The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes

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He responded to a myriad of North Korean threats on Twitter. What’s he supposed to ignore two decades worth of threats ?


They saber rattle to get attention. The US has never needed to get into social media sniping with anyone, acknowledging their nonsense validates that we're worried about them.

They're like a crying toddler, best just to ignore them.

Walk softly and carry a big stick, remember?
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The Chairman of the JCS has no operational command of the armed forces. His comments to the CCP deny the true executive authority of the President to mobilize forces.
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Certainly doesn't hurt. @Septic is right that the SecDef got canned over it, but I don't know if there ever was any follow up and our troops were pulled. It was right in the middle of the election frenzy and the world could have stopped turning.

Anyway, if Miley did make the calls around that time and wasn't approved to do so, it does show a distinct pattern within the DoD of ignoring the CinC and doing whatever the hell they wanted.

And that's a dangerous situation.
Except there’s not even an allegation or any facts to suggest that he ignored the President. So, I don’t see how it shows a pattern of that at all.

If Trump actually wanted to start a war China then the two stories are similar, but I haven’t seen any legitimate evidence of that.
I heard a someone running for congress in TN say China is actually buying our farmland here in Middle TN. I'm not sure how accurate that is.

I can't say it would be surprising. The Chinese have been buying mining rights all over including inside the US, so why not farming. Not keeping family farms viable is another of our big screwups.
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That's interesting, all I'm hearing from the usual punditry is how Trump is calling it TREASON (if true).
He said he doubts it’s true but would consider it treason if true. There that pesky context thing again. Both sides take about everything put of context to spin the narrative du jour.
I can't say it would be surprising. The Chinese have been buying mining rights all over including inside the US, so why not farming. Not keeping family farms viable is another of our big screwups.

CCP would never let this happen in China.
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Present day Woodward doesnt get the benefit of the doubt that 1970’s Woodward did.

The 70s version of Woodward shouldn't have gotten benefit of the doubt either, but getting Nixon was bloodlust. The only thing I've seen even close to comparable was getting Trump. Dems are bloodthirsty fiends when they have a problem with a strong president who doesn't see things their way.
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Even if there was a full blown investigation into what Milley said they wouldn’t find anything and sure as heck wouldn’t court martial him. There’s a class of people in this country that are above the law.
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They saber rattle to get attention. The US has never needed to get into social media sniping with anyone, acknowledging their nonsense validates that we're worried about them.

They're like a crying toddler, best just to ignore them.

Walk softly and carry a big stick, remember?
I couldn’t disagree more. We’ve ignored them for decades and as a result they have become more capable of hurting us and South Korea ( in my opinion one of our few allies actually worth being called such). At some point a generation of Americans will likely have to address North Korea. Trumps agrees rhetoric with North Korea should be balanced against the conciliatory nature that he displayed by actually meeting Kim ( twice I believe?). The likely fact has been and probably will remain, that until North Korea is sufficiently convinced of America’s resolve to destroy them if need be, that they will continue on the threatening path that they have been on.
The Chairman of the JCS has no operational command of the armed forces. His comments to the CCP deny the true executive authority of the President to mobilize forces.
correct. Furthermore the JCS have zilch to do with nuclear launch.
Here's protocol:
As commander-in-chief, the president is the only individual with the authority to order the use of nuclear weapons.[10] The National Command Authority comprising the president and Secretary of Defense must jointly authenticate the order to use nuclear weapons.[6] However, Section 4 of the 25th Amendment of the Constitution allows for the vice president, together with a majority of cabinet heads or Congress, to declare the president disabled or unfit to execute the duties of the office.[12]
Milley is an advisor on an advisory panel.
Joint Chiefs of Staff, panel of high-ranking U.S. military officers who advise the president of the United States and other civilian leaders on military issues. As an advisory body, the Joint Chiefs of Staff do not lead combat forces and have no executive or command authority over troops in their services.
The 70s version of Woodward shouldn't have gotten benefit of the doubt either, but getting Nixon was bloodlust. The only thing I've seen even close to comparable was getting Trump. Dems are bloodthirsty fiends when they have a problem with a strong president who doesn't see things their way.

Nice summation. :cool:
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I couldn’t disagree more. We’ve ignored them for decades and as a result they have become more capable of hurting us and South Korea ( in my opinion one of our few allies actually worth being called such). At some point a generation of Americans will likely have to address North Korea. Trumps agrees rhetoric with North Korea should be balanced against the conciliatory nature that he displayed by actually meeting Kim ( twice I believe?). The likely fact has been and probably will remain, that until North Korea is sufficiently convinced of America’s resolve to destroy them if need be, that they will continue on the threatening path that they have been on.

That's certainly your right. I'm unimpressed with bravado and chest thumping. It makes for flashy headlines but it's useless when fists start flying. It's beneath America to get into twittter pissing contests.
So what makes them an adversary is that people seeking Senate confirmation are telling psycho repub senators what they want to hear. Good to know that's how we figure out who our adversaries are.

Let's try another way of thinking. Early in the last century, we put in place a series of laws to deal with uncompetitive business practices. Things like a company moving into an area; using income from other regions to drop prices to gain an entire market and drive competitors out of business; and once done, raising prices as high as they wanted ... because they had no competition. That's basically economic warfare as practiced by the Chinese. They got us to close industries here - industries that would take years to rebuild, and they have us bent over a barrel on a number of strategic products. If you cripple an adversary first with economic war, then how much fight can they put up in a military war? Gee, would you mind selling us metals so we can rebuild the planes you shot down and ships you sank?

Another example that doesn't include us. Russia sold Germany on basically a sole source supply of natural gas - a pipeline running to Germany from Russia. Part of the climate change hysteria. Russia like China doesn't really care about pollution, so it's easy to outsource pollution to Russia or China and pretend as a world leader you've done your patriotic environmental bit. The problem is it is just like we've stupidly done; when you put all your eggs in one basket controlled by someone else, you are their hostage to what comes next. That's economic warfare. Oh, and with biden policies and a couple of other events, we've throttled NG production here in the US, and NG prices are expected to surge to extremes over the winter. Nice, huh?
Except there’s not even an allegation or any facts to suggest that he ignored the President. So, I don’t see how it shows a pattern of that at all.

If Trump actually wanted to start a war China then the two stories are similar, but I haven’t seen any legitimate evidence of that.

Pattern of misconduct on the part of the DoD and not following established protocol.

I am the same question I posed to LG which he ignored. Since when has the CJCS ever unilaterally gone to an adversary and warned them of such a thing? I know it's allegations at the moment, but the Pentagon did not issue a denial...
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Pattern of misconduct on the part of the DoD and not following established protocol.

I am the same question I posed to LG which he ignored. Since when has the CJCS ever unilaterally gone to an adversary and warned them of such a thing? I know it's allegations at the moment, but the Pentagon did not issue a denial...
Never and still hasn’t, as far as I know, because that too is not even the allegation, here.

I don’t know how often the chairman or any specific person in government would talk to the Chinese, the alleged quote makes it seem like it may happen routinely, but so long as it doesn’t undermine another objective, it doesn’t seem like an act of ignoring the President, insubordination, or treason.

Sans evidence that Trump wanted a shooting war with the Chinese and Milley did this contrary to administration policy, it seems like this is being a bit overblown. I think you guys are right to say Trump didn’t want that, based on the evidence, but for me once I assume that to be true I have a hard time ginning up any outrage at Milley.
Even if there was a full blown investigation into what Milley said they wouldn’t find anything and sure as heck wouldn’t court martial him. There’s a class of people in this country that are above the law.
My concern is that a court martial is by military people. If they don’t see the issue with Milley, God help us all. If the jury all think what he did with chain of command is OK and that rolls down to every level we no longer have a military to provide security
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Never and still hasn’t, as far as I know, because that too is not even the allegation, here.

I don’t know how often the chairman or any specific person in government would talk to the Chinese, the alleged quote makes it seem like it may happen routinely, but so long as it doesn’t undermine another objective, it doesn’t seem like an act of ignoring the President, insubordination, or treason.

Sans evidence that Trump wanted a shooting war with the Chinese and Milley did this contrary to administration policy, it seems like this is being a bit overblown. I think you guys are right to say Trump didn’t want that, based on the evidence, but for me once I assume that to be true I have a hard time ginning up any outrage at Milley.

It is one of the allegations in the book. How true remains to be seen.

The insubordination and defiance is/would be the fact he (allegedly) informed the Chinese he would warn them of an attack and/or not follow out the orders and instruct the other Flag Officers not to follow the orders of the President. That's pretty central to the outrage here. If true, that's a pretty damn serious charge.
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His foreign policy was actually somewhat effective.

Nuclear proliferation creates a tremendous incentive for diplomacy, almost like a set of unwritten rules that Trump seemed too dumb to understand.

It’s like walking down a city street filled with world leaders and there’s a disheveled homeless guy having a psychotic break, angrily screaming to himself, and they’re all wondering if he’s about to lash out at somebody, except he’s holding the world’s biggest bazooka.

That's taking it a little far, but I get what you're saying.

Some people had concerns, but it doesn't mean they were valid. Being unconventional or unpredictable about certain things doesn't mean he was a lunatic that was a switch flip away from starting WW3 which is what's being argued today. I just don't remember seeing any actions that showed he had any interest in that. He wasn't aggressive with the military. He didn't show interest in ramping up current conflicts or constantly wanting to send US troops around the globe for every little thing.

Trump had all the opportunity in the world to be unpredictable and unhinged when Iran shot down a US drone. And he called off the planned retaliation due to potential for civilian casualty. Doesn't sound like someone that's going to irrationally fire a bazooka for any reason.
BREAKING NEWS: Jan. 6 committee leaders Demand Records relating to claims Milley spoke to China behind Trump's back

Co-chairs of the committee investigating the January 6 Capitol riot are demanding Pentagon records related to recent reports that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley went behind then-President Donald Trump's back to warn China of a potential attack.

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Buzz Patterson, an aide during Bill Clinton's administration who protected the 'nuclear football,' said it was not Milley's job to make decisions in a civilian-controlled military.

'As a former carrier of the nuclear football, this is simply unconscionable,' Patterson tweeted. 'The military doesn't get to make this call in a civilian controlled system. Milley needs to resign immediately.'

Jan. 6 committee demands records relating to claims Milley spoke to China behind Trump's back | Daily Mail Online
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China Threatens to Sail Its Navy Into Hawaiian waters as US and Australia announce defence pact - days after flotilla of four Chinese vessels sail past Alaska

China today threatened to send its Navy into Hawaiian waters in the latest round of sabre rattling in the Pacific after Australia, the US and Britain announced a new naval alliance in the region.

Four Chinese vessels have already been spotted sailing off the coast of Alaska this week in a display of naval power amid increasing tensions as a global nuclear submarine pact was signed to take on Beijing.

A Chinese guided-missile cruiser, guided-missile destroyer, general intelligence vessel, and an auxiliary vessel were spotted off the coast of Alaska's Aleutian Islands during surveillance operations in the Bering Sea.

China threatens to sail its navy into Hawaiian waters as US and Australia announce defence pact | Daily Mail Online
Based on what I know. He should not be punished.
I understand the facts are still coming out.

IF it comes to light that Milley acted without authorization, and went outside the chain of command - is your opinion subject to change?

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