The evil of Replacement Theory

Biden Refuses to Mention Tucker Carlson By Name when asked if he is 'partly to blame' for the Buffalo rampage - but says 'ANYBODY who echoes replacement theory' is complicit

President Joe Biden on Tuesday would not call out Tucker Carlson or any other official by name even as he criticized them for touting 'replacement theory.'

'I believe anybody who acts as a replacement is to blame - not for this particular crime, but it's for no purpose, no purpose, except profit and/or political benefit. And it's wrong. It's just simply wrong,' he told reporters as he prepared to leave Buffalo.


Tucker Carlson said the document written by Buffalo grocery store shooting suspect Payton Gendron was 'crazy' and the product of a 'diseased mind

Biden refuses to mention Tucker Carlson by name when asked on replacement theory | Daily Mail Online

Carlson's reaction is telling. He won't simply say the shooter is racist and was motivated by white supremacy.

Instead it's "he's crazy" and it's neither left nor right wing. That's just such sophistry. The refusal to face it for what it is lets me know he's afraid he'd lose audience if they thought he was willing to even acknowledge that racism is a problem.
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A Fringe Conspiracy Theory, Fostered Online, Is Refashioned by the G.O.P.

So people that adhere to this thinking, what do we do with them? What do we do to the promoters of this, even if they call it something else?

It's a prominent train of thought on the right. It's what fed the resentment that got Trump elected.

Sadly, the foundation of the GOP has abandoned fiscal restraint, less regulation, and the like. Now a mainstay of the party's entire existence is about justifying racism by calling it different things.

Yeah, it's a conspiracy
A Fringe Conspiracy Theory, Fostered Online, Is Refashioned by the G.O.P.

So people that adhere to this thinking, what do we do with them? What do we do to the promoters of this, even if they call it something else?

It's a prominent train of thought on the right. It's what fed the resentment that got Trump elected.

Sadly, the foundation of the GOP has abandoned fiscal restraint, less regulation, and the like. Now a mainstay of the party's entire existence is about justifying racism by calling it different things.

Fact is. You communists can't win in the arena of ideas. You need imported votes. That's what's it's all about
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It wasn’t hard to find because you were basically right. Nearly all of the actual references to it were from this thread. I just thought it was too funny that you were one of the only responses from before.

I’m pretty surprised there weren’t more since I thought it came up as part of the New Zealand mass shooting in 2019 and adjacent to a couple of US mass shootings since then, like the one in El Paso, I think.

It’s been around longer than that
Amazing. After barely hearing the words „replacement theory“ before, suddenly it is the lead story on every mainstream new site. The left has their new boogeymen to obsess and hysterically cry over gain. You can’t convince me that this isn’t all coordinated by tht the left doesn’t coordinate on a Common set of talking points at time like this.
The 4 am newscycle fax. “What are we going to do today brain? Well pinky we are taking over the world!” One newscycle at a time.
Sounds ridiculous. I would Jane remembered hearing that one.
It does.
Almost as wild as a child sex ring in the bottom of a pizza joint.
Or Trump returning as president after the election had been won by Biden.

It's not like ridiculous conspiracies are rejected.

Yeah, it's a conspiracy

Once again. racial voting demographics are not all that the "Great Replacement" theory entails. You are trying to sanitize the term, by only applying it to a partial definition.

"Liberals are trying to replace the current electorate with new, more obedient members from the third world."

^^^^ These exact words have been uttered by Tucker Carlson multiple times on his show, whenever he is discussing the "Great Replacement" theory. This sentence does much more than raise alarm about the racial demographic breakdown of future elections in the United States.

Tucker Carlson is also fear-mongering, with elements of xenophobia as well, in his depiction of immigrants as only being "obedient members from the third world." He is strongly implying that black and Latino immigrants are mostly comprised of unskilled labor who are coming for the manufacturing jobs currently held by unskilled Americans (such as the Buffalo shooter, for example). However, just like yourself, and other conservatives posting to this thread, the only breakdown of data ever provided, involves race. Levels of education and work experience are never addressed. Tucker Carlson makes the all-too-broad assumption that if it's a black or brown immigrant from Central or South America? It must be unskilled labor. More than anything else, Tucker Carlson is guilty of some very lazy and incomplete analysis.
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Carlson's reaction is telling. He won't simply say the shooter is racist and was motivated by white supremacy.

Instead it's "he's crazy" and it's neither left nor right wing. That's just such sophistry. The refusal to face it for what it is lets me know he's afraid he'd lose audience if they thought he was willing to even acknowledge that racism is a problem.

Payton Gendron murdered a helpless cat with a hammer, then beheaded him. His mother helped him bury the mutilated cat. He is genuinely mentally wacko.
Carlson's reaction is telling. He won't simply say the shooter is racist and was motivated by white supremacy.

Instead it's "he's crazy" and it's neither left nor right wing. That's just such sophistry. The refusal to face it for what it is lets me know he's afraid he'd lose audience if they thought he was willing to even acknowledge that racism is a problem.

Ok we believe you.
I have no idea what it is, but I can already tell you it's a fox/russia Q conspiracy so I'm not interested. Not even worth my time to find out.

Here's the problem. Grown intelligent adults know it's ********, but this 18 yr. did not for a reason. This is how trumpism has indoctrinated and brainwashed people into extremism. It's domestic terrorism.
And who do you blame for the far left extremists shooting things up? You probably blame Trump for that too.
Carlson's reaction is telling. He won't simply say the shooter is racist and was motivated by white supremacy.

Instead it's "he's crazy" and it's neither left nor right wing. That's just such sophistry. The refusal to face it for what it is lets me know he's afraid he'd lose audience if they thought he was willing to even acknowledge that racism is a problem.
The guy swung from left to right wing extremes. He is nuts, he just killed random people because is their skin color.He definitely seems and proclaims to be a racist as well.
Also, the responses of you and a few of the other lefties is over the top predictable. It’s almost laughable how quickly y’all fall in line.
Carlson's reaction is telling. He won't simply say the shooter is racist and was motivated by white supremacy.

Instead it's "he's crazy" and it's neither left nor right wing. That's just such sophistry. The refusal to face it for what it is lets me know he's afraid he'd lose audience if they thought he was willing to even acknowledge that racism is a problem.
That is standard operating procedure at Fox News whenever a white supremacist goes on a shooting spree which kills a bunch of black people. It's never about racism, even when the gunman has already explained to law enforcement authorities that the shooting was racially motivated.... as was the case with Dylann Roof in Charleston. South Carolina back in 2015. See the link below :

Watch Fox News Try Way Too Hard to Say the Charleston Shooting Wasn't About Racism

Also, in case you have forgotten, Tucker Carlson had a big fan in Dylann Roof, who wrote him a fan letter, that has made the rounds on alt-right internet sites. See below :

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Can we maybe just replace every Democrat office holder in America with a conservative? I think that would solve a lot of problems 😂
The “evil” I see is what is produced by democrat policy.
Yeah ... Nothing evil about shooting up a church or supermarket, just because you want to kill as many blacks as possible is there? What the hell are we thinking? LOL. Everything is the fault of Democrats, isn't it?
Tucker included this in his numerous examples tonight where the leftist commies have openly talked and bragged for years of their intent to change the demographics in this country to increase their power. It’s not a theory, it’s a damn fact!
Tucker Carlson knows that the discussion of the "Great Replacement" theory, involves much more than voting demographics.
In the past, when he wasn't under fire for serving as an inspiration to a mass murderer, Tucker Carlson has made it clear that he also believes the "Great Replacement" theory discussion, applies to the topic of black and Latino immigrants taking low-paying manufacturing jobs away from unskilled workers who were born and raised in the United States. Carlson just assumes that black and Latino immigrants are unskilled workers too. On top of being racist, it is also xenophobic.

Tucker Carlson panders hard to Americans who are most susceptible to giving in to their feelings of white resentment. Those white Americans watch his show, because he assures them that their feelings of racial animus and bitterness are not misplaced; but are instead, constructive in nature. It is all very manipulative.

Does Tucker Carlson actually believe these things, or is he just exploitative, because of how this approach serves him well in the Nielsen ratings? It's anyone's guess, but worth noting that Carlson was nothing like this back when he worked for either CNN (2000 to 2005) or MSNBC (2005 to 2008).

Interestingly, before landing her own show, Rachel Maddow was a long time contributor at MSNBC, and she was the most frequent guest pundit on Tucker Carlson's show (Tucker). They were not only friends, but they also mostly agreed with each other back then. I have always watched MSNBC and it has always been very liberal. You can't host a prime time opinion show on that network for 3 years, as Tucker Carlson did from 2005 to 2008, unless you are a liberal. So, basically, Tucker Carlson's current Fox News shtick is probably just an act. I doubt he actually believes anything that he says. Carlson's opinions have changed, as the political leanings of his target audience members have changed. Tucker Carlson is a big phony. He tells his audience only what he thinks they want to hear, regardless of where he is.
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Yeah ... Nothing evil about shooting up a church or supermarket, just because you want to kill as many blacks as possible is there? What the hell are we thinking? LOL. Everything is the fault of Democrats, isn't it?
Don’t confuse democrat policy with clinically insane……oh wait. 😆
And even if inflation totally stopped tomorrow, does anyone ever see prices going back down to where they once were? Bottom line is that Biden and the Democrats have permanently devalued our currency and robed your savings and retirement accounts at the same time.
What do you expect, it’s the federal gov.

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