The Official Tennessee @ #8 Alabama Game Thread, 3:30pm ET, CBS

We will win out and finish 8-4 which is about where logical people thought we would be.

Whether you are happy or not with today's outcome, just because thats what most projected before the season doesn't make it better when seeing games slip from your grasp. Mainly referring to OK, FLA, and Arkansas. Can't comment a lot on today's, I did want it but it was in a hospital room with distractions.

From what I saw it looked like a decent game for the most part. After the first two FG misses coach should have tried something different, but atleast he eventually did.
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But for an unusually persistent sophomore jinx on our kicker, this would have been a solid win.

This season will hurt for a long time.
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Feel bad for Medley, he can kick it 60+ yards but he has vectoring issues.

Martin looked promising. If he didn't fall down on that one play, gets the pic and bama doesn't get 3.

We will be a 9-4 team if we can keep from getting anymore injuries.

Next year SEC is ours...aTm, bamer, Fl be dammed!

We will have Top 3 SEC Oline and Dline next year.
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I thought we played a decent game but the depth and talent is still way behind. I think there were some coaching mistakes and a few from the players. I don't know who the coach is for kickers but we may need a psychologist for Medley. Those were 50 plus yarders he missed so it doesn't mean as much as if he were nutting 30 yarders. Too much conservatism at the wrong times too. it is what it is.
I know we all keep hearing the same old crap about next year, I sincerely believe it. Our D should be pretty sick for the next 3 - 4 years. Our offense is a couple of key players away from being just as good as anybody else in the SEC. We have got to come up with another field goal kicker. Aaron medley have cost us at least 3 games this season. He is bad. I mean flat out awful. If we can find a field goal kicker, and an offensive line with some experience, and a healthy corps of wide receivers, we are going to be hard to stop.

I completely agree with you. Better years are ahead.

Get a great kicker.
Finally got to see another game over here while deployed -- Had to watch it with some of my Soldiers ( Alabama fans).

I'm not that disappointed by the level of play. The kids fought hard. I still get irritated by some of the play-calling, but I think that is probably mostly just left-over hatred from the Florida game (the only other game I've gotten to see over here). Overall, this is our team - they are young, banged up, and still thin at some positions.

All that being said, this still isn't good enough. We still don't make the plays when we need it the most. The other team does. We don't. There's enough talent on the field to win these games. I'd sure like for our boys to start some time soon. I think (hope) they will break thru the barrier, but it won't be until next year. Running the table the rest of the way would be great, but it won't answer the toughest (and most important) questions: Florida and Alabama.

Beating UGA was a glimmer of hope. But we have to win more than just one of these to be more than just an afterthought. There's lots to be happy and hopeful about today. However, there is nothing to be satisfied with.

I hope this sticks in our players' minds and they use it for fuel the rest of the way and during next season.
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It's too bad none of those were short yardage fourth downs we could have reasonably gone for.

Um, as reasonably as kicking over 50+ yards three times? I get what you're saying but using my chart and analytics when distance is unreasonable for both our suggestions then utilize the punt and don't give Alabama the ball midfield.

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