The Tyler Bray thread (merged)

This is not directed toward the people that are not hating on our players...

Grow up people...Bray is talented beyo0ng belief and will be our next arian foster...Dooley and SAal were horrible...not Bray's fauylt...he is a great QB...but hey, Worely should have been the4 starter...:rofl:

I hate to speak about proper grammar, but wouldn't it had been easier to just say this is directed at the people who hate on our players. Fifth grade English teacher says no double negatives.
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Witch Doctor ask ...who embarrassed the University? the 10% of the fan base that we all wish didnt have Internet Access or know how to call into a call in show? that clearly must be who..

The beer bottles incident didn't exactly make me proud. Not exactly what you want from the supposed face of your program.
Umm Ainge abused prescription drugs while at UT and was one of the reasons he failed in the NFL. Bray "hot-dogged" on a jet ski and drank some beer.

Ftr, don't be naive about pain pill usage at the hs, college and pro level, especially going back a few years before people were really aware it was an epidemic.
Evidently you are. You just flat out stated that you failed to be objective about Dooley because you were more interested in seeing someone you've never met, proven wrong. That's simply idiotic.

So if Bray has all the right physical tools, why isn't he a lock for a top 10 pick? You think it might have something to do with his lacking some of the other skills needed to be a successful QB? Hint: draft experts aren't blaming Dools or our horrible D.
The SEC of today is much, much tougher than the SEC of the Peyton era.

You want to list Georgia as a good team when Peyton played against them? They were coached by two consecutive terrible coaches: Goff and Donnan. Georgia had only two winning seasons from '94 thru '97.

Peyton NEVER beat Florida, even though you claim he "lit them up". Peyton had terrible games against Vanderbilt his So, Jr, and Sr years. And, please let me know how Tennessee did against Nebraska possibly for the National Championship?

The 1997 Bama team won only 4 games. Tennessee beat the 1996 Bama 20-13 in Knoxville (imagine that defense giving up 40+ points). We beat the 1995 Bama team that was on probation and not eligible for a bowl. The '94 Bama team beat us.

And, Peyton played with some of the best Tennessee defenses we ever fielded. Bray played with the worst we ever had, plus he played with Dooley as a head coach.

Bray's Vols allowed 40+ points per game against "good" teams this past year. Peyton's 1997 Vols scored 40 or more points exactly three times all year. I think the 2012 Vols would have struggled even with Peyton at the helm. You simply cannot give up that many points and win consistently.

Regarding the competition during Peyton's tenure, I would say the Florida teams were as good as the league has ever had. And, Florida was the only team that UT didn't run roughshod over with Peyton at qb. UT never won vs Florida with Peyton at qb but .... He didn't even play as a freshman and he was freakin money as a sophomore- he had them up like 37-12 or so after first drive of second half, finished with 350+ yds, multiple td passes, no picks. That loss was on Jay Graham, Nilo Silvan and the defense. The other 2 losses his jr and sr year I'll give you. But it's ridiculous to just say Peyton never beat fla like he was the reason they lost all 4 years- it's just not factual.
The beer bottles incident didn't exactly make me proud. Not exactly what you want from the supposed face of your program.
Witch Doctor say shame on him for being a 21 year old kid. Witch Doctor glad we were all condemned for such Trespass's at that age....geez. Trust me in the public eye outside Knocksville, our fan base is much more fodder than a 21 year old, listen to one of our call in shows..or heck read here or our other boards.
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Casey lost ONE SEC road game, and converted the most clutch 4th down in the history of the program. Comparing him to Bray in any way is ridiculous.

Tennessee lost one road game. They also ended long unbeaten streaks to Bama and Georgia at home as well as getting destroyed by Miami at home. Clutch is so over used and is meaningless. The NFL is looking at talent and Tyler is the most talented QB we have had since Manning.
Umm Ainge abused prescription drugs while at UT and was one of the reasons he failed in the NFL. Bray "hot-dogged" on a jet ski and drank some beer.

I've never defended Ainge. Only Tee and Casey. But I will say that Ainge became addicted to painkillers while recovering from an injury he suffered while being the last UT QB to beat our two biggest rivals. They were apparently unknown the time he was here, therefore causing little embarrassment to the University. After it came out, he was completely forthcoming, got help and has been a pretty solid representative for us.
So if Bray has all the right physical tools, why isn't he a lock for a top 10 pick? You think it might have something to do with his lacking some of the other skills needed to be a successful QB? Hint: draft experts aren't blaming Dools or our horrible D.

Wow, you just killed it. I guess the 2 QBs in the Super Bowl from a few weeks ago were top 10 locks. Oh noes.
Imagine if we had hired Cut when we got Dooley. How good would we have been with Cut coaching Bray, Hunter, Rogers for three years. With Moore and Jones that first year.
Umm Ainge abused prescription drugs while at UT and was one of the reasons he failed in the NFL. Bray "hot-dogged" on a jet ski and drank some beer.

I've never defended Ainge. Only Tee and Casey. But I will say that Ainge became addicted to painkillers while recovering from an injury he suffered while being the last UT QB to beat our two biggest rivals. They were apparently unknown the time he was here, therefore causing little embarrassment to the University. After it came out, he was completely forthcoming, got help and has been a pretty solid representative for us.

I agree. I'm not bashing Ainge either, I'm proud he sought out help and was a man about the issue. My issue was Bray "embarrassing" the university. Outside Knoxville, 98% of fans couldn't give a crap about throwing a beer bottle or riding a jet ski like any college kid would.

Thy stuff is wayyyyyy overblown by most on here. If we were successful, people would love how laid back and cool he acted.
Regarding the competition during Peyton's tenure, I would say the Florida teams were as good as the league has ever had. And, Florida was the only team that UT didn't run roughshod over with Peyton at qb. UT never won vs Florida with Peyton at qb but .... He didn't even play as a freshman and he was freakin money as a sophomore- he had them up like 37-12 or so after first drive of second half, finished with 350+ yds, multiple td passes, no picks. That loss was on Jay Graham, Nilo Silvan and the defense. The other 2 losses his jr and sr year I'll give you. But it's ridiculous to just say Peyton never beat fla like he was the reason they lost all 4 years- it's just not factual.

Manning played against UF his freshman year.

Todd Helton started, but Manning and the other true freshman Stewart(?) played also.
Tennessee lost one road game. They also ended long unbeaten streaks to Bama and Georgia at home as well as getting destroyed by Miami at home. Clutch is so overn used and is meaningless. The NFL is looking at talent and Tyler is the most talented QB we have had since Manning.

You're right, they are looking for talent but they'd also be wise to look at intangibles. I give you Jeff George and Ryan Leaf on one side. I give you Tom Brady and Drew Brees on the other
Make some good points, but you can't possibly believe Bray was anywhere near Manning as a college qb. If you do, you'll be on opposite side of the opinion of all 32 NFL teams. 2012 defense was the worst I've ever seen, 2011 was pretty good. Plus, Manning won a ton of big games, put up huge numbers, won an SEC championship, played for a national championship, won numerous national awards, should've won a heisman trophy. Come on man. You can be a Bray fan without pulling down Manning. You surely don't want to compare resumes.

Let me start this out by saying that Peyton Manning is the best QB to play for UT that I can remember. Comparing Bray to him is like comparing LeBron James to Michael Jordan, because they are the best and everyone gets compared to them. However when comparing Bray and Manning we should only look at Manning's first 24 starts instead of all 45, since that is all that Bray had.
Wow, you just killed it. I guess the 2 QBs in the Super Bowl from a few weeks ago were top 10 locks. Oh noes.

Didn't answer the question, wizard. Why isn't he a projected top 10 pick, or even a first round projected pick? This time, try to respond to the actual question.
Tennessee lost one road game. They also ended long unbeaten streaks to Bama and Georgia at home as well as getting destroyed by Miami at home. Clutch is so over used and is meaningless. The NFL is looking at talent and Tyler is the most talented QB we have had since Manning.

That Miami team lost two games in three years, not alot of shame there. He also lead the Vols to a stunning road win over them the next year. In addition to winning twice at the Swamp, twice in Tuscaloosa ( 4th and 23), and playing the second half of a six overtime win with a separated shoulder. I'm not arguing at all that Bray isn't more talented. But Casey was a LEADER and a WINNER. Bray, for whatever reason hasn't gotten there. Why do you think his stock is so low even with all those tools?
He came back too early from the injury and was ill. The coach also said that.

Yeah, late reads are caused by thumb issues. Probably why he looked better the week before against a better Vandy team. I stand corrected. Plus, Bray saying he didn't want to go to a bowl helps a lot.
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