This whole debacle is a reflection of the useless "me" ad look at me new era. Instead of just going out into the communities, and working, putting in the time and effort, and maybe money, and working for change, without anyone knowing or any publicity, we have an individual who feels he must raise awareness. Just as we see with all of these mindless self loving twitter and whatever other platform fighters, calling for change, instead of just doing something as an individual and putting in the time to make change. One day at a time, day after day, minor victories on micro levels.
Lip service and lazy protesting with a big slice of make myself feel better, yay, I tweeted about whatever cause and I'm doing something. I have no footprint except on this site, no twitter or fb or whatever else is out there, but, if I did, here's my movement: #f***yourmovement #stoptalkingstartdoing.