The Virginia Gov race

The alternative interpretation is that they know full well what is coming in Nov 2022 election and are trying to cram through as much foolishness as possible. They will not control things for a loooong time to come and they know it
Funny the narrative being spewed is the lack of passing the bills from hell has negatively affected the Dems approval ratings
McAuliffe events see small crowds days before Virginia election

McAuliffe staffer tells reporter to 'f--- off' for trying to ask candidate question

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe is playing to sparsely attended events in Virginia just days before the election.

Fox News attended a Thursday campaign event at the Virginia Democratic Party regional headquarters in Harrisonburg, where McAuliffe spoke to supporters in the college town.

Only a handful of supporters in Harrisonburg showed up to greet McAuliffe’s campaign bus Thursday afternoon after the former governor’s flailing campaign cashed in political capital to get big-name Democrats out to stump for McAuliffe, including President Biden, Vice President Harris and failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.


McAuliffe events see small crowds days before Virginia election
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New day new poll...McAuliffe up 4 in the WP/George Mason poll...I said I thought he would win by 5...I'm thinking closer to 2-3 now...GOP will need a huge non Presidential year turnout to make up for the 200-300k deficit from early and mail in votes.
McAuliffe events see small crowds days before Virginia election

McAuliffe staffer tells reporter to 'f--- off' for trying to ask candidate question

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe is playing to sparsely attended events in Virginia just days before the election.

Fox News attended a Thursday campaign event at the Virginia Democratic Party regional headquarters in Harrisonburg, where McAuliffe spoke to supporters in the college town.

Only a handful of supporters in Harrisonburg showed up to greet McAuliffe’s campaign bus Thursday afternoon after the former governor’s flailing campaign cashed in political capital to get big-name Democrats out to stump for McAuliffe, including President Biden, Vice President Harris and failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.


McAuliffe events see small crowds days before Virginia election
Biden strategy?
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They have peddled their swill that conservatives are “stupid hicks” so long that they are starting to actually believe it. They probably really thought we were too dumb to research this 😃
Of wait, I am sure the sunglasses were supposed to fool us 😂😂😂😂
McAuliffe events see small crowds days before Virginia election

McAuliffe staffer tells reporter to 'f--- off' for trying to ask candidate question

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe is playing to sparsely attended events in Virginia just days before the election.

Fox News attended a Thursday campaign event at the Virginia Democratic Party regional headquarters in Harrisonburg, where McAuliffe spoke to supporters in the college town.

Only a handful of supporters in Harrisonburg showed up to greet McAuliffe’s campaign bus Thursday afternoon after the former governor’s flailing campaign cashed in political capital to get big-name Democrats out to stump for McAuliffe, including President Biden, Vice President Harris and failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.


McAuliffe events see small crowds days before Virginia election

Maybe they could get a few extra people if they promised free honeybuns and Duncan Donuts coffee.

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