The Tyler Bray thread (merged)

Funny how some of the same pukes trashing Bray are the same one who defended Dooley until the very end and some are still defending him.

Pure idiots.
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There's a difference between trashing someone and bringing up the obvious point that they are a piss poor leader and not a good representative of the program. I'm sure most on here are like me and wish Bray nothing but the best. Doesn't mean we are blind to his faults.
Peyton has an SEC ring and lit up both GOOD and bad teams. Tell me, how did Tyler do against Bama, UF, and UGa?

The SEC of today is much, much tougher than the SEC of the Peyton era.

You want to list Georgia as a good team when Peyton played against them? They were coached by two consecutive terrible coaches: Goff and Donnan. Georgia had only two winning seasons from '94 thru '97.

Peyton NEVER beat Florida, even though you claim he "lit them up". Peyton had terrible games against Vanderbilt his So, Jr, and Sr years. And, please let me know how Tennessee did against Nebraska possibly for the National Championship?

The 1997 Bama team won only 4 games. Tennessee beat the 1996 Bama 20-13 in Knoxville (imagine that defense giving up 40+ points). We beat the 1995 Bama team that was on probation and not eligible for a bowl. The '94 Bama team beat us.

And, Peyton played with some of the best Tennessee defenses we ever fielded. Bray played with the worst we ever had, plus he played with Dooley as a head coach.

Bray's Vols allowed 40+ points per game against "good" teams this past year. Peyton's 1997 Vols scored 40 or more points exactly three times all year. I think the 2012 Vols would have struggled even with Peyton at the helm. You simply cannot give up that many points and win consistently.
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Uh as Tennessee fan we have the right to be critical of our team, if he does well fine and dandy. Still he was a part of some terrible TN teams. I get his coaching was not good, but for some strange reason Chaney found a job pretty quick and yeah I get that the defense had a rough year, real rough. But straight up, it is hard for me personally as a life long die hard TN to look favorably on the Bray years...and yes I blame Dooley mostly.

Chaney got a job pretty quick. ...hmmmm let's see here.....his offense last year averaged almost 40 points a game. Not hard to figure out how got a job so quick.
I wish him well, hope he has a long NFL career. But I'm glad he's not our QB anymore. While on the Hill he had no leadership skills.

Btw, if this is the Dan Federman, 6'11" center from the 80s, enjoyed watching you Hoop, especially your senior year when you killed it. If not, good post anyway.
Evidently your comprehension skills suck too. The assertion is he would not be a starting QB. Not how well his career would pan out.

Dude I'm used to your retarded diatribe so it doesn't really phase me. Maybe Bray might eventually be a starter if he turns his act around or there is an injury situation. But you're flat out blind if you think any team is looking at him as the answer to their QB situation. If you think I'm wrong then tell me which team you see him eventually becoming the starter for.
Dude I'm used to your retarded diatribe so it doesn't really phase me. Maybe Bray might eventually be a starter if he turns his act around or there is an injury situation. But you're flat out blind if you think any team is looking at him as the answer to their QB situation. If you think I'm wrong then tell me which team you see him eventually becoming the starter for.

Yes, for you to be wrong, I have to know what team he will eventually start for. Idiot. I am guessing you were a Dooley suck.
Yes, for you to be wrong, I have to know what team he will eventually start for. Idiot. I am guessing you were a Dooley suck.

Lol. Right up to the point where Rivera let the kickoff land. But to be honest I like a lot of other people, would have probably been done with him sooner if it hadn't been for the desire to see you and some others proven wrong. And for the record, I'm not an idiot, far from it. You're just one of those people who has no use for someone who doesn't agree with you.
Chaney got a job pretty quick. ...hmmmm let's see here.....his offense last year averaged almost 40 points a game. Not hard to figure out how got a job so quick.

I think I was making that point, I am disputing the fact that Bray had bad coaching, by saying it did not take him long to find a job. Read my post all together, do I seem like a Bray defender? "Strange" was used as sarcasm, turn that switch on.
Lol. Right up to the point where Rivera let the kickoff land. But to be honest I like a lot of other people, would have probably been done with him sooner if it hadn't been for the desire to see you and some others proven wrong. And for the record, I'm not an idiot, far from it. You're just one of those people who has no use for someone who doesn't agree with you.

Evidently you are. You just flat out stated that you failed to be objective about Dooley because you were more interested in seeing someone you've never met, proven wrong. That's simply idiotic.
Little easier to forgive their verbal shortcomings as they didn't spend two years embarrassing the University. They were also both winners who were straight money when the game was on the line.

This is true. Casey had great intangibles and so did Ainge. But there's a reason neither of them were even remotely successful in the NFL. They don't have half the talent of Bray. The NFL will take talent over intangibles any day of the week, and that's exactly why Bray has a great shot at being successful. With talent like his, teams will give him all the chances in the world.
Evidently you are. You just flat out stated that you failed to be objective about Dooley because you were more interested in seeing someone you've never met, proven wrong. That's simply idiotic.

I wanted Dooley to succeed because I love this University with all my heart and didn't want it to suffer bad publicity and another huge buyout. Seeing an insufferable blowhard like yourself proven wrong would have been the icing on the cake. Whether that makes me unobjective or an idiot is something we'll have to agree to disagree on.
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Witch Doctor say Ky dont have the SEC cornered on dumb fans..we do((of course some are just here to troll if you read closely, gosh hard to think they are that dumb)! Witch Doctor say some of the arguments on Bray sound like girl cheerleaders arguing over mascara. Witch Doctor say they dont seem to understand sports or something?? Witch Doctor say the offense wasnt the problem..hello? did you watch a game with Sal as D cord? Witch Doctor say keep looking dumb like you did with Foster, its fun to remind you of that over and over and over again. ...and we will!
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I wanted Dooley to succeed because I love this University with all my heart and didn't want it to suffer bad publicity and another huge buyout. Seeing an insufferable blowhard like yourself proven wrong would have been the icing on the cake. Whether that makes me unobjective or an idiot is something we'll have to agree to disagree on.

Go back and read your own writing when you have time. Your words, not mine. Just know this, I was correct about Dooley and you weren't. I'll go with me on this topic as well.
This is true. Casey had great intangibles and so did Ainge. But there's a reason neither of them were even remotely successful in the NFL. They don't have half the talent of Bray. The NFL will take talent over intangibles any day of the week, and that's exactly why Bray has a great shot at being successful. With talent like his, teams will give him all the chances in the world.

I agree that he is more talented. But I took the earlier point to mean that Tee and Casey sounded ignorant when they spoke . I was just opining that nobody noticed because they never embarrassed the University and won alot of games.
The SEC of today is much, much tougher than the SEC of the Peyton era.

You want to list Georgia as a good team when Peyton played against them? They were coached by two consecutive terrible coaches: Goff and Donnan. Georgia had only two winning seasons from '94 thru '97.

Peyton NEVER beat Florida, even though you claim he "lit them up". Peyton had terrible games against Vanderbilt his So, Jr, and Sr years. And, please let me know how Tennessee did against Nebraska possibly for the National Championship?

The 1997 Bama team won only 4 games. Tennessee beat the 1996 Bama 20-13 in Knoxville (imagine that defense giving up 40+ points). We beat the 1995 Bama team that was on probation and not eligible for a bowl. The '94 Bama team beat us.

And, Peyton played with some of the best Tennessee defenses we ever fielded. Bray played with the worst we ever had, plus he played with Dooley as a head coach.

Bray's Vols allowed 40+ points per game against "good" teams this past year. Peyton's 1997 Vols scored 40 or more points exactly three times all year. I think the 2012 Vols would have struggled even with Peyton at the helm. You simply cannot give up that many points and win consistently.

Make some good points, but you can't possibly believe Bray was anywhere near Manning as a college qb. If you do, you'll be on opposite side of the opinion of all 32 NFL teams. 2012 defense was the worst I've ever seen, 2011 was pretty good. Plus, Manning won a ton of big games, put up huge numbers, won an SEC championship, played for a national championship, won numerous national awards, should've won a heisman trophy. Come on man. You can be a Bray fan without pulling down Manning. You surely don't want to compare resumes.
There are definitely some who go overboard with it, but acting like UT fans are not at least mildly justified in being critical of Bray is moronic.
I agree that he is more talented. But I took the earlier point to mean that Tee and Casey sounded ignorant when they spoke . I was just opining that nobody noticed because they never embarrassed the University and won alot of games.

Witch Doctor ask ...who embarrassed the University? the 10% of the fan base that we all wish didnt have Internet Access or know how to call into a call in show? that clearly must be who..
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Are you saying that if he throws beer bottles at a trash can he will be booed in the NFL? You must not keep up with the NFL much. Some people with a 2013 Super Bowl ring were likely involved with a murder and they were celebrated.

Do you think Peyton was held back when he dropped his pants in the face of the woman in the UT locker room?

You mean the female team manager? Didn't exactly moon some "civilian" woman that just happened through the locker room. I know Jamie- that whole deal was bogus IMHO.
Go back and read your own writing when you have time. Your words, not mine. Just know this, I was correct about Dooley and you weren't. I'll go with me on this topic as well.

I wasn't wrong about Dooley. I pitched a fit when he was hired and never went to the trouble to publicly defend him. I just prayed everyday that the situation would improve for the two reasons I mentioned earlier. Unlike some others who seemed to publicly delight in each loss so their point would be proven. But you were right about DD. He's a big stinking pile of loser. Hopefully better times to come.
I agree that he is more talented. But I took the earlier point to mean that Tee and Casey sounded ignorant when they spoke . I was just opining that nobody noticed because they never embarrassed the University and won alot of games.

Umm Ainge abused prescription drugs while at UT and was one of the reasons he failed in the NFL. Bray "hot-dogged" on a jet ski and drank some beer.

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