I love walking in these Altras, but man are they going to take a long time to get used to. Maybe I'll save them for trails only, since that's what the tread is designed for.
Just under 6 miles at 8:10 pace. It was beautiful weather. It's been awhile since I've sweated like I did on the climb back home. Breaking in some New Balance shoes, verdict is still out.
3 miles last night @ 8:10 pace. I struggled last night. Guess my legs were shot from the five on Sunday and the hills in the three yesterday. Glad today is a rest day. I need it.
I registered for the Peachtree lottery yesterday in hopes that it would motivate me.....we'll see. I have a 5K at the end of April that I need to prep for first.
6 miles yesterday evening with hills, about 8:15 pace. I'm back to lifting with my toe and wrist healing, so I'm pretty satisfied. The weather is perfect.
Registered for the Bacon and Beer trail 10k, which was my first trail run and 10k last year, which started this whole ball rolling. Time to begin training, I guess.