heck, even Tamari is going to have to learn to mesh with all the players who were new last year AND this years after sitting out practically all of last season.

The potential for greatness is definitely there -- on paper. I hope to high heavens the chemistry is good much earlier this season than last. The schedule this season makes that more likely, so that's a huge plus.

It's going to be a fun season -- I am sure of that!
In those tight games coaching decisions will be huge.
Yea it kind of bugs me they keep leaving kea out of the conversation all they talk about on wnba games or anything is brink,angel,Clark,or Paige I mean no disrespect to any of them but my goodness
Right? Did I dream Mexico? Did she not go down there and kick all available ass? Brink? Really?

Seriously, let em sleep. I think the important folks know. I'm curious how the media and coaches votes are going to look in few weeks. Rickea should easily be unanimous preseason All SEC, probably Angel as well. Who else? Jessica Carter, Kamilla? Maybe too soon to know about HVL and Morrow in the SEC. Ditto Tamari Key. Jewel? How about Raven Johnson? Barker? Who all am I forgetting?

I expect as a team the LVs will be picked 3rd, once again. Until we see results to the contrary, that's probably fair.
Yea it kind of bugs me they keep leaving kea out of the conversation all they talk about on wnba games or anything is brink,angel,Clark,or Paige I mean no disrespect to any of them but my goodness

If Rickea finishes this next season having finally broken that bad habit of spinning into defenders in the paint to just turn it over, she will be in those conversations -- assuming, of course, she still has that sweet mid-range jumper. It would help a lot, too, if she becomes a bigger threat from deep.

The spin-into-a-turnover move was a glaring weakness, and it was one that she never appeared to be able to break herself of the habit of attempting. This is the kind of thing that sends up red flags to scouts ... that maybe bad habits are too far ingrained and would take way too much time for a staff short on time to manage. So if Kea wants to be considered as more than just a beautiful fade-away jump-shooter, she is going to have to demonstrate growth this season, in my opinion.

That jumper is one of the prettiest, most effective I've seen in a very long time, but that darn turnover move hurts her.
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If Rickea finishes this next season having finally broken that bad habit of spinning into defenders in the paint to just turn it over, she will be in those conversations -- assuming, of course, she still has that sweet mid-range jumper. It would help a lot, too, if she becomes a bigger threat from deep.

The spin-into-a-turnover move was a glaring weakness, and it was one that she never appeared to be able to break herself of the habit of attempting. This is the kind of thing that sends up red flags to scouts ... that maybe bad habits are too far ingrained and would take way too much time for a staff short on time to manage. So if Kea wants to be considered as more than just a beautiful fade-away jump-shooter, she is going to have to demonstrate growth this season, in my opinion.

That jumper is one of the prettiest, most effective I've seen in a very long time, but that darn turnover move hurts her.
That same move was a spin into a bucket move alot, and for some crucial baskets. So it's not like it was an unmitigated disaster. She just has to learn not to go to the well too often with it, and for it to develop more quickly. It will help alot that she's bigger and stronger now, which is why it worked against players like Edwards this summer. Just needs a better feel for when and where, which hopefully is part of what she's been working on all summer.

To me the question mark around RJ for W scouts is outside shooting. That definitely needs to get better this season.
If Rickea finishes this next season having finally broken that bad habit of spinning into defenders in the paint to just turn it over, she will be in those conversations -- assuming, of course, she still has that sweet mid-range jumper. It would help a lot, too, if she becomes a bigger threat from deep.

The spin-into-a-turnover move was a glaring weakness, and it was one that she never appeared to be able to break herself of the habit of attempting. This is the kind of thing that sends up red flags to scouts ... that maybe bad habits are too far ingrained and would take way too much time for a staff short on time to manage. So if Kea wants to be considered as more than just a beautiful fade-away jump-shooter, she is going to have to demonstrate growth this season, in my opinion.

That jumper is one of the prettiest, most effective I've seen in a very long time, but that darn turnover move hurts her.
the spin into a turnover,,,was mostly weakside a doubleteamer coming from her blind-side
And yes, I am one of the prettiest, most effective....Oh,,,Maybe you meant the other "jumper"
If Rickea finishes this next season having finally broken that bad habit of spinning into defenders in the paint to just turn it over, she will be in those conversations -- assuming, of course, she still has that sweet mid-range jumper. It would help a lot, too, if she becomes a bigger threat from deep.

The spin-into-a-turnover move was a glaring weakness, and it was one that she never appeared to be able to break herself of the habit of attempting. This is the kind of thing that sends up red flags to scouts ... that maybe bad habits are too far ingrained and would take way too much time for a staff short on time to manage. So if Kea wants to be considered as more than just a beautiful fade-away jump-shooter, she is going to have to demonstrate growth this season, in my opinion.

That jumper is one of the prettiest, most effective I've seen in a very long time, but that darn turnover move hurts her.
She averaged less than three turnovers a game so yes it was usually a couple takeaways on that move. I think the bigger problem is that she would have to average about 30 ppg with over 50 percent shooting average to get in the conversation with some other players like Clark, You have to have that big average 18 to 20 ppg won't get you noticed no matter how effective you are. With our team and all the scorers we have that is exactly where I expect her to be as far as average.
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She averaged less than three turnovers a game so yes it was usually a couple takeaways on that move. I think the bigger problem is that she would have to average about 30 ppg with over 50 percent shooting average to get in the conversation with some other players like Clark, You have to have that big average 18 to 20 ppg won't get you noticed no matter how effective you are. With our team and all the scorers we have that is exactly where I expect her to be as far as average.
I said a long time ago Rickea will mostly likely not be national POY. No one not named Clark or Paige probably has a chance. She will not be that kind of scorer. But she may well be the SEC POY, where a 20 pt avg gets plenty of notice.

Another thing I'd like to see RJ excel at is passing out the double team. Lots more scorers to kick out to now.
I said a long time ago Rickea will mostly likely not be national POY. No one not named Clark or Paige probably has a chance. She will not be that kind of scorer. But she may well be the SEC POY, where a 20 pt avg gets plenty of notice.

Another thing I'd like to see RJ excel at is passing out the double team. Lots more scorers to kick out to now.
the key is your last sentence,,if I am a scorer and I am not confident my open shooter will take/make the shot, I HAVE to do it myself.

Michael had Scottie
Rickea has to find her "Scottie"
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the subject, the coach are not about women's basketball. I provide the quotes from the Clemson Football coach because they are so relevant to my personal beliefs in the LVs

"We have conviction. You are never going to make (everyone happy), there is always going to be criticism, especially when you have success, which is good, because people care, that is fine.... we’re not sitting here today - I would have been long gone, a long time ago, if I ran this program the way everybody else wanted me to run it. I wouldn’t be sitting here. At the end of the day you have to have conviction in what you believe in as leader and understand that some people are going to like you and some people are not going to like you and some are going to believe in what you want to do and some aren’t and that just comes with it. But at the end of the day you have to do things with the way you believe and we have a process that we believe in and if I was somewhere else my process would probably be different, but we have an established culture."
there have been two or three great ones, that we thought would help us… but guess what? They got to love you too. Just because you want them don’t mean they want you
Swinney said. "And so, we know who we are. Are we perfect? No. Are we always right? No. Not even close. But I think we’ve demonstrated that we’ve got a clue. I love the people we have and when we make a mistake, we try and correct it.
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If Rickea finishes this next season having finally broken that bad habit of spinning into defenders in the paint to just turn it over, she will be in those conversations -- assuming, of course, she still has that sweet mid-range jumper. It would help a lot, too, if she becomes a bigger threat from deep.

The spin-into-a-turnover move was a glaring weakness, and it was one that she never appeared to be able to break herself of the habit of attempting. This is the kind of thing that sends up red flags to scouts ... that maybe bad habits are too far ingrained and would take way too much time for a staff short on time to manage. So if Kea wants to be considered as more than just a beautiful fade-away jump-shooter, she is going to have to demonstrate growth this season, in my opinion.

That jumper is one of the prettiest, most effective I've seen in a very long time, but that darn turnover move hurts her.
I agree with that as well, but I think she also needs to be more aggressive and assertive, like demanding the ball when that’s needed. I have high hopes for her this season, I think by the time it’s all said and done everyone will k is who Rickea Jackson is.
She's going to need to get back to her peak lithe physical form. She's probably a little less quick right now than she could be.
Disagree. She's now got the body she and the coaches have worked hard for all summer. She was plain skinny by the end of last season and was getting thrown around by players like Edwards like a rag doll. The "spin into turnover" move almost always ended w RJ on her backside on the floor. Easily knocked off her feet by the helpside defender. Didn't appear to lack quickness in Mexico, and any "litheness" she sacrificed in favor of lower body strength seems to be part of the plan.
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Disagree. She's now got the body she and the coaches have worked hard for all summer. She was plain skinny by the end of last season and was getting thrown around by players like Edwards like a rag doll. The "spin into turnover" move almost always ended w RJ on her backside on the floor. Easily knocked off her feet by the helpside defender. Didn't appear to lack quickness in Mexico, and any "litheness" she sacrificed in favor of lower body strength seems to be part of the plan.
I think it could be a situation where she is bulking up to add muscle then will slim down in the next phase of this type of strength and muscle building program. Body Builders and other athletes do this all the time to add muscle in large voume then when they slim down they will end up with a lot more lean weight and far less body fat. If she is eating the right foods to do this then she could be awesome physically by the start of the season or soon thereafter. Stronger and quicker than she was before.

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