The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes

Funny that this book is truth, but all the other books are not truth.

I'm actually hoping it's not true. I think many others are too. These are some damning charges but these 200 anonymous sources always give reason to pause. There has been far too many lies printed that have been uncovered. Trust and confidence in the media and politicians in Washington are at an all time low.

If Woodward lied then the lawsuit should be one of the highest we've seen.

I have my doubts because this has not been denied. If Milley did this then he should be fired or resign and subject to a court martial. These are the actions we read about in other countries that should not be tolerated here unless this country is at the point of no return which it is closing in on. This is a partisan display and others could be involved.

We should all be concerned.
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Something just smells fishy about all this.
It is not like the story did not break months ago, at least Pelosi discussing the possibility of Presidental launch limitations.

Actually she should face just as much discipline.

The timing with the Afghan withdrawal debacle does not seem coincidental
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It’s an opinion piece by Jonathon Turley (🙄) that does the exact same thing you’re doing.

States the allegations plainly:
“Milley stressed the ‘process’…”
“They claim Milley called Gen. Li Zuocheng of China’s People’s Liberation Army four days before the election, on Oct. 30, 2020, and then again on Jan. 8, to assure him no attack would be launched — and, if there were to be an attack, that Milley would alert his counterpart in advance.”

Then analyzes embellished allegations:
“could subject Milley to a possible court martial for usurping the authority of the commander in chief under Article II of the Constitution.”
“Milley would not have the authority to countermand the commander in chief.”
“If Milley felt Trump was no longer capable of exercising his authority as commander in chief, then he had a duty to raise Trump’s removal — not to unilaterally assume the powers of commander in chief.”
“Milley is not allowed to create a second option. There is no license for improvisation in the Constitution on this question.”
👆none of these things are even alleged to have happened, which is par for the course for Turley and why he is viewed as such a hack by everybody outside Trumpworld.

I agree when he says “Yet such concerns — even if held in good faith — would not justify what is claimed by [Turley and grandvol]…” but what’s alleged by Woodward and Costa seems far more mundane than that. The promise is problematic but needs more facts. He’s apparently scheduled to testify on Sept. 28 I’m sure that will be useless, but it’d be nice if somebody actually grilled his ass the way Romney did with Blinken.

DOD should release the transcripts of the calls and this could all be put to bed.
It’s an opinion piece by Jonathon Turley (🙄) that does the exact same thing you’re doing.

States the allegations plainly:
“Milley stressed the ‘process’…”
“They claim Milley called Gen. Li Zuocheng of China’s People’s Liberation Army four days before the election, on Oct. 30, 2020, and then again on Jan. 8, to assure him no attack would be launched — and, if there were to be an attack, that Milley would alert his counterpart in advance.”

Then analyzes embellished allegations:
“could subject Milley to a possible court martial for usurping the authority of the commander in chief under Article II of the Constitution.”
“Milley would not have the authority to countermand the commander in chief.”
“If Milley felt Trump was no longer capable of exercising his authority as commander in chief, then he had a duty to raise Trump’s removal — not to unilaterally assume the powers of commander in chief.”
“Milley is not allowed to create a second option. There is no license for improvisation in the Constitution on this question.”
👆none of these things are even alleged to have happened, which is par for the course for Turley and why he is viewed as such a hack by everybody outside Trumpworld.

I agree when he says “Yet such concerns — even if held in good faith — would not justify what is claimed by [Turley and grandvol]…” but what’s alleged by Woodward and Costa seems far more mundane than that. The promise is problematic but needs more facts. He’s apparently scheduled to testify on Sept. 28 I’m sure that will be useless, but it’d be nice if somebody actually grilled his ass the way Romney did with Blinken.
LMAO Turley is now viewed as a hack by everyone outside Trump world. I’d guess Dershowitz is too now right? 😂
So … Milley in his own words had multiple “perfect” phone calls? Beautiful 😆
Yep, perfectly within his job to start having behind the back conversations with a hostile nuclear power that is starting to sound more and more like that idiot in N. Korea. He went way off the reservation and should have to deal with the consequences. We cannot have the military thinking that they are the State Department.

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