The Situation in Texas

Hey... remember... "The Feds" are just another extension of the police or the military. When Kaepernick was taking a knee against the machine, a bunch of people were ready to cancel him on his stance. So now, don't you get weak kneed and want to now pop s^^t on the Feds now.
This is so mind numbingly dumb in comparison.

He, Kap, was taking his rightful stance stating his beliefs and opinions in protest, others were doing the same against him.

This is about the federal government not doing it's job and enforcing it's own laws and trying to impose sanctions on a state for doing something about their lack of action.

For the record the right has been no better in controlling the border but this is a step beyond.
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If the Dems stopped adding Ukraine Funding and Amnesty for illegals and enforce the current laws our border would be more come yay weren't worried about passing border security when Trump wanted a wall???
A Trump wall = border security? I get it! You jest. Got me.
If the Dems stopped adding Ukraine Funding and Amnesty for illegals and enforce the current laws our border would be more come yay weren't worried about passing border security when Trump wanted a wall???
Since 2021, the radical dems have been saying the border was secure.
1. The federal government not doing more to enforce illegal immigration laws is bad

2. A state going rogue against the constitution has the potential to put forth a dangerous precedent

3. SCOTUS having a 5:4 vote on the matter is concerning and highlights partisanship. Their job is to base judgement on constitutional law, and the constitution is VERY clear in this instance. We no longer have a reliable judicial branch of government, without that fair check and balance the threat to our governmental system grows exponentially.
Whether the bill is perfect is the wrong question. It is what will pass and at least somewhat restrict illegals from entering. Its at the very least a step in the right direction.

Why would Trump want to stop that? There is only one answer, and many Republican Senators are out there saying exactly what has happened: Trump would rather have this as a wedge issue than allow progress to be made.

You still haven’t answered the question. Why does this bill have to pass to get the Biden Administration to enforce current immigration laws?

Let me make it even clearer. Why do we have to finance Ukraine in order for the Biden Administration to enforce current immigration laws?
1. The federal government not doing more to enforce illegal immigration laws is bad

2. A state going rogue against the constitution has the potential to put forth a dangerous precedent

3. SCOTUS having a 5:4 vote on the matter is concerning and highlights partisanship. Their job is to base judgement on constitutional law, and the constitution is VERY clear in this instance. We no longer have a reliable judicial branch of government, without that fair check and balance the threat to our governmental system grows exponentially.
Do you actually believe that nonsense you just posted?
He called Republican Senators and told them not to vote for it so he could run on it as an issue.
A.) Don't deny for three years that there is a problem. He's only claiming there is one now in attempt to deflect from his own incompetence.
B.) Stop tying other legislation, like Ukraine funding, if this is truly an emergency you all claim to see it as. Again, after 3 years. Otherwise you don't think it's that big of a problem.
C.) Enforce the laws we have is always an option. Unless you don't actually want to fix the problem.
So the bipartisan border bill gives the President the authority to shut down the border whenever he or she sees fit. That’s closing the border either way, going in or out. What could possibly go wrong?
He called Republican Senators and told them not to vote for it so he could run on it as an issue.
They've had three years to deal with it but neglected it at every turn, even when pressed on it. And we've repeatedly been assured there is no issue at all. Democrats made that bed, now the can lay in it.
Dems never cared about the border, and only now beacuse it is a political issue that is hurting their party and they want war money. Just like the liberal cities, let someone else deal with it, as well as terribly naive to not see the hidden negative impact on all our lives.
Incredulous to call out anybody for their own doing and something their party supports.
Watching the Lt Governor of Texas. Laid out the numbers, approximately 15 million illegal border crossings, most of which have not been caught which would make it the 7th largest state in the country if it were its own. 13,000 US citizens working with the cartels to get these people in. People from China, Africa, Middle Eastern countries have all been well documented by USBP entering illegally at the southern border and Biden admin/DC completely ignores our immigration laws. They do not care, they support it and everyone knows why.

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