That's racist!

I made an observation, not a judgement. And my empathy is for those who have truly been wronged, not for those who falsely claim racism. The overuse of the term has robbed it of its meaning. We're left with a "boy who cried wolf" scenario. So many have falsely cried racism that when real racism reels its ugly head, people are unlikely to believe. And nothing is accomplished by attacking all white people, even those who would be allies, with blanket terms such as "white privilege" or "white guilt". Society tells people of color to be proud, and it tells white people to feel shame for acts they never even committed. I don't carry the responsibility for any sins committed by my forebears.

There's a corollary to that. If a "crime" wasn't illegal at the time it was "committed", was it actually a crime in the first place? Slavery may be a heinous act, but it was a standard of behavior all around the globe at one time ... and still exists in some areas today. No single race or nationality can be singled out as the instigator or as the victim because it went all across luther's continuum. It was, it shouldn't have been, it isn't here now, but it is still in other parts of the globe ... particularly on that socially enlightened continent known as Africa (our friends the Chinese are trying hard at being #1 on that though - for all we know they may actually be #1 but we have to keep Nike and Apple flowing). If we're going to play ex post facto guilt as a norm, some of the current generation better be prepared to be screwed a few years down the road for they know not what they do today.
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There's a corollary to that. If a "crime" wasn't illegal at the time it was "committed", was it actually a crime in the first place? Slavery may be a heinous act, but it was a standard of behavior all around the globe at one time ... and still exists in some areas today. No single race or nationality can be singled out as the instigator or as the victim because it went all across luther's continuum. It was, it shouldn't have been, it isn't here now, but it is still in other parts of the globe ... particularly on that socially enlightened continent known as Africa (our friends the Chinese are trying hard at being #1 on that though - for all we know they may actually be #1 but we have to keep Nike and Apple flowing). If we're going to play ex post facto guilt as a norm, some of the current generation better be prepared to be screwed a few years down the road for they know not what they do today.
Not to mention that it was one class- enlightened and intelligent white men- that effectively ended the millenia-long institution of slavery around the world. What's left is nothing compared to what used to be.
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“While black residents made up nearly half of Oakland’s population in 1980, that figure dropped to 28% by 2010, and, if current trends continue, could fall to just 16% over the next decade. Some have been pushed to far-away suburbs or central California towns hours away...”
'We're being pushed out': the displacement of black Oakland
So a significant number of whites were pushed out too.

Making some assumptions that most of the remaining 50% was white, that's about an even split. But now there are more poor black people left.

Sounds like the gentrification hit the whites worse.
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If gays are born gay...

And 'racists' are born with implicit racial bias...

Yet 'racists' can be reeducated out of their inborn bias...

Can gays be reeducated to not be gay?

Nobody is born a racist. Their republican parents teach them to be racist, duh
Remember when the Libs tried to cancel the Masters over Augusta National not having female members around '03? The Masters was shown without sponsorship and it was known to CBS that they (Augusta National) had the resources to be on air without sponsors as long as needed. That's how you deal with Cancel Culture! Check out the gold sign in the back! Classic!

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