The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes

Kash Patel: Gen. Milley knows better and is peddling false facts to justify actions
Sep. 17, 2021 - 0:28 - Ex-Pentagon Chief of Staff Kash Patel on what really happened
Just what kind of moron would give a man like Donald Trump the keys to the nukes anyway? Oh......nevermind.

Quite frankly he is one of many recently that had no business being President of the US, unfortunately too many people vote on "likeability", charisma, and charm over leadership qualities or actual successful experience in leadership roles. The office of the Presidency was sold to the media and wealthy donors long ago. This is what we have now
Quite frankly he is one of many recently that had no business being President of the US, unfortunately too many people vote on "likeability", charisma, and charm over leadership qualities or actual successful experience in leadership roles. The office of the Presidency was sold to the media and wealthy donors long ago. This is what we have now

A community organizer, a reality TV personality, and the village idiot?
Didn't the Pentagon just confirm Biden sent a hellfire missle into an aid worker's vehicle killing 10 including 7 children? All to divert media attention from the Afghanistan withdrawal.

With that sort of decision making, I for one am glad Uncle Joe has the nuke codes.
LMAO Turley is now viewed as a hack by everyone outside Trump world. I’d guess Dershowitz is too now right? 😂
Last night, Turley misunderstood or misrepresented the contents of a <1 page order in the US v. Texas case to make it seem more favorable for Texas and more damming to DOJ. A lot of his opinions are outcome driven and he’s shown that by flip flopping on issues depending on the Trumpkins preferred outcome. Then there’s stuff like this. Yes, he is widely viewed as a hack.

I don’t know if Dershowitz is. I don’t think he holds himself out as an authority the way Turley does. He’s still representing clients.
You know what? You ****ing asked for the link of what I said before. I've now provided you two ****ing links of exactly what I said the claims were IN THE ****ING BOOK.

Implying he wanted them to not follow orders unless he was directly involved with the decision.

Stop being a dick. You were doing so well before now.

Lol. You claimed he told the Chinese he would refuse to follow orders and instruct other flag officers not to follow the orders of the President. Here, let’s make it easy for you:
The insubordination and defiance is/would be the fact he (allegedly) informed the Chinese he would warn them of an attack and/or not follow out the orders and instruct the other Flag Officers not to follow the orders of the President.

You’ve provided 0 links to show that has even been alleged.

Now you’re saying that, because you’ve inferred that he might have done that, it’s a fact that he promised to do it?

Sorry, you don’t get to demand that you be treated like a grown up when you do sophomoric things like that.
I'm actually hoping it's not true. I think many others are too. These are some damning charges but these 200 anonymous sources always give reason to pause. There has been far too many lies printed that have been uncovered. Trust and confidence in the media and politicians in Washington are at an all time low.

If Woodward lied then the lawsuit should be one of the highest we've seen.

I have my doubts because this has not been denied. If Milley did this then he should be fired or resign and subject to a court martial. These are the actions we read about in other countries that should not be tolerated here unless this country is at the point of no return which it is closing in on. This is a partisan display and others could be involved.

We should all be concerned.
Oh, it's gone.
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Quite frankly he is one of many recently that had no business being President of the US, unfortunately too many people vote on "likeability", charisma, and charm over leadership qualities or actual successful experience in leadership roles. The office of the Presidency was sold to the media and wealthy donors long ago. This is what we have now

Joe has none of those qualities. So, how did he get elected?
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Last night, Turley misunderstood or misrepresented the contents of a <1 page order in the US v. Texas case to make it seem more favorable for Texas and more damming to DOJ. A lot of his opinions are outcome driven and he’s shown that by flip flopping on issues depending on the Trumpkins preferred outcome. Then there’s stuff like this. Yes, he is widely viewed as a hack.

I don’t know if Dershowitz is. I don’t think he holds himself out as an authority the way Turley does. He’s still representing clients.
He is not widely viewed as a hack. He has been a professional witness in three POTUS impeachment cases. In the last one he was the only professional witness whom didn’t sound like they were OD’ing on feminine hygiene products. Turley isn’t a hack and I’ll take his opinion over yours 10 out of 10 times. Same for Dershowitz
Last night, Turley misunderstood or misrepresented the contents of a <1 page order in the US v. Texas case to make it seem more favorable for Texas and more damming to DOJ. A lot of his opinions are outcome driven and he’s shown that by flip flopping on issues depending on the Trumpkins preferred outcome. Then there’s stuff like this. Yes, he is widely viewed as a hack.

I don’t know if Dershowitz is. I don’t think he holds himself out as an authority the way Turley does. He’s still representing clients.

Why are you so freakin contrarian all the time? IIRC you always claimed to be a Republican, but I never see you go out of ur way with anything this monumental POS admin does. It is like many on here, and frankly speaks to an agenda
He is not widely viewed as a hack. He has been a professional witness in three POTUS impeachment cases. In the last one he was the only professional witness whom didn’t sound like they were OD’ing on feminine hygiene products. Turley isn’t a hack and I’ll take his opinion over yours 10 out of 10 times. Same for Dershowitz
Yes he is and of course you don’t think so: you’re a trumpkin who lives in a right wing echo chamber.

He was called by Republicans to give authoritative cover for Republican votes in all three trials and some of his opinions reversed between the first trial and the third.

Then there are a number of things like this where he embellishes facts to make the Republican base feel better about their knee jerk reactions and social media stoked rage.

He’s a hack.
Why are you so freakin contrarian all the time? IIRC you always claimed to be a Republican, but I never see you go out of ur way with anything this monumental POS admin does. It is like many on here, and frankly speaks to an agenda
I’ve explained this to you before. You buried your head in the sand. Not my problem.
Yes he is and of course you don’t think so: you’re a trumpkin who lives in a right wing echo chamber.

He was called by Republicans to give authoritative cover for Republican votes in all three trials and some of his opinions reversed between the first trial and the third.

Then there are a number of things like this where he embellishes facts to make the Republican base feel better about their knee jerk reactions and social media stoked rage.

He’s a hack.
LMFAO back to the Trumpkin label since I don’t buy your bull ****.

He was literally the only professional witness in the last impeachment trial that didn’t sound like an overly emotional clueless mouthpiece.

I’ve got my own label for people that tend to call out Turley and/or Dershowitz. Clueless liberals. Hey this is fun 😂
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LMFAO back to the Trumpkin label since I don’t buy your bulk ****.

He was literally the only professional witness in the last impeachment trial that didn’t sound like an overly emotional clueless mouthpiece.

I’ve got my own label for people that tend to call out Turley and/or Dershowitz. Clueless liberals. Hey this is fun 😂

You disagreeing with me has nothing to do with why you’re a Trumpkin, but the fact that you think it does makes you more of one.

He told you what you wanted to hear and validated your preconceived opinions so you agreed with what he was saying and therefore thought he was credible. It’s what he always does, which is why he was called. It’s why you’re so mad about me pointing out that he’s a hack.
You disagreeing with me has nothing to do with why you’re a Trumpkin, but the fact that you think it does makes you more of one.

He told you what you wanted to hear and validated your preconceived opinions so you agreed with what he was saying and therefore thought he was credible. It’s what he always does, which is why he was called. It’s why you’re so mad about me pointing out that he’s a hack.
LMFAO I don’t care that you disagreed with me but since you did I’m gonna call you my personal TDS based label 😂

No he was the only one whom made a coherent case on the facts of the situation. That’s it. I can understand why you can’t recognize this since accordingly to you Jan 6 was a real coup. Clearly your analysis skills are lacking.
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I didn’t say he was stupid, I said I’ve already answered his criticism. Can’t imagine why you guys think you get called stupid so much when you can’t even tell when you’re being called stupid.
Thanks for parsing a meme. That clears the situation up for everyone 😂
Well, if Pelosi was involved in this as it’s been said, then we’re done as a country.

It's bad enough that it may have happened. If it did and Pelosi and Milley (and maybe others) skate, then it pretty well says we are done because it means we either accept treasonable actions or we have crossed the boundary from an organized government with rules delineating the responsibilities of the military and the three branches of government to anarchy.
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Yep, perfectly within his job to start having behind the back conversations with a hostile nuclear power that is starting to sound more and more like that idiot in N. Korea. He went way off the reservation and should have to deal with the consequences. We cannot have the military thinking that they are the State Department.

It also brings up deeper meaning. If we see China as an adversary and would even consider a first strike at them, then why the hell are we continuing trade with China and dependent on them for manufactured goods and materials we need and no longer produce? If the reports are true, then you either have to see Milley as too stupid to be in his position, or our government and globalists within industry and government should be locked up for making this country vulnerable and with no recovery plan.

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