The Tyler Bray thread (merged)

I think it's within the realm of possibility to have legitimate reasons for being critical of Tyler Bray, yet still want to see him succeed at the next level.
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I would like to know, based on your personal experience working with Bray, what his approach to the game is, specific lack in his pocket decision making skills, and his lack of leadership.

Bash him for the beer bottles, or almost beating USC and UGA but not getting it done, or forcing throws (when every defense knew we would be throwing) but don't try to paint a picture that you know how his future will work out. Nobody knows. What we do know is he has the physical tools.. .now can he put it all together?

I look forward to your personal insight from working with Bray where you have drawn all of these conclusions on his worth ethic, approach to the game, maturity, etc.

Thanks, coach.

I don't think I stated anything that isn't obvious to even the casual observer. Also, everything I posted are the exact reasons he's not going in the first round. I mean, use your logic. Why wouldn't a guy with unbelievable physical skills not be projected as a top 10 pic unless what I posted is true and a known fact among most if not all draft experts?

BTW - alot of what you posted, I agree with.
I wish him well, hope he has a long NFL career. But I'm glad he's not our QB anymore. While on the Hill he had no leadership skills.
This is not directed toward the people that are not hating on our players...

Grow up people...Bray is talented beyo0ng belief and will be our next arian foster...Dooley and SAal were horrible...not Bray's fauylt...he is a great QB...but hey, Worely should have been the4 starter...:rofl:
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I hope he reaches a maturity that allows him to use his God given talent to the fullest. He didn't do that while he was here, but it doesn't mean he won't be able to do it.
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Good for Tyler Bray! I wish he had stayed one more year tom help us get back on track, but I hope he tears it up in the NFL! Go represent Tennessee well!
Bray could go on to win 7 Super Bowls, and that will do nothing to change the fact that he quarterbacked UT during one of the lowest eras in its history and never lead the Vols to a meaningful win.
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So I take it your not a Shaun Alexander fan?
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Oh, and for he record, I have no idea how well he'll do ... but I do want him to succeed. Go Vols!
Wherever Bray ends up, he will definitely have better support and better coaching. Those seemed to be a problem here.
Bray could go on to win 7 Super Bowls, and that will do nothing to change the fact that he quarterbacked UT during one of the lowest eras in its history and never lead the Vols to a meaningful win.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I put a HELLUVA lot more of that on the coaching than I do the players. It was a complete wreck the 3 years Bray was at UT.
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You mean the Ryan Leaf that started games in the NFL?

The argument isn't about starting a game or two in the NFL. It's about whether Bray will succeed in the NFL. You got out-debated on this thread my friend.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I wish him well, hope he has a long NFL career. But I'm glad he's not our QB anymore. While on the Hill he had no leadership skills.

This is true for many, many Vols fans. The other half won't see it. I can hope the kid does well in the NFL while realizing he never reached the potential of his talent level at UT. Partly because he was a knucklehead who... you guessed it.... has no leadership skills at a position that demands it.

Calling people out while telling people to grow up.

This thread is really mature...

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