The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes

It also brings up deeper meaning. If we see China as an adversary and would even consider a first strike at them, then why the hell are we continuing trade with China and dependent on them for manufactured goods and materials we need and no longer produce? If the reports are true, then you either have to see Milley as too stupid to be in his position, or our government and globalists within industry and government should be locked up for making this country vulnerable and with no recovery plan.
Remember when OPEC shut our country down in the early 70's? Jimmy Carter was in charge and now we have an even dumber idiot in charge in Joe Biden.
There IS an acceptable procedure for dealing with an unstable CIC. It is called the 25th Amendment. If the concerns were as great as some people make them out to be, why wasn’t it at least attempted? I think we have a lot of smoke here but no fire.

Maybe dems figured out they did the "sky is falling" too many times to believe they could use the 25th ..., and they probably felt they needed to save that for joe anyway. There's a line between being adversarial branches and attempting to coopt another branch, and too many impeachments and 25ths make it look like congress forgot its place.
Quite frankly he is one of many recently that had no business being President of the US, unfortunately too many people vote on "likeability", charisma, and charm over leadership qualities or actual successful experience in leadership roles. The office of the Presidency was sold to the media and wealthy donors long ago. This is what we have now

Yes and no. It's hard to define any politician as a leader, but that always seems to be the basis for deciding whether a presidential candidate is qualified to be president. There are plenty of non-politicians in the world who are more qualified to be president if you want a leader. Trump definitely showed little leadership capability in many ways, but he accomplished more success than "qualified" politicians.
LMFAO I don’t care that you disagreed with me but since you did I’m gonna call you my personal TDS based label 😂

No he was the only one whom made a coherent case on the facts of the situation. That’s it. I can understand why you can’t recognize this since accordingly to you Jan 6 was a real coup. Clearly your analysis skills are lacking.

It's the legal thing. Lawyers are more like modern day fact checkers. Too much time looking for holes in an argument or loopholes, and too little time really evaluating. That probably comes from the fact that most of us reach a decision based on evaluating everything and don't appreciate that a lawyer is paid to represent one side only.
Why are you so freakin contrarian all the time? IIRC you always claimed to be a Republican, but I never see you go out of ur way with anything this monumental POS admin does. It is like many on here, and frankly speaks to an agenda
Most here that claim to be conservatives that defend this administration are/never were really conservatives. Same goes for those that claim to be libertarians. Most are not libertarians they're liberalterians.
Milley told lawmakers key Trump leaders and military officials were aware of the calls.
He had 8 people with him for his first call and 11 people for his second. They were authorized by Espy and Pompeo knew of them, as well. There was intelligence that China feared that Trump was going to attack them and purpose of calls was to reassure them that there was no such intent.
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He had 8 people with him for his first call and 11 people for his second. They were authorized by Espy and Pompeo knew of them, as well. There was intelligence that China feared that Trump was going to attack them and purpose of calls was to reassure them that there was no such intent.

Milley testifying under oath before the senate today. Has he confessed to treason, yet?
No but he and McKenzie did throw the idiot in chief under the bus on troop withdrawal recommendation comments he’s made. Which is as forceful a statement we will get from either of them.
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