The Tyler Bray thread (merged)

Oh, I forgot, accuracy too.

But surely your list is better.

Nobody doubts his physical tools. But what he lacks are things that are in high demand for NFL QBs - maturity, leadership skills, poise when the game is on the line, overall approach to the game, decision making skills in the pocket against good defenses. Should I go on?
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Nobody doubts his physical tools. But what he lacks are things that are in high demand for NFL QBs - maturity, leadership skills, poise when the game is on the line, overall approach to the game, decision making skills in the pocket against good defenses. Should I go on?

No need. The draft will prove I am correct and you are wrong.

Funny how playing alongside one of the worst defenses in existence makes you look like you lack leadership.
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Nobody doubts his physical tools. But what he lacks are things that are in high demand for NFL QBs - maturity, leadership skills, poise when the game is on the line, overall approach to the game, decision making skills in the pocket against good defenses. Should I go on?

You may be right, but honestly I don't even know where to begin as far as evaluating some of that stuff given the complete slop he had around him for a lot of his career. What would he have looked like with even a decent running game to lean on and a defense that could keep him from playing from behind all the time?

One things for sure. It's better to be immature with great size and arm strength than it is to be Phi Beta Kappa and 5'9" 170.
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Nobody doubts his physical tools. But what he lacks are things that are in high demand for NFL QBs - maturity, leadership skills, poise when the game is on the line, overall approach to the game, decision making skills in the pocket against good defenses. Should I go on?

All the things you listed can be either substantially improved/fixed with coaching, maturity, changing how you approach the game. 6'6" 235 with a cannon for an arm cannot be. It's gonna be up to Tyler how good he can be.
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And they are what? The over abundance of tall rocket armed QBs in the waiting?

Ryan Leaf says hi. Being a qb is more than being able to throw. He couldn't read defenses in college and he threw it wherever he wanted. If we played a crap team, then he shined. If you think he was good watch Vandy film and you will throw up in your mouth a little.
Ryan Leaf says hi. Being a qb is more than being able to throw. He couldn't read defenses in college and he threw it wherever he wanted. If we played a crap team, then he shined. If you think he was good watch Vandy film and you will throw up in your mouth a little.

Again, the draft will agree with my opinion.
I think Bray would have been even better here at UT, if he had a true QB coach. Someone like Coach Cut
Everybody knows Tyler's head and maturity level haven't been what players and coaches look for in a leader on the field. He likes to play ball and can, but in crunch time or when it gets rough, can he be counted on.
Again, the draft will agree with my opinion.

The draft agreed with you about Ryan Leaf. Because a person is drafted high does that mean he will succeed? Is that what you're saying? Just because Bray goes higher than what he should, does that mean he is good? His career proves that he can't read defenses and he quits on teams. Now does his past dictate his future... no. But, it does tell us his tendencies.
Ryan Leaf says hi. Being a qb is more than being able to throw. He couldn't read defenses in college and he threw it wherever he wanted. If we played a crap team, then he shined. If you think he was good watch Vandy film and you will throw up in your mouth a little.
I think Bray plays his best when he has confidence in the team doing well. His head was not in it in the KY game last year, just like the Vandy game.

He had a lot more time to throw the ball against Vandy and rushed, rushed and rushed some more. If you put him on a crappy team, he probably won't help them get out of the doldrums, but you put him in a situation like Dallas, where he can play behind Romo, and as soon as Romo gets hurt...he can then take over the team, like Kaepernick did with the 49'ers.

I think Andy Reid may do the same thing at KC. Bring in Alex Smith as the initial starter and then let his successor take over at the opportune moment. I think the Jets would be a great situation for Bray. They need to bring in one of the great WR's in this class (Hunter, CP, or D. Rodgers, Woods, Stills), along with him and the Jets could have the offense they've been missing.
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The draft agreed with you about Ryan Leaf. Because a person is drafted high does that mean he will succeed? Is that what you're saying? Just because Bray goes higher than what he should, does that mean he is good? His career proves that he can't read defenses and he quits on teams. Now does his past dictate his future... no. But, it does tell us his tendencies.

You mean the Ryan Leaf that started games in the NFL?
The draft agreed with you about Ryan Leaf. Because a person is drafted high does that mean he will succeed? Is that what you're saying? Just because Bray goes higher than what he should, does that mean he is good? His career proves that he can't read defenses and he quits on teams. Now does his past dictate his future... no. But, it does tell us his tendencies.

This. Well said.
The His career proves that he can't read defenses and he quits on teams.

The stuff that happened at the end of 2011 was unfortunate, but he reads defenses fine. I think the circumstances with the coaching had a lot to do with his attitude at times though.
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For every exception like Ryan Leaf, I can name 5 big armed freaks that worked out.

Well of course you can. Just start naming starting qbs in the NFL and you have your list. Wow, did you just say that you can name big arm QBs that made it in the NFL. Tough task. The issue is not how many successful but unsuccessful qbs can you name. If a cookie represented a bust at qb then you would have a whole truck load of Oreos. Example, "Dump truck" Jamarcus Russell.
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Bray didn't go off on people like Leaf did and isn't the same personality. Tyler likes to get out there and play ball, and Leaf really didn't.

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