The Tyler Bray thread (merged)

He didn't throw the game. Grow up. And no player comes to UT to go to a crappy bowl anyway. You don't want to pull for him, don't. I will. And I am also ready to see how we look with him gone.

Apparently, Bray came to TN to go to no bowl. I mean, you're right. No bowl is better than a lesser bowl. South Carolina, when they were building to where they are now, completely agrees with you. The UT from the 90s would not have gone to just any bowl, but we needed to go to any bowl for the additional practice and to help in recruiting.

I hope Bray has a great career, my opinion is he won't though. I do want him to succeed though. He has to do a whole lot of growing up and it may happen in a league where men play. Either he will grow up or get out.
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Apparently, Bray came to TN to go to no bowl. I mean, you're right. No bowl is better than a lesser bowl. South Carolina when they were building to where they are now completely agrees with you. The UT from the 90s agrees with you. We needed any bowl for the additional practice and to help recruit.

This makes no sense.
Quality contribution to the thread.

I would like to know, based on your personal experience working with Bray, what his approach to the game is, specific lack in his pocket decision making skills, and his lack of leadership.

Bash him for the beer bottles, or almost beating USC and UGA but not getting it done, or forcing throws (when every defense knew we would be throwing) but don't try to paint a picture that you know how his future will work out. Nobody knows. What we do know is he has the physical tools.. .now can he put it all together?

I look forward to your personal insight from working with Bray where you have drawn all of these conclusions on his worth ethic, approach to the game, maturity, etc.

Thanks, coach.
I cant resist one last shot- I will remember Tyler as Casey Claussen without all that baggage of beating Fla twice at the swamp. I understand that they have similar personalities , but Casey was "money" in a big game. He never got rattled - no matter what was happening. I miss that in our QBs. To me, poise is almost as big as talent. Caseys desire to win was huge.

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Bray has exceptional tangibles. He will work his way up in the draft whether some of you guys like it or not. Intangibles can be learned and improved upon. He couldn't will any of the last few years' teams to win. But who the hell could? Give him an actual good team around him and we could see a totally different person.
This is not directed toward the people that are not hating on our players...

Grow up people...Bray is talented beyo0ng belief and will be our next arian foster...Dooley and SAal were horrible...not Bray's fauylt...he is a great QB...but hey, Worely should have been the4 starter...:rofl:
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Can't believe you girls are bickering over a UT alumni. Tyler played in Orange - that should be enough for you nancies to uncrotch and wish the kid well. Go get 'em Tyler,,represent!!
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Ok, I'll take the bait. Are you talking about the ones who complained about him on the field, or off the field?

I'm in the latter group. He has the best ability of any QB in this draft in my opinion, but it is undeniable that his maturity level was lacking. If you disagree with that then you've been in a coma for the last couple of years.
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I have supported Bray the whole time. If he can find some maturity and become a true student of the game, I think he could have a great career in the League. I wish he could end up in Denver and spend about 3 years learning from the best. No matter where he ends up I will be pulling for him.
Bray could go on to win 7 Super Bowls, and that will do nothing to change the fact that he quarterbacked UT during one of the lowest eras in its history and never lead the Vols to a meaningful win.
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I hope that Bray is drafted by a good team with coaches who know how to break him into the NFL. Dooley and Sal were not Bray's offensive coordinator. The kid was super talented, but he did have his own issues. We should all wish him the best.
My list is on the bottom of page one........and you've already responded to it once with nonsense. Got anything better this time, or just more Ryan Leaf analogies.

Oh sorry, that was your actual list? It looked rather foolish, was sure you had something with some substance. My mistake.

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