The Tyler Bray thread (merged)

He did plenty to show he wasn't mature yet. That says absolutely zilch about his talent. Be sure you don't confuse the two.

I think his demeanor never played well with fans. He's not an ass kisser that will give the best interviews, and the fans have a hard time relating to him. Vol fans had the same problem with Foster, unusual sense of humor that doesn't play well in interviews.

Outside of the beer bottle incident he never had any off feild issuse. Everything we heard from Chaney was he's a great kid and a great qb.

Bray, Da'rick, Hunter and CP and the rest of the guys that were on these Dooley teams will all have a special place in my memory as a fan that hated Dooley and could not wait to see him gone. I often found myself more concerned with their individual success than the overall success of the team. I hope they all have great NFL careers.
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I will always cheer for those who were vols.

He made mistakes. Who hasn't?

So will I. I hope he goes to 10 pro bowls. But logic guided by experience tells me he has alot of work to do to last more than a couple of seasons in the NFL.
Uh as Tennessee fan we have the right to be critical of our team, if he does well fine and dandy. Still he was a part of some terrible TN teams. I get his coaching was not good, but for some strange reason Chaney found a job pretty quick and yeah I get that the defense had a rough year, real rough. But straight up, it is hard for me personally as a life long die hard TN to look favorably on the Bray years...and yes I blame Dooley mostly.
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If he plays great he will be cheered. If he acts and performs like he did here the reaction will be the same as here.

Are you saying that if he throws beer bottles at a trash can he will be booed in the NFL? You must not keep up with the NFL much. Some people with a 2013 Super Bowl ring were likely involved with a murder and they were celebrated.

Do you think Peyton was held back when he dropped his pants in the face of the woman in the UT locker room?
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Apparently you didn't watch many of his games. I lost count of the number of times it was third and two and he would throw it deep out of bounds. The kid is dumb. I mean really dumb. Did you ever listen to his interviews? Painful. I'm glad he's gone. I think our qbs will put up respectable numbers while doing something Bray never did: win.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Did you ever listen to Tee Martin or Casey Clausen?
Are you saying that if he throws beer bottles at a trash can he will be booed in the NFL? You must not keep up with the NFL much. Some people with a 2013 Super Bowl ring were likely involved with a murder and they were celebrated.

Do you think Peyton was held back when he dropped his pants in the face of the woman in the UT locker room?

Peyton has an SEC ring and lit up both GOOD and bad teams. Tell me, how did Tyler do against Bama, UF, and UGa?
Tyler will be given a chance at an NFL career. I hope he takes advantage of the opportunity and spends the extra time needed to be successful.

I know you are proud of your son and since he is a Vol, we wish him well.

Haha. Started to post something referencing that either Mr or Mrs Bray started this thread. You're an idiot if you don't believe Bray is the greatest living qb in UT history? Come on.
Oh yeah, don't worry...I won't be cheering for Bray. Even if he gets 12 SB rings, I don't give a rat's arse about him or his career.
Did you ever listen to Tee Martin or Casey Clausen?

Little easier to forgive their verbal shortcomings as they didn't spend two years embarrassing the University. They were also both winners who were straight money when the game was on the line.
Bray is one of the hardest players in this draft to gauge.

If he lands in the right spot, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if his NFL career turns out much better than his college career. I also wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being a career back up.

I think comparing him to Leaf is apples/oranges. He isn't nearly as highly touted as Leaf was coming out of Washington State. Leaf faced the colossal "boom or bust" pressure of being the 2nd over all pick, and when it became apparent that he wasn't all he was hyped up to be, that very likely made him crumble even further. The dude was a walking punchline by his 3rd year in the league. You literally need ice water in your veins to recover from something like that. Bray, on the other hand, could potentially fall to the 2nd or 3rd round. Depending upon those circumstances, he stands a decent at least chance of not immediately starting, which I think would be good for him.
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Little easier to forgive their verbal shortcomings as they didn't spend two years embarrassing the University. They were also both winners who were straight money when the game was on the line.

1999 was a horrible season for the talent on that team. Clausen played poorly in two Chick-fil-A bowls. Too much credit and blame is given to the QB.
This is not directed toward the people that are not hating on our players...

Grow up people...Bray is talented beyo0ng belief and will be our next arian foster...Dooley and SAal were horrible...not Bray's fauylt...he is a great QB...but hey, Worely should have been the4 starter...:rofl:

I think I've seen you "hating on our players". Didn't you call "Worely" pathetic? Btw, it's Worley you've spelled it wrong since he's been here.
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He will be a starting QB. It was not about whether he succeeds or not. I really could not care less about a person calling a winner when said person doesn't comprehend the discussion.

Kind of seems like your defense against anyone who argues with your opinion is to criticize their comprehension skills. Mine are just fine, and I think its pretty obvious that at this point TB has a lot more in common with Jamarcus, and Leaf than Manning/ Brady. Except that Russell and Leaf won A LOT MORE.
Bray is one of the hardest players in this draft to gauge.

If he lands in the right spot, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if his NFL career turns out much better than his college career. I also wouldn't be surprised if he ends up being a career back up.

I think comparing him to Leaf is apples/oranges. He isn't nearly as highly touted as Leaf was coming out of NC State. Leaf faced the colossal "boom or bust" pressure of being the 2nd over all pick, and when it became apparent that he wasn't all he was hyped up to be, that very likely made him crumble even further. The dude was a walking punchline by his 3rd year in the league. You literally need ice water in your veins to recover from something like that. Bray, on the other hand, could potentially fall to the 2nd or 3rd round. Depending upon those circumstances, he stands a decent at least chance of not immediately starting, which I think would be good for him.
Wrong school but good point
1999 was a horrible season for the talent on that team. Clausen played poorly in two Chick-fil-A bowls. Too much credit and blame is given to the QB.

Casey lost ONE SEC road game, and converted the most clutch 4th down in the history of the program. Comparing him to Bray in any way is ridiculous.
Hope he goes to Cleveland in the fourth round. That would be classic!! He can go up there and suck alongside Big Jimmy Ha-SLAM and Chud the Thud.
Funny how some of the same pukes trashing Bray are the same ones who defended Dooley until the very end and some are still defending him.

Pure idiots.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
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Mayock doesn't have Bray in his top five QBs in what is considered not better than a decent group. Don't think he's throwing to the wideouts in drills today, either. He's not getting drafted in the top two rounds--no way. I'd say 3rd or 4th, if that.

Mayock didn't think Cam Newton could play. That guy is a moron.
Kind of seems like your defense against anyone who argues with your opinion is to criticize their comprehension skills. Mine are just fine, and I think its pretty obvious that at this point TB has a lot more in common with Jamarcus, and Leaf than Manning/ Brady. Except that Russell and Leaf won A LOT MORE.

Evidently your comprehension skills suck too. The assertion is he would not be a starting QB. Not how well his career would pan out.
I think his demeanor never played well with fans. He's not an ass kisser that will give the best interviews, and the fans have a hard time relating to him. Vol fans had the same problem with Foster, unusual sense of humor that doesn't play well in interviews.

Outside of the beer bottle incident he never had any off feild issuse. Everything we heard from Chaney was he's a great kid and a great qb.

Bray, Da'rick, Hunter and CP and the rest of the guys that were on these Dooley teams will all have a special place in my memory as a fan that hated Dooley and could not wait to see him gone. I often found myself more concerned with their individual success than the overall success of the team. I hope they all have great NFL careers.

Forget the off field incidents ( beer bottle throwing and ticketed drinking under the influence on a jet ski), I'm critical of his on field play and, sometimes, antics (throat slashing, posing at Vandy sideline, etc). He was, at times, great. At times he disappeared, particularly at crunch time. I appreciated the big throws, the highlights, the big stats he put up. But I also would've appreciated a few clutch game winning drives in big games that wouldve lifted the program..... which he pretty much never delivered.
:unsure:Not a hater he is just to full of himself hard to coach hope he is the next peyton, I dont think he will be bigtime in the NFL maybe backup, hope im wrong.
Forget the off field incidents ( beer bottle throwing and ticketed drinking under the influence on a jet ski), I'm critical of his on field play and, sometimes, antics (throat slashing, posing at Vandy sideline, etc). He was, at times, great. At times he disappeared, particularly at crunch time. I appreciated the big throws, the highlights, the big stats he put up. But I also would've appreciated a few clutch game winning drives in big games that wouldve lifted the program..... which he pretty much never delivered.

That, unlike a lot of other criticisms I've seen, is fair.

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