The evil of Replacement Theory

That's propaganda that your party is once again pushing. There is clear data and proof that the Republican Party is becoming more diverse and will be in the future. If you would actually research and read other sources besides the obviously biased ones you read then you will find this out.

I would suggest Delano Squires as a start.
(*coughs*) .... BULL $HIT! .... (*clears throat*)

There is no election data which indicates what you are talking about.

The GOP :


.... as in the party of the old, the out-of-touch, and the almost exclusively white. That is the Republican Party in 2022. They are not the party of diversity, tolerance or inclusion. They never have been.
(*coughs*) .... BULL $HIT! .... (*clears throat*)

There is no election data which indicates what you are talking about.

The GOP :


.... as in the party of the old, the out-of-touch, and the almost exclusively white. That is the Republican Party in 2022. They are not the party of diversity, tolerance or inclusion. They never have been.
And once you again you are proving your ignorance by constantly repeating what you hear through your party's approved media sources. You have been completely brainwashed.

Old, out of touch, exclusively white would describe people like Joe Biden, Patrick Leahy, Dick Durbin, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Gavin Newsome, Hillary Clinton, Roy Cooper, and many of these fossils that belong to the political party you admire. No wonder you guys started to admire George W Bush and John Bolton
(*coughs*) .... BULL $HIT! .... (*clears throat*)

There is no election data which indicates what you are talking about.

The GOP :


.... as in the party of the old, the out-of-touch, and the almost exclusively white. That is the Republican Party in 2022. They are not the party of diversity, tolerance or inclusion. They never have been.
Have you noticed most of the party leaders on both sides are old white people?

You are seriously brainwashed. So much so that you've abandoned your own powers of observation and simply take the narrative party leaders spin as truth. Like you're in a cult.
Have you noticed most of the party leaders on both sides are old white people?

You are seriously brainwashed. So much so that you've abandoned your own powers of observation and simply take the narrative party leaders spin as truth. Like you're in a cult.
How the hell do you have over 120K likes? No way that's legit. You've obviously bribed Freak to fudge the numbers.
(*coughs*) .... BULL $HIT! .... (*clears throat*)

There is no election data which indicates what you are talking about.

The GOP :


.... as in the party of the old, the out-of-touch, and the almost exclusively white. That is the Republican Party in 2022. They are not the party of diversity, tolerance or inclusion. They never have been.

Trump won the largest % of the black vote of any republican in decades. You claim that wasn't real? Also the Hispanic vote has been becoming increasingly republican. Which of those are you claiming to be false?
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It's not a fringe conspiracy theory. Tucker had a democrat strategist on his show a couple of years ago that stated they wanted more immigrants in red states. Of course democrats just see it as more votes. But that could also backfire on the democrat party as many of these immigrants are waking up to what the democrat party actually is.
Yeah! Damn liberals. Marching in Charlottesville screaming “Jews will not replace us.”
The notion of “Free Speech” is but another power construct holding up White Supremacy
Yeah! Damn liberals. Marching in Charlottesville screaming “Jews will not replace us.”
I believe Richard Spencer was one of them that was there and yes he is a Biden supporter now and very open about it.

Also many neo Nazis are national socialists and there beliefs are actually more to the left than to the right.
I believe Richard Spencer was one of them that was there and yes he is a Biden supporter now and very open about it.

Also many neo Nazis are national socialists and there beliefs are actually more to the left than to the right.
Lol, whatever you gotta tell yourself buddy.
Lol, whatever you gotta tell yourself buddy.
National socialism is a left wing ideology. And Richard Spencer who is probably the most popular white nationalist in this country is a Biden supporter and democrat now.

If those aren't facts then prove me wrong.
Trump won the largest % of the black vote of any republican in decades. You claim that wasn't real? Also the Hispanic vote has been becoming increasingly republican. Which of those are you claiming to be false?
When you think he starts acting reasonable he flips out again once you disagree with the narratives he's been fed by his media.
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I heard about it for the first time yesterday. It’s obviously liberal agitation propaganda
I think the term was coined some time ago by Renaud Camus. However this still does not dismiss the fact that democrats have openly discussed their plans and desires that immigrants will vote for their party. That plan could eventually backfire. Which is why I think the democrats have shifted their strategy more to college educated and suburban voters.
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I heard about it for the first time yesterday. It’s obviously liberal agitation propaganda

I hadn't heard of this either. I'm guessing most normal people hadn't. The left pushed this fringe idea out as somehow mainstream to attempt to take advantage of a deranged 18 year old who should not have been able to purchase a gun.

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