The Red Line: Part Deux

No, just confused. You are a liberal. Just because you sit just to the right of the far left doesn't make you a conservative......sorry.

The only 'confusion' in my life is typically if I want to ride a bike to the beach or drive.

Newport Beach is a wonderful place.
The only 'confusion' in my life is typically if I want to ride a bike to the beach or drive.

Newport Beach is a wonderful place.

Yeah, we had this discussion and I think the general consensus is you could slide into the ocean and never be missed.
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I think the greatest question no one is asking is, will we get a Syrian Baghdad Bob? I really want to see a Damascus Dave on TV proclaiming victory over the Western Imperialists.
Looks like you're angling for the role.

"The neo-colonialists regimes of Paris, London, and Washington are once again barging into the affairs of a sovereign, Arab country on the orders of the Zionist Occupiers! They are seeking to overthrow the legitimate Presidency of Bashar al-Assad and to destroy our glorious Ba'athist form of government! We shall not turn from our righteous course in defending the Syrian people, land, and resources from warmongering Western Imperialists, or the terrorist armed gangs, or the Zionist occupier! The Syrian Arab Republic and the Syrian people stand shoulder to shoulder in supporting the national mission that our brave armed forces are undertaking throughout the country. The Syrian Nation shall prevail against all foes!"

Its very easy to write propaganda for Middle-Eastern nations :birgits_giggle:
Actually I'm thinking about starting a PR firm just for world-wide dictatorships. I'm sure there is money to be had in that field. We all know dictators love there speeches. Plus we could create a common template and just switch out the country when needed.

Genius if I do say so myself.
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"The neo-colonialists regimes of Paris, London, and Washington are once again barging into the affairs of a sovereign, Arab country on the orders of the Zionist Occupiers! They are seeking to overthrow the legitimate Presidency of Bashar al-Assad and to destroy our glorious Ba'athist form of government! We shall not turn from our righteous course in defending the Syrian people, land, and resources from warmongering Western Imperialists, or the terrorist armed gangs, or the Zionist occupier! The Syrian Arab Republic and the Syrian people stand shoulder to shoulder in supporting the national mission that our brave armed forces are undertaking throughout the country. The Syrian Nation shall prevail against all foes!"

Its very easy to write propaganda for Middle-Eastern nations :birgits_giggle:

Sounds like they are having a blast.....get it......a blast.
Our Great & Fearless Leader Barack Obama is now talking at the MLK 50 yo "I have a Dream" reunion. So now let us pause & listen to the great ONE for the next day or so to go on & on & on. UPDATE: blah blah blah blah. In other news that's breaking >> Major Nidal Hasan has been given the death penalty in the Fort Hood Shooting.
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Our Great & Fearless Leader Barack Obama is now talking at the MLK 50 yo "I have a Dream" reunion. So now let us pause & listen to the great ONE for the next day or so to go on & on & on.

Ironic is he praising a man committed to non-violence today, and probably by the end of the week will have us in another Middle-Eastern war.

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