The Future Right-Wingers Want....

Wrong at every level. What's next? If you don't read a Bible verse you get a lower grade?
I was assigned to read a lot of non religious things in school and definitely got a lower grade if I didn’t. Or at least I was SUPPOSED to read the books. This was before the internet when Cliff’s Notes were the way to fake it.
That's the problem tho...if I believe raping my wife is descent because in my beliefs I own her
.then any children introduce will believe imagine a 3rd of the country believed that..what then
pretty sure you just described some Christian beliefs right there. the woman can't say no, has to bear the man's children. First Corinthians says that woman does not own her body alone, and that it also belongs to the man. can't rape yourself, so raping your wife isn't a problem. isn't Christianity great?
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I was assigned to read a lot of non religious things in school and definitely got a lower grade if I didn’t. Or at least I was SUPPOSED to read the books. This was before the internet when Cliff’s Notes were the way to fake it.
Cliffs Notes? Sounds immoral to me..haha
I mean I had a stack of those as well, but it is cheating and immoral. Probably bearing false witness.
pretty sure you just described some Christian beliefs right there. the woman can't say no, has to bear the man's children. First Corinthians says that woman does not own her body alone, and that it also belongs to the man. can't rape yourself, so raping your wife isn't a problem. isn't Christianity great?
So out of context.

The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.4 The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.5
Cliffs Notes? Sounds immoral to me..haha
I mean I had a stack of those as well, but it is cheating and immoral. Probably bearing false witness.
I think on was able to actually read most of what was assigned in High School. The amount of books assigned by my college professors resulted in a totally different outcome. In wasn’t disciplined enough to keep up
pretty sure you just described some Christian beliefs right there. the woman can't say no, has to bear the man's children. First Corinthians says that woman does not own her body alone, and that it also belongs to the man. can't rape yourself, so raping your wife isn't a problem. isn't Christianity great?
My point exactly, but most Christians have gone away from that thru different denominations...
I checked out of this thread for a little bit but coming back and I want to be careful about the religious arguments. I do think one spirit behind Jefferson's letter that cited "Separation of Church and State" is that the society shouldn't be 100% hostile to people that are different. There needs to be a middle ground.

IMO, we went to heavy on the secularism to the point that other groups are oppressed but we don't want to go the other extreme to be a religious state. Keep in mind the history/context (in my view at least) behind the Establishment clause was to avoid the persecutions that you saw in England in the 1600s by the Anglicans on other denominations/faiths or the religious states in the HRE that drug Europe into the Sixty Years Wars and constant religious persecution.

Posting the Ten Commandments in School won't solve any moral issues and I doubt it converts a single person to a faith. It is probably a useless gesture. I just don't think it is instantly unconstitutional like others would argue. (I do think the Ten Commandments could have some Academic value if reviewing ancient history or teaching the origin of laws along with Hammurabi's Code and other like materials).
I checked out of this thread for a little bit but coming back and I want to be careful about the religious arguments. I do think one spirit behind Jefferson's letter that cited "Separation of Church and State" is that the society shouldn't be 100% hostile to people that are different. There needs to be a middle ground.

IMO, we went to heavy on the secularism to the point that other groups are oppressed but we don't want to go the other extreme to be a religious state. Keep in mind the history/context (in my view at least) behind the Establishment clause was to avoid the persecutions that you saw in England in the 1600s by the Anglicans on other denominations/faiths or the religious states in the HRE that drug Europe into the Sixty Years Wars and constant religious persecution.

Posting the Ten Commandments in School won't solve any moral issues and I doubt it converts a single person to a faith. It is probably a useless gesture. I just don't think it is instantly unconstitutional like others would argue. (I do think the Ten Commandments could have some Academic value if reviewing ancient history or teaching the origin of laws along with Hammurabi's Code and other like materials).

Posting the 10 commandments will convert kids to Christianity like banning "assault rifles" will stop mass shootings.
But whose set of beliefs are chosen? Why must we share the same ones? For example, I find laws limiting consenting adults to be immoral. Can we make sure to include that one?
My best guess is that a lot of the 10 commandments codified acts that were learned over time to keep tribal harmony. In a tribe if you took another man’s lady friend, stole his stuff, lied or murdered you risked banishment at a minimum. Group cohesion was critical for survival.
My best guess is that a lot of the 10 commandments codified acts that were learned over time to keep tribal harmony. In a tribe if you took another man’s lady friend, stole his stuff, lied or murdered you risked banishment at a minimum. Group cohesion was critical for survival.

I think a lot of the Hebrew dietary rules came about the same way. In a time of little to no sanitation and no refrigeration those kosher rules aren’t a bad idea.
I think a lot of the Hebrew dietary rules came about the same way. In a time of little to no sanitation and no refrigeration those kosher rules aren’t a bad idea.
Muslims too. It seems that the climate in the Middle East is not optimal for food storage.
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In what world would John Locke & Thomas Jefferson be considered Progressives today?

That’s gross.
Louisiana 1st grader: What’s adultery, Mommy?

Mom: Something adult. Did you have fun during drag queen story hour today?
Not the point. It makes kids who are not "Christian" feel unwelcome. Less than. Different.
So dumb.

Kids who've gone to school together will not feel unwelcome. Transfer students will no matter what is or isnt on the wall.
Students will pass by that and never even know it's there.
As a high school teacher in Louisiana, I will give you my thoughts on this.

If I am required to put the 10 commandments on the wall, so be it. That poster will go right beside the others; Constitution, BOR's, Magna Carta, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and more. Will the students care? Probably not. Will they even ask about it? Probably not.

I left the posters on the wall for a test on the BOR's and only 2 out 173 students bothered to even look at it to make sure they got the right answers They don't pay attention to anything. They won't pay attention to a new poster.

The only ones that care about this either way will most likely be the adults in and outside of the schools.
Turbo is right we should stop prosecution of all crime and all the crime rates lower like NYC

I knew you were FOS when you began your post with " Turbo is right..." Everyone here knew you were being facetious instantly.

Really creative thread idea. Just the inverse of the longstanding thread to make fun of liberal insanity and malfeasance. Brilliant notion.
Not the point. It makes kids who are not "Christian" feel unwelcome. Less than. Different.
So we should not have the 10 commandments in the classroom nor should we have any lgbtq literature either? Can't have it both ways.
By the way, you never did let the ignorant folks here know what amendment it violates. Playing the scotus card just means that a group of old farts decided they didn't like something and agreed to say it went against the constitution. Forcing the school to hang a poster is no more a violation of the constitution than forcing the school to raise the American flag.
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I knew you were FOS when you began your post with " Turbo is right..." Everyone here knew you were being facetious instantly.

Really creative thread idea. Just the inverse of the longstanding thread to make fun of liberal insanity and malfeasance. Brilliant notion.
You do realize that the post you are replying to is sarcasm.
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