What part of my history education (pre CRT). In schools was dishonest? We were taught about the shameful Constitutional 3/5 person compromise, the transatlantic slave trade and how it enrichedSouthern landowners, the Dread Scott Decision, the Missouri Compromise, Bleeding Kansas, John Brown’s Raid, the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation, the horrors of reconstruction, Jim Crow, Little Rock schools and the National Guard, Rosa Parks and the 16th Street Church, MLK and the Freedom riders, the Selma Bridge, the Voting Rights Act, the KKK and White Supremacy defiance disguised as State’s rights. What exactly was hidden from me that I would have needed CRT to reveal? I graduated knowing that racism was horrid and repulsive and that I needed to avoid it and denounce it every time I saw it. Please tell me what you mean by being anti CRT being somehow anti history? The only thing CRT adds is a corrupt twist to the effect that the future is unavoidably determined by the past. How does that HELP anyone?