The Virginia Gov race

Impeach her on what basis? There is none. That Democrats staged two impeachments on nothing more than their radical majority in the House, is exactly why the Senate is there as a constitutional restraint upon that body in the scenario of impeachment. If Republicans also violate the constitution in that manner, then who the hell is left that gives a shite about about the constitutional republic? How does it even survive that?

So no, it is not the gameplan, this is Q talk. If Republicans were going to attempt entering the WH via anything other than an election, it would have been via the misbegotten speculation that the VP can unilaterally dismiss state electors. That was wrong and Trump was wrong to throw Pence under the bus with that idiocy.
Basis???😂😂😂😂😂 The Democrats done burned that bridge and good! Just make something up like they did. It would be pure payback and nothing else. They wanted to play this game, we will play it and play it better. The only way their foolishness will ever stop is when they experience it themselves.
Basis???😂😂😂😂😂 The Democrats done burned that bridge and good! Just make something up like they did. It would be pure payback and nothing else. They wanted to play this game, we will play it and play it better. The only way their foolishness will ever stop is when they experience it themselves.

Yes; again, what is the basis for impeaching Harris? No, they took a basis - the call with Zelensky and the 1/6 rally and subsequent breach of the capitol - which involved the president in both cases. They took that partial truth basis and fabricated it into a whole cloth lie.

So, what's your basis for impeaching Harris?
Yes; again, what is the basis for impeaching Harris? No, they took a basis - the call with Zelensky and the 1/6 rally and subsequent breach of the capitol - which involved the president in both cases. They took that partial truth basis and fabricated it into a whole cloth lie.

So, what's your basis for impeaching Harris?
I wouldn’t bet on the Rs not being as stupid or destructive. They’re all pretty much the same at this point.

Really? If you listed the ways the Trump era are similar to the Biden era, and I list the differences, who's going to have the short list? You may not like either, but it's more than a stretch to claim uni-party, which requires ignoring the dramatic changes in each party over the last 50, 10, and even 3-4 years.

I was lazy for a few election cycles, voting for libertarians who will never, ever be viable. Voting for Stein or G. Johnson is indulging a fantasy when the simple hard fact is that if you want more responsible government, pick a party from the two closest to you, and make them change. We see that happens repeatedly.
Basis???😂😂😂😂😂 The Democrats done burned that bridge and good! Just make something up like they did. It would be pure payback and nothing else. They wanted to play this game, we will play it and play it better. The only way their foolishness will ever stop is when they experience it themselves.

The Dems have been acting like fools for 4 decades now and had to suffer the consequences of their foolishness. Hasn’t and won’t stop them from continuing in the future.
Really? If you listed the ways the Trump era are similar to the Biden era, and I list the differences, who's going to have the short list? You may not like either, but it's more than a stretch to claim uni-party, which requires ignoring the dramatic changes in each party over the last 50, 10, and even 3-4 years.

I was lazy for a few election cycles, voting for libertarians who will never, ever be viable. Voting for Stein or G. Johnson is indulging a fantasy when the simple hard fact is that if you want more responsible government, pick a party from the two closest to you, and make them change. We see that happens repeatedly.

Neither party will ever become responsible administrators of this country. Look at the Tea Party movement, it was an attempt at changing the Republican Party from within and it was crushed. The Ds and the Rs are one in the same and cannot exist without the other.
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It should be clear to Virginian's that McAuliffe is not the guy. The dude has had to bring in Abrams, Obama, Biden, Clyburn, Harris, Kaine and others. Most of these people have nothing to do with Virginia. They are national hacks. I would be offended the guy is not focusing on making this local. Youngkin is running a local race.
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It should be clear to Virginian's that Mccauliff is not the guy. Thw dude has had to bring in Abrams, Obama, Biden, Clyburn, Harris, Kaine and others. Most of these people have nothing to do with Virginia. They are national hacks. I would be offended the guy is not focusing on making this local. Youngkin is running a local race.

Not sure I ever heard that surname before
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It should be clear to Virginian's that McAuliffe is not the guy. Thw dude has had to bring in Abrams, Obama, Biden, Clyburn, Harris, Kaine and others. Most of these people have nothing to do with Virginia. They are national hacks. I would be offended the guy is not focusing on making this local. Youngkin is running a local race.
McAuliffe is the guy in VA because he’s the one with the (D) by his name. That’s all that’s needed in that state
Neither party will ever become responsible administrators of this country. Look at the Tea Party movement, it was an attempt at changing the Republican Party from within and it was crushed. The Ds and the Rs are one in the same and cannot exist without the other.

No, it simply wasn't. Tea, Liberty, and Freedom caucuses literally are in command of the party and literally what elected anti-RINO Trump and is marginalizing wing-tippers like Liz Cheney, A. Kinzinger, Romney, etc. to the edge of the party, while other Never-Trumpers like Graham and Cruz have reversed course. It is literally the Trump party and not only doesn't resemble Bush/McCain-era GOP, but is polar opposite to the Obama/Biden radicals driving the DNC. There have probably not been fewer RINOs in the party in three decades, and you literally saw it happen whether recognizing it or not.

I'm not saying you are intellectually lazy, but "the same" argument is intellectually lazy and excuse to do nothing but idly bit*h. Put another way, there would have been no Trump and no America First GOP afterwards with that mindset. FFS, one has to ignore the seismic political division in this country and the open, ideological war going on between the two parties to make the claim.
McAuliffe is the guy in VA because he’s the one with the (D) by his name. That’s all that’s needed in that state

I've often said some voters know who they are voting for in 2028 or 2040 eventhough they don't know who they are voting for. Useful idiots will deny this. They are in political slavery and don't know or understand it. Political slavery is much like being an animal in an electric fence. They can turn off the electric fence but the voter wouldn't know because they are so afraid of going near the fence because they are used to getting shocked so now they are totally compliant and don't challenge their own tboughts anymore.

That is a sad state of politics and how people are enslaved to parties. I didn't want to be that guy. So I originally sought to free myself from this idea and I became a free agent voter. Once I did that I started to see things I had not seen before in a more open way.

For several years I wanted a good moderate democrat to vote for. This is probably not popular but I still love Ford, Jr. The sad thing is I'm not sure he would get my vote today because he is in a party with a bunch of radicals who was to socialize and weaken this country.
I've often said some voters know who they are voting for in 2028 or 2040 eventhough they don't know who they are voting for. Useful idiots will deny this. They are in political slavery and don't know or understand it. Political slavery is much like being an animal in an electric fence. They can turn off the electric fence but the voter wouldn't know because they are so afraid of going near the fence because they are used to getting shocked so now they are totally compliant and don't challenge their own tboughts anymore.

That is a sad state of politics and how people are enslaved to parties. I didn't want to be that guy. So I originally sought to free myself from this idea and I became a free agent voter. Once I did that I started to see things I had not seen before in a more open way.

For several years I wanted a good moderate democrat to vote for. This is probably not popular but I still love Ford, Jr. The sad thing is I'm not sure he would get my vote today because he is in a party with a bunch of radicals who was to socialize and weaken this country.

Who is this FORD Jr you speak of? Surely you are not talking about Harold Ford Jr, a member of one of the most corrupt families in American politics.

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