The Fact that most

vol fans are predicting Tennessee to get beat by Oregon is ridiculous. The game hasn't been played last i checked and we can win every game we play, at least that is what i believe if you don't then don't watch the games. I don't like people that sit there and tell me we are gonna lose a football game. It makes me very angry to the point i want to knock their teeth out.(Though i refrain from doing so. Cause i ain't dumb, New Teeth are expensive). This is Tennessee we play to win, not to listen to our fans chalk up a loss before we even board the plane to head to the game. If you call your self a realist that's great, me i believe we can do it til proven otherwise. GO VOLS!!! Cut Em', Jack!!
By the way some of the posters are on here you would only have to buy them a new tooth!
Stranger things have happened, but ..................OK, I love your spirit.

Everyone knows the odds, but here is the thing, It's Butch's job to figure out a game plan for Oregon, and have his players convinced they can win this game. If he can do that then he is simply not the right man for the job. So if Butch can do that, why would we make fun of a Fan that believes it too.
vol fans are predicting Tennessee to get beat by Oregon is ridiculous. The game hasn't been played last i checked and we can win every game we play, at least that is what i believe if you don't then don't watch the games. I don't like people that sit there and tell me we are gonna lose a football game. It makes me very angry to the point i want to knock their teeth out.(Though i refrain from doing so. Cause i ain't dumb, New Teeth are expensive). This is Tennessee we play to win, not to listen to our fans chalk up a loss before we even board the plane to head to the game. If you call your self a realist that's great, me i believe we can do it til proven otherwise. GO VOLS!!! Cut Em', Jack!!
Man i feel you! Its sad around here sometimes. No pride! No faith! If it was up to some of our fan base we'd be 0-2. Last i checked Oregon is going to strap their pads on just like us! Plus the game starts out tied at 0!
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I'm not really sure you actually have a point.

Again, the point is as you made it...they were 3 "points" short on D from being on top.

You are mistaking me as a basher of UO. Far from it. They have a prolific O. Just making the point that they need better D to win the BCS.
Wait a second. So you're telling me, if I blindly fluff UT's chances against vastly superior teams, I can get dozens of likes too? Sign me up!
No love about it. The last five years their Achilles heel has been defense. To argue otherwise would be ignorant of their offense.

Counting this year's first 2 games, they're 58-10 since 2008. It may technically be their Achilles heel but it's still not much of one.
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I don't have a problem with you guys thinking we are goings to lose.

But the way some of you are talking, you would think Oregon would be generous to let us leave with our lives.

Are they good? Yes.

But we are a mid level SEC team.

Alabama has been on a higher level then Oregon for a while, and I have never heard any of you speak about Bama as pathetically as you do about Oregon.

Do you not see how that pisses people off? How would you feel if our players were saying the same thing as some of you are?

It would be shameful. And while not on the same level, a team's fans shouldn't act like that.

It would be different if we were in C-USA. But Jeese guys... We play 2-3 teams every year as good or better than Oregon.

Because Oregon is a different type of team then Bama. With both of our lines we are developed better to hang in a game with Bammer then one against Oregon who spreads the field with speed.
Again, the point is as you made it...they were 3 "points" short on D from being on top.

You are mistaking me as a basher of UO. Far from it. They have a prolific O. Just making the point that they need better D to win the BCS.

Now you're missing the point.

Saying they needed a tougher D is why they didn't win the NC is silly. Their D played a good game in the NC game, they just lost. Acting like it means they have some kind of suspect defense is crazy.
vol fans are predicting Tennessee to get beat by Oregon is ridiculous. The game hasn't been played last i checked and we can win every game we play, at least that is what i believe if you don't then don't watch the games. I don't like people that sit there and tell me we are gonna lose a football game. It makes me very angry to the point i want to knock their teeth out.(Though i refrain from doing so. Cause i ain't dumb, New Teeth are expensive). This is Tennessee we play to win, not to listen to our fans chalk up a loss before we even board the plane to head to the game. If you call your self a realist that's great, me i believe we can do it til proven otherwise. GO VOLS!!! Cut Em', Jack!!

Well said my friend , well said.


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This whole "you aren't a true fan if you don't believe Tennessee is going 14-0" business has to stop. Come on people, just because some (rational) people are picking Oregon, it doesn't mean a Tennessee loss is their preferred outcome. Some of you need to think about that.
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This whole "you aren't a true fan if you don't believe Tennessee is going 14-0" business has to stop. Come on people, just because some (rational) people are picking Oregon, it doesn't mean a Tennessee loss is their preferred outcome. Some of you need to think about that.



This whole "you aren't a true fan if you don't believe Tennessee is going 14-0" business has to stop. Come on people, just because some (rational) people are picking Oregon, it doesn't mean a Tennessee loss is their preferred outcome. Some of you need to think about that.

Pretty sure the thinking part is what they are struggling with in the first place.
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This whole "you aren't a true fan if you don't believe Tennessee is going 14-0" business has to stop. Come on people, just because some (rational) people are picking Oregon, it doesn't mean a Tennessee loss is their preferred outcome. Some of you need to think about that.

I agree with you Freak. But just because a fan that believes the Vols could pull out an upset does not mean they are idiots either like some are insinuating on here.
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