The Virginia Gov race

No, it simply wasn't. Tea, Liberty, and Freedom caucuses literally are in command of the party and literally what elected anti-RINO Trump and is marginalizing wing-tippers like Liz Cheney, A. Kinzinger, Romney, etc. to the edge of the party, while other Never-Trumpers like Graham and Cruz have reversed course. It is literally the Trump party and not only doesn't resemble Bush/McCain-era GOP, but is polar opposite to the Obama/Biden radicals driving the DNC. There have probably not been fewer RINOs in the party in three decades, and you literally saw it happen whether recognizing it or not.

I'm not saying you are intellectually lazy, but "the same" argument is intellectually lazy and excuse to do nothing but idly bit*h. Put another way, there would have been no Trump and no America First GOP afterwards with that mindset. FFS, one has to ignore the seismic political division in this country and the open, ideological war going on between the two parties to make the claim.

Sorry but I must have missed where the McConnels, Grahams and Romney’s aren’t in charge and the party has become fiscally responsible.
Who is this FORD Jr you speak of? Surely you are not talking about Harold Ford Jr, a member of one of the most corrupt families in American politics.

His family is corrupt yes but I like Ford, Jr. He has led a somewhat quiet life after his senate race. He is an analyst on foxnews. We did end up with Corker.
I love those once that the producers of Downfall wanted to stop many more ppl probably saw an excellent movie because of them though
It was a great movie. Bruno Ganz was one of the world’s greatest actors. Really sad that he passed recently
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Glenn Youngkin

"...and if we can't win then we end up with single party rule, and we just see that single party rule is taking Virginia in such the wrong place. Trying to turn us into California East. And on a Friday night I asked my wife if she would support me. I told her I was going to quit my job the next day. I have to say she cried and asked if I was having a mid life crisis. And I just told her no, Virginia was having a crisis. And we agreed we were going to press forward and we prayed over it."

Life, Libery and Levin
I’m calling the Democrat by mail in vote. Miraculously 129,213 votes to none will drop at 2:47am.

Exactly what I expect to happen out of Richmond. The odd thing is that they are allowing these polls to show Youngkin pulling away. Usually they try to show its a "close race" so when they cheat it isnt questioned as much. If they slip in the votes with Younkin leading in the polls by 8+ points it will be way way harder to control the post election narrative. I suspect these are local operatives and hatchets who are failing at this, not the much savvier gunslingers that Zuckerberg paid for in the 2020.
We should consider the sad state of affairs when somebody's rationale for choosing a candidate is that they won't be embarrassing.
Would you consider someone for any position of leadership if you found them embarrassing? Of course not. Do you find Biden embarrassing? I bet you do. The crazy Trump supporters who think he's hated bc of "mean tweets" are clueless.
Would you consider someone for any position of leadership if you found them embarrassing? Of course not. Do you find Biden embarrassing? I bet you do. The crazy Trump supporters who think he's hated bc of "mean tweets" are clueless.

I was making statement on the pathetic condition of American politics when the only expectation of an elected official is that they won't be embarrassing. I didn't vote for Trump or biden so I bear no responsibility for the actions of either of them and thus am not embarrassed by them. Actually I find them both to have great comedic value.
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