It’s posts like this that reveal you as the troll you are. You are either clueless to today’s current state of affairs or an outright liar and plain troll, there is evidence of both. All any human has to do is turn on any media outlet or pick up any newspaper to see the racial divide ploy at work, it is literally everywhere and denying it reveals you to be either stupid or a liar. Watch MSNBC or CNNs coverage and commentary of yesterday’s VA election, listen to them saying the Democrats lost because VA voters are uninformed white extremist voters. Listen to Van Jones call VA voters white terrorists who have no sense of vision ( even though those same voters just elected a woman and woman of color mind you, for the first time in the state’s history as their LT Governor. The race baiting, bumbling fool that currently occupies the White House sat in front of the country and whole world and told you “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black”, it’s all documented, videoed, and on record fact and denying it makes you look like an imbecile and lying troll. Step up your game and spare us the weak sauce.