The Matt Walsh Thread

I'll admit it was a dumb joke (but not any dumber than EL's), but it wasn't intended to be a gay joke. And even if it was intended to be a gay joke, lighten up, Francis.

How am I a Francis for making light of it? Doesn't make sense
Me 8 years ago: yeah, of course they should be able to get married

Everyone on the right 8 years ago: they’re coming for the kids next

Me: that’s crazy

The Left today: yes, we castrate minors. Yes, your middle schooler can understand and consent to such decisions

We get farther away from having any sense of normalcy, morality, sensibility, or rationality.
That's unsupported nonsense. I attack positions, arguments and character of malevolent people, not how they look or dress.
The Currie comment is humorous, though.
I’m not sure how that’s different from pointing out that arranged marriage is only superior for people who look like they got maced with a concentrated dose of whatever the active ingredient in Rogaine is.
Matt Walsh is famous because he is trouncing left wing imbeciles on the topic of transitioning kids. That's his biggest claim to fame. Bringing up this other ancillary sh*t serves one purpose only... To try and discredit him. Say whatever the hell you want about arranged marriages. It has NOTHING to do with his all out righteous assault on the child butchers at Vanderbilt. He agrees with arranged marriage? Maybe. I don't give a good God****. It matters zero. That's not where his fight is.


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What do you call declaring it "without a doubt a far superior system"? Is that not advocacy? Wtf are you talking about?
I’m not a Matt Walsh fan but every once in awhile he has some interesting clips… in his shows…. He lists something that he feels is bad about todays times…. Compares it to something bad from the past and claiming even that is better than this…. He is not straight advocating for people to straight arranging marriages.
Well, he is married to her and they live in Nashville with a few kids so...


Someone should rescue those kids
I’m not a Matt Walsh fan but every once in awhile he has some interesting clips… in his shows…. He lists something that he feels is bad about todays times…. Compares it to something bad from the past and claiming even that is better than this…. He is not straight advocating for people to straight arranging marriages.

No idea what this means. Advocacy is much more broad than whatever you're trying to say there. All it requires is that he support the idea, which he did by calling it "without a doubt a far superior system."
No idea what this means. Advocacy is much more broad than whatever you're trying to say there. All it requires is that he support the idea, which he did by calling it "without a doubt a far superior system."
It’s called not proof reading what I wrote… LOL….. Matt Walsh is just saying that arranged marriages is better than online dating which is just a meat market, full of lies and deceit, or worse…. He is not advocating to start arranging marriages…. I don’t necessarily agree with his point but its not the big deal that some online are making it into.
It’s called not proof reading what I wrote… LOL….. Matt Walsh is just saying that arranged marriages is better than online dating which is just a meat market, full of lies and deceit, or worse…. He is not advocating to start arranging marriages…. I don’t necessarily agree with his point but its not the big deal that some online are making it into.

I don't think it's that big of a deal, but I think it's a good time to make fun of it. He said what he said. It was fkn dumb. Have a laugh.

He makes valid critiques of the modern dating scene but it's packaged in a terrible way.
He is saying that "without a doubt" it's "superior." Even if people were "happier" then and we could prove that, there is no reason to believe this antiquated system would work for people today. He's just ************ and overselling it.

It's pretty wild to say that too many choices is worse than no choice, if you ask me, and I think that line of thinking is dangerous.

I'd say any girl who would be arranged to marry you would be unhappy

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