The GOP National Convention

So you want a VP who wants a common rifle weapons ban, is against Nuclear Power, is pro green new deal, pro free college for anyone coming from a household with less than $125k, and pro universal healthcare?

I would want to see her destroy Kamala again
Honors program.

My girlfriend at the time, now wife, got beer bottles tossed at her in 2001....
Me and a couple of buddies I studied engineering with at UTK (I graduated in ‘76) went to a game in Gainesville once, must have been early to mid 90s. We didn’t get ballooned or bottled but the gata fans were pretty nasty.
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Why in the hell are you worried about Melania? Are you infatuated or something? I’m sure the Great Orangeman gives her plenty of Trump steaks.
Nope. Small hands Orangey haunts adult film stars while fantasizing they are Ivana.
As for Melania, the more I look at Barron, the more I believe some NBA player parked his Springfield Limo in her parking slot.
Maybe it was the Slovenian big man, Beno Uhrih, lays for the Miami Heat team.
Shouting USA is cult-like?

He was supposedly worried about a liar in the white house until I confronted him that everyone in there is lying and he was lying for Biden, which mean he was lying about caring about a liar in the white house. He then made up this whole thing where he was worried about Trump's wife, like is she okay. Then he starts this whole thread on being concerned about the GOP.


Oh, and he is still voting for someone that he admitted was mentality unfit in which people hide this condition.

Nope. Small hands Orangey haunts adult film stars while fantasizing they are Ivana.
As for Melania, the more I look at Barron, the more I believe some NBA player parked his Springfield Limo in her parking slot.
Maybe it was the Slovenian big man, Beno Uhrih, lays for the Miami Heat team.

Dude, that's Donald's kid. Kids should be off limits until they actively put themselves in the limelight...
Dude, that's Donald's kid. Kids should be off limits until they actively put themselves in the limelight...
Oh, I get it, Repubs can badmouth a Democrat's kids, but it's shameful to do the same with a Repub's kids. Isn't that cool?
1. Elizabeth Lauten, GOP Aide Who Criticized Obama Daughters, to Resign
2. Hannity Claims He And Other Conservatives Left President Obama’s Daughters Alone, Here Is Proof They Didn’t
3. Republican Hypocrites Launch A Hateful Attack On President Obama’s Daughters

Pract9ce what you preach MAGAs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cry harder. 😂 😂 They have to pay Biden supporters to show up to his rallies.

Do they? Or are you just blathering, per usual? We've seen Trump ads offering to pay people to attend his incoherent,
rambling, "electric boats and sharks," "there's no water," "have you heard of Viktor Orban" hillbilly rallies.

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