USC fans huh?
That's punishment enough.
Is your brother older or younger than you?
He is one year older. The guy is a complete animal though. Absolutely no business being married.
Also, can't stand his fiancé so that is a total bummer.
The other thing is there are several ways to get to san diego: car, train, limo, plane.
For people coming from so cal I have a party bus that's taking us down and bringing us back. It's going to be awesome.
Some idiots who have to leave early were expecting me to set up transportation for them cuz they felt like leaving a day early. I was like dude I am not your personal assistant. You an figure it out.
We need to continue to supply Israel with the latest tech and pull all Americans and assets from the sandbox. Not our problem...close the borders and greatly increase scrutiny on all modes of transport of goods into this country to reduce the threat of nuclear or chemical weps being smuggled in for terrorist activities. Cut foreign aid to any country that does not have a working democracy that favors us and our policies, and that supports our interests militarily as well as politically. Solve problems at home first. The third world will always be a sheethole whether we throw money and troops at it or not. Its a desert. Will always be a desert. Same for Africa, asia etc. Americans and our interests first, second and last. Quit trying to police the world.
One U.S. official who has been briefed on the options on Syria said he believed the White House would seek a level of intensity "just muscular enough not to get mocked" but not so devastating that it would prompt a response from Syrian allies Iran and Russia.
Greek Yogurt...
No, I am actually in a good mood. Although my brothers bachelor party is this weekend and so planning that has been a complete nightmare. Last minute additions, people complaining, people being cheap... This weekend cant' be over soon enough.
An odd and difficult-to-confirm story that keeps popping back onto news cycles, almost zombie-like, describes an alleged attempt by Saudi Arabia to bribe Russia into dumping its Syrian client, Bashar al-Assad, with a huge $15 billion arms deal and lucrative oil-and-gas concessions.
The first part is completely different than the 'red line' statement that is getting people upset. So stop adding additional information that I was never arguing.
Not really sure why you are jumping in other than you are wrong a lot and try and act like a dick most of the time.
The attack should be about his inconsistent or non-existent policy vs. making it about semantics.
Just my opinion. I'll wait for pj to bring up totally unrelated points I wasn't arguing or discussing.
it was addressing your point with more info. Sorry I didn't stay in your little rabbit hole
you also like to say I'm wrong a lot but have yet to point anything out. It appears you are uncomfortable with anything you say being challenged and resort to name-calling when that happens. Seems to happen quite often on forums
if it's simply a difference of opinion and completely debatable then you really have nothing to go on. If I'm wrong about facts I'll own up to it and have in the past.