That's racist!

BLM groups demand The Masters and MLB All-Star Game are MOVED from Georgia after Gov. Kemp signed new voting law

Yeah... screw black owned businesses and pumping money into the Atlanta community where a high percentage of black people live. Good looking out, Black Lies.

Commentary: Why MLB should consider moving the 2021 All-Star game from Atlanta

The majority race in Atlanta overall is black at 54% of residents. The next most-common racial group is white at 32.4%. There are more black people in west Atlanta, while white people are more likely to be living in the north. The graph below shows how many people identify themselves as each of the following races:
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BLM groups demand The Masters and MLB All-Star Game are MOVED from Georgia after Gov. Kemp signed new voting law

Yeah... screw black owned businesses and pumping money into the Atlanta community where a high percentage of black people live. Good looking out, Black Lies.

Commentary: Why MLB should consider moving the 2021 All-Star game from Atlanta
The Georgia law is fine. The detractors from it are upset that, and I am quoting their entire argument, "Georgians can't vote how they want to". Of course they continue to fall back on the tried and true democracy boogeyman of "some people can't follow basic rules because of their race".

I love the left wing logic though. How many more things could be improved if we removed the regulatory barriers from them? My car goes 180mph, I want to drive "like I want to". Didn't really find my steak last night cooked exactly like I wanted, I should feel free to "pay how I want to". I like your house, I should be able to take it "like I want to".
It seems like almost all of the lefties on this board are active at the same time, all type the same way, and all lack any humor. Any way we can figure out which one person is behind all these accounts?
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Yeah those Asian actors that got brutally murdered were compensated well I'm sure 🙄
I’m pretty sure I posted some dumbass article or tweet last June from Rob Parker. He was calling for the name to be changed. Ironically, he didn’t mind having noted his Masters Degree from Columbia on Twitter account .
The fact your rebuttal to everything has “privileged” or “systematic racism” is the only example of ignorance here. After awhile though it isn’t ignorance, it’s stupidity. People like you are why nobody cares.
pretty sure that this clown is either a brainwashed marxist or just plays one on VN.
I made an observation, not a judgement. And my empathy is for those who have truly been wronged, not for those who falsely claim racism. The overuse of the term has robbed it of its meaning. We're left with a "boy who cried wolf" scenario. So many have falsely cried racism that when real racism reels its ugly head, people are unlikely to believe. And nothing is accomplished by attacking all white people, even those who would be allies, with blanket terms such as "white privilege" or "white guilt". Society tells people of color to be proud, and it tells white people to feel shame for acts they never even committed. I don't carry the responsibility for any sins committed by my forebears.
You are clearly judging again and it honestly sounds crazy. 🤦‍♂️
Who the hell are you to make these determinations?
I call it how I see it. This. Is. Privilege.

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