Texas law effectively banning Critical Race Theory in classrooms leads to inclusion of Holocaust denialism materials

A major shift in voting in a state that was heavily (and I mean heavily) Democratic happened in the late 60's. If only there some major event that happened earlier in the 60's that could help explain this shift........

It wasn't a major shift in voting. And if it were the case it's opposite of your theory, if southerners were mad about the civil rights act and movement why would they elect the party that got it passed? Wouldn't they have continued to send the "Dixicrats" to DC and the state houses?
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The radical ones are the ones fore feeding their radical ideas on others and attempting to silence them and punishing them for not falling in line. Are you what you claim to be, a libertarian or are you a liberaltarian?

Libertarians are not for banning ideas, duh.
How the ‘Party of Lincoln’ Won Over the Once Democratic South
Up until the post-World War II period, the party’s hold on the region was so entrenched that Southern politicians usually couldn’t get elected unless they were Democrats. But when President Harry S. Truman, a Democratic Southerner, introduced a pro-civil rights platform at the party’s 1948 convention, a faction walked out.
These defectors, known as the “Dixiecrats,” held a separate convention in Birmingham, Alabama. There, they nominated South Carolina Governor Strom Thurmond, a staunch opposer of civil rights, to run for president on their “States’ Rights” ticket. Although Thurmond lost the election to Truman, he still won over a million popular votes.
...... The big break didn’t come until President Johnson, another Southern Democrat, signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965.
Though some Democrats had switched to the Republican party prior to this, “the defections became a flood” after Johnson signed these acts, Goldfield says. “And so the political parties began to reconstitute themselves.”
By the time Ronald Reagan became president in 1980, the Republican party’s hold on white Southerners was firm.
You failed to mention a few things. Those dixiecrats were democrats. Only a few switched to the Republican side. The vast majority stayed democrats the rest of their lives. Apparently, you and other people are okay with the fact that they were allowed to stay in the party.

Also, explain then why Clinton was able to win some southern states like Tennessee? How did Tennessee elect McWhorter and Bredesen? Both democrat governors.

Reason many Tennesseans and Southerners are Republicans is because the democrat party has steered too far to the left. Why can't you just acknowledge and admit that? And Southern states aren't the only ones that are majority Republican. Many Midwestern and Western states are and have been for a long time now.
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I already did.

Political party strength in Tennessee - Wikipedia

TN was a heavy Democrat state until the late 60's.
Let me know who Tennessee voted for in the 1976, 1992, and 1996 presidential elections. What were the political parties of each Tennessee governor since then? I'm sure you're smart enough to research this.

Harding won Tennessee. Hoover won the state once. Eisenhower won the state of Tennessee twice. All before 1960s.

Would you like to continue?
So like alternate realities? What if the Nazis was good people and the Jews really was plotting world domination. Not going to say I agree with it, but I can see some funny books coming out of this. "The Holy Bible Part Three the Jewish Revenge". I will stop there before I really screw up with a dark joke. I am a walking trigger warning anymore.

Edit: Can we get a Civil War alternate ending too? I mean once you close the book you know its not real, but for those few minutes you can live a dream.
Trump did say all those Nazis are fine people, right BB?
You failed to mention a few things. Those dixiecrats were democrats. Only a few switched to the Republican side. The vast majority stayed democrats the rest of their lives. Apparently, you and other people are okay with the fact that they were allowed to stay in the party.

Also, explain then why Clinton was able to win some southern states like Tennessee? How did Tennessee elect McWhorter and Bredesen? Both democrat governors.

Reason many Tennesseans and Southerners are Republicans is because the democrat party has steered too far to the left. Why can't you just acknowledge and admit that? And Southern states aren't the only ones that are majority Republican. Many Midwestern and Western states are and have been for a long time now.
Ideological change and election results aren't immediately simultaneous with one another
Reason many Tennesseans and Southerners are Republicans is because the democrat party has steered too far to the left.

That it has. The DNC and GOP have both slid too far in their respective directions, leaving a growing frustrated and unfortunately silent middle to pick the lesser of two evils or feel like they are throwing away a vote on small parties with no hope of election.

This breakdown by the Pew Center provides a visual look at the continually expanding divide. I shudder to see the charts were they updated today.

Political Polarization and Growing Ideological Consistency
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It wasn't a major shift in voting. And if it were the case it's opposite of your theory, if southerners were mad about the civil rights act and movement why would they elect the party that got it passed? Wouldn't they have continued to send the "Dixicrats" to DC and the state houses?

1. TN went from roughly +80% control in the Assembly and the Senate in the 40's and 50's and early 60's (with no R Governors or US Senators in 30+ years), to roughly 60% control in the Assembly and 50/50 split in the Senate by the late 60s. And voting in a R governor and 2 US Senartors. Dems would regain some ground in the late 70's, but nothing like they had before the Civil Rights Movement.

2. People generally blame the leaders in charge, which was Kennedy and Johnson (both Dem). And the US Senate and House were Dem controlled at the time too.
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Ideological change and election results aren't immediately simultaneous with one another

100% agree with this statement. What I completely disagree with is the falsehood that flashpoint for the change was the civil rights act/movement. Had that been the case the election results would have changed much quicker.
Ideological change and election results aren't immediately simultaneous with one another
People were claiming and will still claim there was an ideological shift that happened after the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Not true. If there was every single democrat who voted against would have left and went to the Republican party? Did that happen?

If there are people who are democrats on here that are upset that the South is mostly Republican now then maybe try fixing the mess in your own party.
100% agree with this statement. What I completely disagree with is the falsehood that flashpoint for the change was the civil rights act/movement. Had that been the case the election results would have changed much quicker.
But was a catalyst for ideological conservatives, who were Democrats, to switch parties. Certainly there have been other factors since
People were claiming and will still claim there was an ideological shift that happened after the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Not true. If there was every single democrat who voted against would have left and went to the Republican party? Did that happen?

If there are people who are democrats on here that are upset that the South is mostly Republican now then maybe try fixing the mess in your own party.
It's not my party.
But was a catalyst for ideological conservatives, who were Democrats, to switch parties. Certainly there have been other factors since

Few Democrats switched parties until the 90s. If that were the case the Ds wouldn't have held control over state legislatures for as long as they did.
That it has. The DNC and GOP have both slid too far in their respective directions, leaving a growing frustrated and unfortunately silent middle to pick the lesser of two evils or feel like they are throwing away a vote on small parties with no hope of election.

This breakdown by the Pew Center provides a visual look at the continually expanding divide. I shudder to see the charts were they updated today.

Political Polarization and Growing Ideological Consistency
Does not change the fact that people on here have claimed two things that were false. That the ideological shift happened in the 1960s, which is not true. And that another one happened with Reagan. Once again not true. Then of course there is the supposed southern strategy of 1972. Another myth. The presidential elections of 1972, 1980, and 1984 were won in landslides. Nixon and Reagan didn't win because they got the Southern vote or ideological shifts. They won because the democrat candidates in each election sucked.
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