That's racist!

So a significant number of whites were pushed out too.

Making some assumptions that most of the remaining 50% was white, that's about an even split. But now there are more poor black people left.

Sounds like the gentrification hit the whites worse.
It was not close to equal. We have and have had a large Asian and Latino population here. The white population has increased in Oakland.
Didn’t someone just tell me all races are the same 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Lol. no. They aren't the same. I do try to give yall the benefit of the doubt though when it comes to race impacting your cognitive ability. Thats my White Mans Burden/Privilege though, believing that people not like me could be as good as me if they just knew how to make the right decisions. So silly right?
Not at all. I am just pointing out the obvious here
Privilege is only a short coming when you don't have it. Thanks for proving that.

I'm sure there are plenty of prosperous 1st world black countries you could go to and get the same privilege that Whites get.
(just kidding, there aren't)
Privilege is only a short coming when you don't have it. Thanks for proving that.

I'm sure there are plenty of prosperous 1st world black countries you could go to and get the same privilege that Whites get.
(just kidding, there aren't)

Um duh? Sorry it took all of this for you to understand 🤦‍♂️
Please! I could use more laughs this morning
Oh. Thats easy. I'm sure you have a reflective surface in your apartment. See, if you find a mirror and say White privilege 3 times your credit score will go up 30 points by Tuesday and your traction alopecia might improve.
I have to say BLM is doing more to hurt race relations than helping. Funny, 2 decades ago I never heard of this sheet as I thought race relations in US were pretty good. I mean we have had Dem Prezs, Dem controlled Congresses and even a Black Prez, Dem contolled media and tech. All the keys.

Guess when you convince people that they failed because of someone else, you gotta find a boogieman, so the pols see an opening for the sheep.

Just like 50 year career pol old Joe, "I am going to clean it up" with his BS Jim Crow narrative. Effin suckers.
Asking because maybe just maybe I will actually get a coherent response...🤞

How is the quoted not another example of white privilege in this thread?
Who woulda thought an idea such as black people matter would be so controversial...

As a Christian it aligns perfectly with my moral compass. I dont get the controversy
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Lol. no. They aren't the same. I do try to give yall the benefit of the doubt though when it comes to race impacting your cognitive ability. Thats my White Mans Burden/Privilege though, believing that people not like me could be as good as me if they just knew how to make the right decisions. So silly right?
Please explain this extremely offensive statement if you’re not a coward

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