The Official Tennessee vs. #2 Oregon Game Thread, 3:30pm ET(09/14/13), ABC

I knew we'd lose but this is a total embarrassment. I like Butch but I'm scratching my head on some of the decisions.
Good lord, support our team and our coaches. Yes the play calling is cautious, but what options do you really think we have with Worley at the helm? He does not have the tools to be an SEC caliber QB. Maybe they develop at some point, but right now...this is what we have to work with.

We learn from this one. Walk away after a hard fight and hold your head up. Better days are ahead.
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I just don't understand the offensive scheme. We have the O-line, Power I formation and run it down their throats.

Agree with this. If OL is our strength, having the RB start from a stand still before getting the ball is not going to cut it against any DL in the SEC. Totally negates the OL advantage. Also, without a viable running threat at QB the whole scheme seems wrong.
I'm surprised there's so many people that thought this wouldn't happen.

We're in re-building mode people. Fulmer's laziness, then Kiffin, and the Dooley disaster leveled Tennessee. We have a lot of work to do.

Sucks to lose like this, but our guys will improve from it.

Some people are thinking with emotion.
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We seem to forget that we lost to worse teams last year with a better QB. We are playing with Dooley's players, we have a new coach, and a (relatively) new scheme. Bray would not have made much difference in this game, given those factors and this defense. None of this is surprising, except to the deluded minions who think trouncing Austin Peay and WKU were indicative of great potential.

I agree, and would add this-we didn't actually look that good against WK last week.
Break out the big whiskey boys - we've got the Gators next week! Here's to showing some toughness in the second half, a good week of practice and a curb stompin' of the lizards next week!
They may be better, but they aren't this much better.
Poor playing and playcalling. Should have ran a very conservative tempo IMO. You aren't beating Oregon in a shootout.
Dear Butch Jones

I will be direct

You are not winning this game.

#1 play another QB in 2nd half
# 2 play another QB 2nd half
#3 play another QB 2nd Half

Pay attention to #1-3

probably not going to happen,Worley flat out needs the work,Petermen should see some snaps in the 4th quarter and stop the slow developing running plays,those are going nowhere

the read option is pointless,unless the QB runs it a time or two,i don't want Worley hammering it,just one every now and again would be nice though
At least three years away. 2018 we may compete, will butch still be around?

I was never on the Dooley bandwagon, but this is what I said right before they fired him. Any time you bring a new coaching staff, it takes an average of 3 to 4 years before their program starts to take off.

Question is, do we have the stomach for the rebuild?
Just a bad game plan after 2nd series. Should have realized we need to slow it down by then. Should have also realized our oline can dominate their front 7 and just run between the tackles. Should have realized their DBs are all over our receivers. Run the ball up the middle and not to the outside. Power run was our chance but it's too late now.
Thinking about all the threads where delusional Vol fans insisted we were going to win makes me want to laugh and cry at this point.

I don't know how many thought we would actually win but I bet more thought they would be more competitive than what they are.
I also thought we had more than 2 running plays in the playbook
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Oregon fans' chants make me want to see 'Bama or LSU or another SEC team destroy them in a bowl game.

But, that Mariota may be the best QB in the nation with regard to throwing on the run. On rollouts, he draws the defender back toward him and is able to just toss it the wide open receiver. He's destroyed us with that move today.

Completely agree. I hope its SEC champ vs Oregon for the NC and Ducks get handled like they did vs LSU.

On that play MM drew the corner then threw running full speed it reminded me of playing NCAA doing that.
I expect some of y'all are gonna jump off a bridge given your comments. Give Oregon some credit.

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