The Virginia Gov race

Another thing I remembered:

McAuliffe directly orchestrated Norfolk Southern's move out of Roanoke and consolidation of those positions largely in Norfolk. Our "compensation" was Deschutes Brewery, which was never going to actually open an east coast operation (due to crappy management) and is closing their only presence here in a few weeks.

Roanokers voting for him are shooting themselves in the foot. But that's what dims do.

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Team McAuliffe emails reveal effort to 'kill this' Fox News story

'Can we try to kill this,' a spokesperson asked

Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe's campaign raised eyebrows by spending nearly $60,000 to hire a high-profile attorney known for masterminding election-related legal challenges. When Fox News sent the campaign a request for comment, the McAuliffe campaign scrambled to "kill" the story, according to emails mistakenly sent to Fox News.

Less than a month before Election Day, McAuliffe's campaign spent $53,680 on the services of the Elias Law Group, a firm that Marc Elias started earlier this year, Fox News previously reported. Elias had formerly worked as a partner at the law firm Perkins Coie, which the Hillary Clinton campaign hired in 2016 in order to conduct opposition research on Donald Trump – research that included the infamous Christopher Steele dossier. Republicans have accused Elias of lying to hide the Clinton campaign's role in funding the dossier.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley wrote that McAuliffe hiring Elias is an "astonishing move."

"McAuliffe may be preparing to challenge any win by Republican Glenn Youngkin," he wrote on Twitter.

Team McAuliffe emails reveal effort to 'kill this' Fox News story
I know they say this about everything, but I'm thinking the outcome of this election could be a huge indicator of how 2022 midterms end up.
It is going to be a brutal shellacking of the Democrat party. They overplayed their hand terribly. After Trump, all they had to do was not go crazy. But they couldn’t help themselves. Now they are about to go into the political wilderness in a way we haven’t seen in our lifetimes.
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It is going to be a brutal shellacking of the Democrat party. They overplayed their hand terribly. After Trump, all they had to do was not go crazy. But they couldn’t help themselves. Now they are about to go into the political wilderness in a way we haven’t seen in our lifetimes.
Although I'm not a fan of Trump anymore, I'm sure glad he was president even if it was just 4 years. Democrats have really showed their true colors since he was elected and I'm glad they did. Now I want absolutely nothing to do with that party.

What's also interesting is that there has been a growing conservative movement. And it's a very diverse conservative movement. The percentage of minorities who have become conservative and Republicans has grown and I believe will continue to grow significantly.

And I've also noticed that there is a growing number of people who consider themselves left or progressive who also want nothing to do with the current democrat party. These people are also strongly against these vaccine mandates.

Guess Jim Crow Joe was right when he said he would unite this country.
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If Virginia turns Red, I will feel better that some people are waking up to this crap.
I was watching a video of a well known YouTuber who is a known leftist. Many of the comments on there are from people on the left who are against vaccine mandates and are embarrassed at the current state of the Democrat party.

Also, if you follow people like Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore, Alex Berenson, and Bari Weiss you will notice they are against all this government overreach and wokism. These are people who have been openly progressive/left for many years. So it seems there are at least some on that end waking up.
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Gas fired carbon emitting Grill? But not On? lol

I promise that grill is nothing to the amount of trees they used up to print all the junk mail / vote Democrat that’s stuffed in our mailbox every damn day here in Norfolk . It’s insane .
I promise that grill is nothing to the amount of trees they used up to print all the junk mail / vote Democrat that’s stuffed in our mailbox every damn day here in Norfolk . It’s insane .
We get so much crap, all addressed to my wife (who is Hispanic). I guess they think they can buy her vote. Joke's on them.
It is going to be a brutal shellacking of the Democrat party. They overplayed their hand terribly. After Trump, all they had to do was not go crazy. But they couldn’t help themselves. Now they are about to go into the political wilderness in a way we haven’t seen in our lifetimes.

This is not the only problem but a major problem is they have a narrow lead in the house, a tie in the senate and a unpopular POTUS, yet the are allowing the extreme fringe to right policy. You would think they had large advantages to do this stuff.
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This is not the only problem but a major problem is they have a narrow lead in the house, a tie in the senate and a unpopular POTUS, yet the are allowing the extreme fringe to right policy. You would think they had large advantages to do this stuff.
The alternative interpretation is that they know full well what is coming in Nov 2022 election and are trying to cram through as much foolishness as possible. They will not control things for a loooong time to come and they know it

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