Up yours.
Lipstick on a pig ... no..a warthog.
You and folk like you don't get it, won't get it, or proly even CAN'T get it. Find another way to protest without pissing on the ceremony that recognizes our flag and so by extension those who died for the freedom to protest.
Just because they can protest during the flag ceremony does not mean they should. My black brother in law agrees. Lots of blacks agree. Until the "protesting" players stop figuratively "flipping the bird" at especially the current military and the veterans they and the NFL are going to continue to lose.
They and their ilk did it. Killed the interest so many of us had in the NFL. I haven't watched more than a few minutes of NFL this whole season. I get a few plays in and I think, eff em...they can shove that horse they rode in on where the sun don't shine.t