That's racist!

Im not a troll and im not subtle. Sorry to offend you though. Is this a place where alternative opinions are allowed? or do ya'll just wanna have a cute little culture war with no opposing opinions? just wondering

Like twitter and Facebook?

You're literally trolling.
Kim Kardashian Finally Confirmed Kanye West's Tweets Calling Her A "White Supremacist" Were The "Final Straw" And The Reason She Began Thinking About Divorce

Previously on keeping up with Kanye...


Remove all identification of race, sex etc from ALL job applications for starters.

Yeah, but you still have the names. A first name with an apostrophe, begins with "de" (for example), or too few vowels is a dead giveaway. Probably have to create a database where numbers would be assigned to names ... somehow without a lower or higher number having significance.

I suppose a prohibition against mothers giving kids absurd names that label them for life would be racist, so that's obviously out.
Yeah, but you still have the names. A first name with an apostrophe, begins with "de" (for example), or too few vowels is a dead giveaway. Probably have to create a database where numbers would be assigned to names ... somehow without a lower or higher number having significance.

I suppose a prohibition against mothers giving kids absurd names that label them for life would be racist, so that's obviously out.
I find that the grammar of most resumes I toss out usually coincide with ridiculous first names. Also, any mention of doing anything at a fraternity is a dead ringer. Had one guy looking for a promotion and he said he managed his HBCU's gang fraternity's budget for 1 semester and he had a 1.9gpa...
Yeah, but you still have the names. A first name with an apostrophe, begins with "de" (for example), or too few vowels is a dead giveaway. Probably have to create a database where numbers would be assigned to names ... somehow without a lower or higher number having significance.

I suppose a prohibition against mothers giving kids absurd names that label them for life would be racist, so that's obviously out.
Hence the 'etc' at the end. I also think interviews should be conducted over the phone with voice masking software, because that is a giveaway as well. The only ID is a Social Security Number, that way you know they are legal as well.
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I love when I read a resume and they are experts at every single thing known to man. HR gizzes and brings them in immediately thinking they have found the holy grail of employees. I used to point out how these people embellish their resume's to trigger certain keywords that companies are looking for. HR people are idiots.
I love when I read a resume and they are experts at every single thing known to man. HR gizzes and brings them in immediately thinking they have found the holy grail of employees. I used to point out how these people embellish their resume's to trigger certain keywords that companies are looking for. HR people are idiots.

My 8th grade English teacher did not even have a degree as he claimed. Worked at my HS for years until they discovered. Actually he was pretty cool.
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I love when I read a resume and they are experts at every single thing known to man. HR gizzes and brings them in immediately thinking they have found the holy grail of employees. I used to point out how these people embellish their resume's to trigger certain keywords that companies are looking for. HR people are idiots.
And the older I get, the more I realize that a college degree means only one thing: You are trainable. Other than that, it doesn't mean ****. You don't know a damned thing about anything.
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I love when I read a resume and they are experts at every single thing known to man. HR gizzes and brings them in immediately thinking they have found the holy grail of employees. I used to point out how these people embellish their resume's to trigger certain keywords that companies are looking for. HR people are idiots.
THIS...My wife's company is looking to hire support staff and these resume's read like CEO material. It's a $40-$50K gig. I told her the resumes are packed with buzzwords to get past the screening software.
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I find that the grammar of most resumes I toss out usually coincide with ridiculous first names. Also, any mention of doing anything at a fraternity is a dead ringer. Had one guy looking for a promotion and he said he managed his HBCU's gang fraternity's budget for 1 semester and he had a 1.9gpa...

You tryin' to tell me that Ja'Kwanda Jackson with her online degree from Grantham University in Urban American Studies isn't sailing to the top of the stack?

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