Hes a moron. How many others that have kneeled dont have contracts? Kap is so FOS.
Taking pictures at halftime again.I thought we went over this.
Just tell the truth.
Taking pictures at halftime again. I thought we went over this.
Just tell the truth.
Thanks for proving you are one stupid ****.
Other than the Texans game each one pictured has a legible score and clock which indicate kickoff or immediately after kickoff. The players are lined up as such. Considering all others were at kickoff Ill believe the Texans one is as well.
You can clearly see these in the pics. The caption of the four pics stays kickoff. And they are.
When people boycott something, they get really really really desperate for any shred of "proof" that the boycott is making a difference.
If they are football fans, it must be hard to stay away. I wrote off 5 games yesterday that ended up going down to the wire. 9 out of 13 games were great and only 3 stinkers. There is no better spectator sports product.
Yes, you mean desperate like claiming everyone is in the toilet. lol:
You are such a liar. You bend the truth to fit your narrative and you only fool people who want to believe the ****.
You've been caught posting false quotes ITT.
You've been caught twice sharing deceptive crowd pictures ITT.
Now your strawman is that I said "everyone" is in the toilet.
You're a fraud.
Another straw man. What a surprise!
You are such a liar. You bend the truth to fit your narrative and you only fool people who want to believe the ****.
You've been caught posting false quotes ITT.
You've been caught twice sharing deceptive crowd pictures ITT.
Now your strawman is that I said "everyone" is in the toilet.
You're a fraud.
You're losing your mind over this?
What you cannot argue is the tv viewership. Unless you are going to claim the cable cutters are streaming. But that won't fly.
You are such a liar. You bend the truth to fit your narrative and you only fool people who want to believe the ****.
You've been caught posting false quotes ITT.
You've been caught twice sharing deceptive crowd pictures ITT.
Now your strawman is that I said "everyone" is in the toilet.
You're a fraud.