I agree wholeheartedly. I wouldn't choose to protest during the national anthem, but that is my personal preference. The conservatives are so enraged by this display that they have lost their damn minds. Don't protest when I might see your protest. Protest on your own time in the privacy of your home for instance. I have seen comments like don't these overpaid thugs know how lucky they are? (If you don't see the racism in such a comment you are willfully blind.) And lucky? These men have worked harder to attain success than most other people do in their occupations. Overpaid? Through there efforts the owners are making plenty of money. If you are an integral part of your employers sustained success are you overpaid? The right has become snowflakes that have taken to boycotting their entertainers.
As for the pledge, I have always found it a bit creepy.
The History of the Pledge