The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

So, you have nothing. Just as I thought. I do admire the way you try to play it off by posting an entire paragraph of drivel and your ultimate conclusion is "coincidental timing."
Because the one they love to leghump is corrupt as hell, they believe that EVERYONE must act like Donny does. Fact of the matter is that prior administrations - Democrat and Republican - largely did their best to keep the DOJ independent.
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Interesting, I googled "biden asks garland to appoint special prosecutor to investigate trump" and the first 2 pages are nothing but articles on Garland appointing a SP to investigate Biden's handling of classified documents. When I googled "garland to appoint special prosecutor to investigate trump" articles came up talking about Garland appointing Smith to investigate Trump. One thing I didn't know was that Garland appointed Smith 3 days after Trump announced his campaign, I'm sure there was no coordination between the WH and the DOJ on that. Must have been just coincidental timing.
While I still believe that what the Repub's did to Garland was wrong, I am glad he is not on the Supreme court because he has proved to be less than Honorable.
Because the one they love to leghump is corrupt as hell, they believe that EVERYONE must act like Donny does. Fact of the matter is that prior administrations - Democrat and Republican - largely did their best to keep the DOJ independent.
Is this the same DOJ that found enough evidence to charge Biden with a crime, but decided that Biden, who is still currently in charge of the Executive Branch, wasn't able to stand trial? Does that sound like it is on the up ad up to you?
Because the one they love to leghump is corrupt as hell, they believe that EVERYONE must act like Donny does. Fact of the matter is that prior administrations - Democrat and Republican - largely did their best to keep the DOJ independent.

Umm have you fogot about Holder being Obama’s ”wingman”?
Whatever dude. Now, how's that link coming where Biden specifically asks Garland to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate his political opponents.
Sorry, I was having trouble finding the right keywords to get google to give me result anywhere close to what you asked.

In fairness this article does not say President Biden personally called and told Garland what to do, it does show that the President told people he wanted Trump prosecuted.

Now this article was only out for about three months before Jack Smith was appointed so maybe word hadn't got to Garland of what President Biden wanted. Who knows?

DOJ has a policy not to get involved this close to an election to avoid the appearance of the Executive branch weaponizing the judiciary to go after political rivals.

The Biden/Kamala administration should know better. They dont and they are tossing decades of policy aside....
Yea, well evidently the rules have changed or the Dems blew through the STOP sign. It still doesn't matter regardless. No case will make it to court before the election and the charges have been out there for a year. So there is really no damage done or change in status. This is only fodder meant to rile up both sides of the Aisle. Nobody is losing sleep on this event on either side. Let it go. Plenty of eggs to fry on both sides and this is not one. Just chat board material.
The Trump cult has adopted this joint, breezy "this will be nothing" kind of attitude when just a week ago it was the greatest affront to the Republic since, well, since the Republic.

But now they realize the flip side of that equation. For the FBI and DOJ to have taken such an extraordinary step there must have been a compelling criminal investigatory reason. And now the DOJ is warning that the release of the warrant application would risk exposure of highly classified material and also hamper the criminal investigation.

The Trump cult defense is patently obvious: 1) Anything they say is a lie and a witch hunt, even if its true and points to criminal activity; 2) demand the release of the affidavit, but hedge that its no big deal, no matter what it shows; and last resort 3) if in fact its a major scandal involving clearly criminal conduct by Trump, reserve the right to claim the evidence was planted or manufactured.

So no matter how bad it might be, you have some defense, no matter how pathetically lame it might be.

And all in defense of a guy who was a Democrat until it suited him to switch, is clearly a con artist, sure as heck isn't much of a conservative, lives a lifestyle at odds with the cultural values of your party, and by all accounts laughs behind your back at how gullible you all are.

It is the Maduro plan. If they could Trump would be banned for life like Maduro did to his leading opponent in Venezuela. BLM leaders on their web site said they were trained in Venezuela. Accept it or not , this is a marxist revol
DOJ has a policy not to get involved this close to an election to avoid the appearance of the Executive branch weaponizing the judiciary to go after political rivals.

The Biden/Kamala administration should know better. They dont and they are tossing decades of policy aside....
Shocking as it may seem, I don’t think that Trump is making an accurate statement of the policy.

Redoing the indictment seems permissible as long as they consulted the Public Integrity Office and as long as it wasn’t for the purpose of influencing the election.

The purpose is probably to better comply with the new Supreme Court immunity ruling and takes out a lot of clearly official conduct.

They delayed a potentially more politically damaging expedited argument over the official acts stuff to do this, instead.
Saved the court and defense counsel a lot of in-court time and effort in the process.
Probably saved Trump a lot of money to not have to pay his lawyers to argue about the conduct that was removed from the indictment.
Shocking as it may seem, I don’t think that Trump is making an accurate statement of the policy.

Redoing the indictment seems permissible as long as they consulted the Public Integrity Office and as long as it wasn’t for the purpose of influencing the election.

The purpose is probably to better comply with the new Supreme Court immunity ruling and takes out a lot of clearly official conduct.

They delayed a potentially more politically damaging expedited argument over the official acts stuff to do this, instead.
Saved the court and defense counsel a lot of in-court time and effort in the process.
Probably saved Trump a lot of money to not have to pay his lawyers to argue about the conduct that was removed from the indictment.

We both know the timing of redoing the indictmemt was for the election.....
Right on cue with toeing the DNC party line...

I posted a couple of reasons why it doesn’t make sense. As the guy who didn’t know what the rule was 5 minutes ago, you’re free to explain why I’m wrong. Or keep up with this self defecating effort to ignore it.

Was filing their appellate brief on time in the Florida case also intended to influence the election?
Because the one they love to leghump is corrupt as hell, they believe that EVERYONE must act like Donny does. Fact of the matter is that prior administrations - Democrat and Republican - largely did their best to keep the DOJ independent.
Sloppy Joe and The Ho sure as hell didn’t
I posted a couple of reasons why it doesn’t make sense. As the guy who didn’t know what the rule was 5 minutes ago, you’re free to explain why I’m wrong. Or keep up with this self defecating effort to ignore it.

Was filing their appellate brief on time in the Florida case also intended to influence the election?

No, the Florida brief was filed in response to an activist Trump judge who used the assassination attempt as political cover.....
You have the 11th Circuit deciding whether the Trump hack, I mean judge, was correct in her assessment that Smith was improperly funded and an improper (political) appointment.

With that as the backdrop, this is way too political and should have waited 9 weeks to be fix the indictment...
Could the indictment have been fixed in middle November?
I don’t know enough to say yes or no. It’s possible, but:

This judge was ready to move forward with the questions raised by the Supreme Court decision. This addressed a lot of those questions.

IIRC, one of the questions raised in the documents case post Trump v. U.S. was about whether the brand new, poorly articulated, never applied before evidentiary rules would invalidate charges indicted by a grand jury that heard evidence of official acts. I think it’s probably fair to anticipate that here and using a new grand jury removes any doubt about that.

If there are sound, apolitical justifications for a superseding indictment, then actively delaying it to avoid political ramifications seems to go beyond the guideline and delaying at the expense of the court’s time or another party’s time would be akin to elevating the guideline to the level of procedural rules.

Also, I think the October hearings that this probably avoids would have been a better opportunity to hurt him politically.
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You have the 11th Circuit deciding whether the Trump hack, I mean judge, was correct in her assessment that Smith was improperly funded and an improper (political) appointment.

With that as the backdrop, this is way too political and should have waited 9 weeks to be fix the indictment...
No reasonable person would ever believe that the new indictment coming the weak after the DNC convention is political.

( Says NO ONE
,and lawgator1,evillawyer,BB85,RT85,Septic,LittleWoodyVol,and Luth.)
Why is DJT still stating the 2020 election was rigged?

Because it WAS. And if it is swept under the rug and no one pays for abject treason we will no longer have a Constitutional Republic. No amount of gaslighting or warped media coverage will change the numbers. They stand for all time showing what was done 3-4am. It was rigged, and the election was stolen. The fact they immediately went after jailing those that questioned instead of ever doing any real investigation proves they damn well know it too.
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No reasonable person would ever believe that the new indictment coming the weak after the DNC convention is political.

( Says NO ONE
,and lawgator1,evillawyer,BB85,RT85,Septic,LittleWoodyVol,and Luth.)
You’re not making up a fantasy about how it’s not a big deal because anybody in this position would do the same?

I wonder why?
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Because it WAS. And if it is swept under the rug and no one pays for abject treason we will no longer have a Constitutional Republic. No amount of gaslighting or warped media coverage will change the numbers. They stand for all time showing what was done 3-4am. It was rigged, and the election was stolen. The fact they immediately went after jailing those that questioned instead of ever doing any real investigation proves they damn well know it too.
No real answer to the question, just gibberish... I will pray for you. Have another drink and think about it. Rudy and others say hi.
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Because it WAS. And if it is swept under the rug and no one pays for abject treason we will no longer have a Constitutional Republic. No amount of gaslighting or warped media coverage will change the numbers. They stand for all time showing what was done 3-4am. It was rigged, and the election was stolen. The fact they immediately went after jailing those that questioned instead of ever doing any real investigation proves they damn well know it too.

Let's explained what REALLY happened.

In Shiawassee County, Michigan, the votes were counted. Trump won that county by roughly 20%. The canvasers, election commissioner, and clerk for that county were 100% Republican and Trump supporters.

The Republican clerk erroneously typed in an extra 0 for Biden giving him 153K votes instead of 15.3K. The error was caught locally, by people gambling on the election, and by Lansing in a couple of minutes and those extra 130K votes were taken off immediately.

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