The evil of Replacement Theory

And even if inflation totally stopped tomorrow, does anyone ever see prices going back down to where they once were? Bottom line is that Biden and the Democrats have permanently devalued our currency and robed your savings and retirement accounts at the same time.
... but of course, inflation was on the rise near the end of Trump's term in office, and Trump was just as fiscally irresponsible as Biden has been. We have been over that before.
And even if inflation totally stopped tomorrow, does anyone ever see prices going back down to where they once were? Bottom line is that Biden and the Democrats have permanently devalued our currency and robed your savings and retirement accounts at the same time.
You just giving Trump and every other recent POTUS a pass? Come on.
I'm disappointed this "replacement theory" has nothing to do with the rise of the machines and the eventual domination of mankind by Skynet.
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It's not a fringe conspiracy theory. Tucker had a democrat strategist on his show a couple of years ago that stated they wanted more immigrants in red states. Of course democrats just see it as more votes. But that could also backfire on the democrat party as many of these immigrants are waking up to what the democrat party actually is.
“Build back better”
You really think that's as stupid as claiming that you will eliminate a $19 trillion debt in 8 years .... when your fiscal policy involved sweeping tax cuts, and signing a $1.3 trillion spending bill in your first term?

^^^^ both prior to the pandemic. ^^^^

Trump's pledge to eliminate the debt in 8 years, stands alone as the dumbest presidential campaign promise ever made.
You really think that's as stupid as claiming that you will eliminate a $19 trillion debt in 8 years .... when your fiscal policy involved sweeping tax cuts, and signing a $1.3 trillion spending bill in your first term?

^^^^ both prior to the pandemic. ^^^^

Trump's pledge to eliminate the debt in 8 years, stands alone as the dumbest presidential campaign promise ever made.

Just need for everyone to pay “their fair share” so it can be distributed to to alphabets and “people of color”.
It's not a fringe conspiracy theory. Tucker had a democrat strategist on his show a couple of years ago that stated they wanted more immigrants in red states. Of course democrats just see it as more votes. But that could also backfire on the democrat party as many of these immigrants are waking up to what the democrat party actually is.
The "Great Replacement" theory involves much more than concerns over potentially skewed voting demographics, which could possibly favor Democrats. We are seeing several posters on here, who are trying to sanitize the theory, by only focusing on that one component of it.

It also involves the belief that black and Latino immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America, will be taking low-paying, manual labor jobs away from unskilled workers, who were born and raised in the United States. This theory is xenophobic in nature. It is a fear-mongering ploy, intended to stir anti-immigration sentiment among workers who comprise the lower end of the American socio-economic working class.
The "Great Replacement" theory involves much more than concerns over potentially skewed voting demographics, which could possibly favor Democrats. We are seeing several posters on here, who are trying to sanitize the theory, by only focusing on that one component of it.

It also involves the belief that black and Latino immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America, will be taking low-paying, manual labor jobs away from unskilled workers, who were born and raised in the United States. This theory is xenophobic in nature. It is a fear-mongering ploy, intended to stir anti-immigration sentiment among workers who comprise the lower end of the American socio-economic working class.
What manual labor jobs in particular are you referring to? There are already certain jobs that are filled by immigrants mainly because there are already a lack of American workers in those industries. Particularly in agriculture and some construction jobs as well.
The "Great Replacement" theory involves much more than concerns over potentially skewed voting demographics, which could possibly favor Democrats. We are seeing several posters on here, who are trying to sanitize the theory, by only focusing on that one component of it.

It also involves the belief that black and Latino immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America, will be taking low-paying, manual labor jobs away from unskilled workers, who were born and raised in the United States. This theory is xenophobic in nature. It is a fear-mongering ploy, intended to stir anti-immigration sentiment among workers who comprise the lower end of the American socio-economic working class.
Yes but you are ignoring the fact that many democrats have this mindset that they can infiltrate communities in red states with immigrants in hopes to gain votes for the democrat party. How do you think these white leftists and democrats will respond if a majority of these immigrants start voting Republican? They will become highly racist.

We are already seeing some counties in South Texas which have majority Hispanic populations starting to turn Republican. How do you feel about that?
What manual labor jobs in particular are you referring to? There are already certain jobs that are filled by immigrants mainly because there are already a lack of American workers in those industries. Particularly in agriculture and some construction jobs as well.
There is a litany of them :
  • Landscapers
  • Truck Drivers
  • Masons (Brick or Block)
  • Automotive mechanics
  • Painters
  • Welders
  • Ranchers
  • Power Plant Operators
  • Miners
  • Carpenters
  • Firefighters
You could go on and on with these...
Yes but you are ignoring the fact that many democrats have this mindset that they can infiltrate communities in red states with immigrants in hopes to gain votes for the democrat party. How do you think these white leftists and democrats will respond if a majority of these immigrants start voting Republican? They will become highly racist.

We are already seeing some counties in South Texas which have majority Hispanic populations starting to turn Republican. How do you feel about that?
I honestly don't pay any attention to immigration as it pertains to an impact on red and blue states. I think we need less of the red state/blue state crap in our political discourse.
There is a litany of them :
  • Landscapers
  • Truck Drivers
  • Masons (Brick or Block)
  • Automotive mechanics
  • Painters
  • Welders
  • Ranchers
  • Power Plant Operators
  • Miners
  • Carpenters
  • Firefighters
You could go on and on with these...
I know plenty of people who are not immigrants that work in these fields. Many are also Republican and are not racist nor have any resentment towards immigrants. If many of these immigrants start voting Republican - which is already happening -then the resentment will come from the college educated, white leftist, Democrat voter.
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I know plenty of people who are not immigrants that work in these fields. Many are also Republican and are not racist nor have any resentment towards immigrants. If many of these immigrants start voting Republican - which is already happening -then the resentment will come from the college educated, white leftist, Democrat voter.
Let me correct myself. Much of the resentment will come from the college educated, white leftist, democrat voter.
I know plenty of people who are not immigrants that work in these fields. Many are also Republican and are not racist nor have any resentment towards immigrants. If many of these immigrants start voting Republican - which is already happening -then the resentment will come from the college educated, white leftist, Democrat voter.
The Great Replacement Theory has evolved from a very old trope, which centered around xenophobia and the sentiment that "These darn Mexicans are comin' for our jobs, Jethro!" I wouldn't say that it has been used by politicians from any one party more than the other... both parties have a long history of using fear-mongering ploys to oppose immigration. However, there is no question that it is more prevalent on the Republican side at the moment.
QUOTE="BowlBrother85, post: 21271841, member: 60436"]The "Jews Will Not Replace Us!" chant gives them away. LOL. It's not like they were concealing their bigotry.[/QUOTE]
I wondered why they were chanting that. Then I read that it was directed at Charlottesville's mayor and council, who drove the decision to remove the statues. That doesn't excuse it by any means but the anti-carpetbagger component does give some context. I didn't see that mentioned in any of the articles linked earlier.
On Trump's comments about 'good people on both sides', in the interests of accuracy, he did clearly exclude the white nationalists from his 'good' grouping.
The Great Replacement Theory has evolved from a very old trope, which centered around xenophobia and the sentiment that "These darn Mexicans are comin' for our jobs, Jethro!" I wouldn't say that it has been used by politicians from any one party more than the other... both parties have a long history of using fear-mongering ploys to oppose immigration. However, there is no question that it is more prevalent on the Republican side at the moment.
Actually it's not more prevalent on the Republican side. Many Republicans and conservatives are calling for actual legal immigration policies. Not for open borders like many on the left and many left leaning libertarians are calling for.

One reason why many of these immigrants are starting to vote Republican is they end up working sometimes in these manual labor jobs with American workers and they find out they have been lied to by democrats about them being racist. Also, many work in the fossil fuel industry and your man Biden himself said he was going after the fossil fuel industry.

Plus many immigrants are already conservative and are against this wokeness which is being promoted by the democrat party.
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QUOTE="BowlBrother85, post: 21271841, member: 60436"]The "Jews Will Not Replace Us!" chant gives them away. LOL. It's not like they were concealing their bigotry.
I wondered why they were chanting that. Then I read that it was directed at Charlottesville's mayor and council, who drove the decision to remove the statues. That doesn't excuse it by any means but the anti-carpetbagger component does give some context. I didn't see that mentioned in any of the articles linked earlier.
On Trump's comments about 'good people on both sides', in the interests of accuracy, he did clearly exclude the white nationalists from his 'good' grouping.[/QUOTE]
Trump should have said there were bad people on both sides. Which there obviously was. But I'm sure the media would have twisted that statement as well.
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Actually it's not more prevalent on the Republican side. Many Republicans and conservatives are calling for actual legal immigration policies. Not for open borders like many on the left and many left leaning libertarians are calling for.

One reason why many of these immigrants are starting to vote Republican is they end up working sometimes in these manual labor jobs with American workers and they find out they have been lied to by democrats about them being racist. Also, many work in the fossil fuel industry and your man Biden himself said he was going after the fossil fuel industry.

Plus many immigrants are already conservative and are against this wokeness which is being promoted by the democrat party.
Yes, it is. You're just in denial now. It's ridiculous.
Yes, it is. You're just in denial now. It's ridiculous.
That's propaganda that your party is once again pushing. There is clear data and proof that the Republican Party is becoming more diverse and will be in the future. If you would actually research and read other sources besides the obviously biased ones you read then you will find this out.

I would suggest Delano Squires as a start.

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