The Tyler Bray thread (merged)

I think OP is talking about the people here who have bashed Bray on an almost personal level for his attitude and failure to continue drives in clutch moments. Bray did really well given the fact that his coach (DD) was an idiot, CP ran awful routes, hunter mysteriously grew alligator arms often, and the defense single handedly sucked the emotion and fight out of the whole team. This kid would've been a first round draft pick maybe top 5 overall pick if he had just gone to a better football program with better coaches. I am not without empathy for him because if I can see what he COULD have been, I know damn well he can see it too. I would be a little bitter if I was him too.
The stuff that happened at the end of 2011 was unfortunate, but he reads defenses fine. I think the circumstances with the coaching had a lot to do with his attitude at times though.

Exactly correct.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I would like to know, based on your personal experience working with Bray, what his approach to the game is, specific lack in his pocket decision making skills, and his lack of leadership.

Bash him for the beer bottles, or almost beating USC and UGA but not getting it done, or forcing throws (when every defense knew we would be throwing) but don't try to paint a picture that you know how his future will work out. Nobody knows. What we do know is he has the physical tools.. .now can he put it all together?

I look forward to your personal insight from working with Bray where you have drawn all of these conclusions on his worth ethic, approach to the game, maturity, etc.

Thanks, coach.

Apparently you didn't watch many of his games. I lost count of the number of times it was third and two and he would throw it deep out of bounds. The kid is dumb. I mean really dumb. Did you ever listen to his interviews? Painful. I'm glad he's gone. I think our qbs will put up respectable numbers while doing something Bray never did: win.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
This is not directed toward the people that are not hating on our players...

Grow up people...Bray is talented beyo0ng belief and will be our next arian foster...Dooley and SAal were horrible...not Bray's fauylt...he is a great QB...but hey, Worely should have been the4 starter...:rofl:

Tyler will be given a chance at an NFL career. I hope he takes advantage of the opportunity and spends the extra time needed to be successful.

I know you are proud of your son and since he is a Vol, we wish him well.
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Apparently you didn't watch many of his games. I lost count of the number of times it was third and two and he would throw it deep out of bounds. The kid is dumb. I mean really dumb. Did you ever listen to his interviews? Painful. I'm glad he's gone. I think our qbs will put up respectable numbers while doing something Bray never did: win.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

oh look, we have another NFL scout on here.
Apparently you didn't watch many of his games. I lost count of the number of times it was third and two and he would throw it deep out of bounds. The kid is dumb. I mean really dumb. Did you ever listen to his interviews? Painful. I'm glad he's gone. I think our qbs will put up respectable numbers while doing something Bray never did: win.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

You must be dumb if you think Bray is calling those plays. That's ALL on Chaney
I think OP is talking about the people here who have bashed Bray on an almost personal level for his attitude and failure to continue drives in clutch moments. Bray did really well given the fact that his coach (DD) was an idiot, CP ran awful routes, hunter mysteriously grew alligator arms often, and the defense single handedly sucked the emotion and fight out of the whole team. This kid would've been a first round draft pick maybe top 5 overall pick if he had just gone to a better football program with better coaches. I am not without empathy for him because if I can see what he COULD have been, I know damn well he can see it too. I would be a little bitter if I was him too.

He did plenty to show he wasn't mature yet. That says absolutely zilch about his talent. Be sure you don't confuse the two.
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Apparently you didn't watch many of his games. I lost count of the number of times it was third and two and he would throw it deep out of bounds. The kid is dumb. I mean really dumb. Did you ever listen to his interviews? Painful. I'm glad he's gone. I think our qbs will put up respectable numbers while doing something Bray never did: win.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Let's think about your first point for a minute... Does Tyler call these 3rd and 2 streaks down the field, or does the OC? It was not Tyler's fault that we were running just straight up STUPID 3rd down plays. Tyler put up #'s that cement him, statistically top 5 in our University's history, and he only had about 2 full years worth of games. Let that sink in.

I'll support Tyler wherever he lands, because he's taken a beating here from the fans while having one of the best individual careers in our history. Tennessee's problems last year were 90 percent everything except Tyler. He MIGHT have been 10 percent of the problem, but it's hard to quantify that because of the collective failures on everyone else' parts.
Bray could go on to win 7 Super Bowls, and that will do nothing to change the fact that he quarterbacked UT during one of the lowest eras in its history and never lead the Vols to a meaningful win.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

He also led us to be obe of the mist productive O's we've ever had on the hill.
Anybody got the over/under on how many trips back to campus Bray will make in the next 5 years?
This is not directed toward the people that are not hating on our players...

Grow up people...Bray is talented beyo0ng belief and will be our next arian foster...Dooley and SAal were horrible...not Bray's fauylt...he is a great QB...but hey, Worely should have been the4 starter...:rofl:

Someone's still upset about losing the fourth grade spelling bee. Bless your heart.
The argument isn't about starting a game or two in the NFL. It's about whether Bray will succeed in the NFL. You got out-debated on this thread my friend.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

He will be a starting QB. It was not about whether he succeeds or not. I really could not care less about a person calling a winner when said person doesn't comprehend the discussion.

I will always cheer for those who were vols.

He made mistakes. Who hasn't?
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