That's racist!

Hence the 'etc' at the end. I also think interviews should be conducted over the phone with voice masking software, because that is a giveaway as well. The only ID is a Social Security Number, that way you know they are legal as well.

Not so sure about the SSN unless you can verify that it's not being shared.
First we must identify which systems are inherently racist and what mechanisms are being used. We've done some of this. The problem is systemic racism isn't the main issue facing people of color, poverty rates, crime etc. The systemic racism of the past explains in part how we got here today but it isn't the factor that turns the corner. To pretend it is the main factor will only ensure people of color remain pawns.
What is the main issue? 🍿

If systemic racism in America were in fact the means by which white people in America are favored the two most successful groups of Americans today would not be people of color. There is something very specific that both of those groups have in common though. That should be the way forward IMO.
Huh? The type of systematic racism I am highlighting only applies to one race.
Do underprivileged Latinos, Asians, or Pacific Islanders count? Are they SOL too?
Different races. Different issues.
“The government, however, systematically devastated the city’s black communities throughout the 20th century. Officials constructed freeways, train tracks and federal buildings that literally destroyed homes and tore neighborhoods apart. Federal “redlining” practices embedded racial inequality and segregation into the city’s development, with banks allowing wealthy white communities to flourish while denying home ownership to black families. A corrupt police agency brutalized and jailed innocent black citizens.”
'We're being pushed out': the displacement of black Oakland
The fact I'm not a racist and don't judge anyone on the color of their skin helped me beat that learning curve. Maybe some day you'll catch up.
The only thing discussions on racism has taught me is that many people think it's okay to hate white people because of the color of their skin. It's as if they can't see they are what they claim to hate.
Sounds like a judgment to people of color. 🤦‍♂️
You may not be racist but you sure lack empathy.
Examples? You’ve only refuted my facts with privileged ignorance.
You sound like the reluctant victim here.

The fact your rebuttal to everything has “privileged” or “systematic racism” is the only example of ignorance here. After awhile though it isn’t ignorance, it’s stupidity. People like you are why nobody cares.
The fact your rebuttal to everything has “privileged” or “systematic racism” is the only example of ignorance here. After awhile though it isn’t ignorance, it’s stupidity. People like you are why nobody cares.

Speak for yourself. Seems that a hard enough task already.

Let us have this conversation then. Do you believe there has never been any systematic racism in this country? Or that there is currently no systematic racism in 2021?
Sounds like a judgment to people of color. 🤦‍♂️
You may not be racist but you sure lack empathy.
I made an observation, not a judgement. And my empathy is for those who have truly been wronged, not for those who falsely claim racism. The overuse of the term has robbed it of its meaning. We're left with a "boy who cried wolf" scenario. So many have falsely cried racism that when real racism reels its ugly head, people are unlikely to believe. And nothing is accomplished by attacking all white people, even those who would be allies, with blanket terms such as "white privilege" or "white guilt". Society tells people of color to be proud, and it tells white people to feel shame for acts they never even committed. I don't carry the responsibility for any sins committed by my forebears.

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