The Virginia Gov race

That’s why they elected an African American female lol 😂

VA voters elect a woman of color in favor of a white man that appears in blackface and with KKK robes as their LT Governor and a Latino Attorney General and the left wing media tells us it’s because VA voters are pushing and okay with white supremacy, and Luther and others tell us this is a correct assessment and is A okay. VA voters elect the most diversified ticket because they are all racists pushing the white supremacy agenda, yeah ... sounds legit. You can’t make this stuff up, the sheer amount of stupidity involved is mind blowing.
VA voters elect a woman of color in favor of a white man that appears in blackface and with KKK robes as their LT Governor and a Latino Attorney General and the left wing media tells us it’s because VA voters are pushing and okay with white supremacy, and Luther and others tell us this is a correct assessment and is A okay. VA voters elect the most diversified ticket because they are all racists pushing the white supremacy agenda, yeah ... sounds legit. You can’t make this stuff up, the sheer amount of stupidity involved is mind blowing.
Luther will never understand why he is so out of touch with reality
Dems' Post-Election Plan: Send More Immigrants to Virginia

But critical race theory isn't taught in Virginia schools!

The Republican sweep in Virginia Tuesday night has nullified that claim. Glenn Youngkin beat Terry McAuliffe in the governor's race. Republicans took the lieutenant governor's office and, most important, beat the incumbent, George Soros-installed attorney general. In a shocking upset, the GOP even flipped the House of Delegates.

All this, despite the incessantly repeated claim on MSNBC and CNN that "CRT isn't taught in Virginia schools!" uttered every five minutes like "Weather on the Ones!" Who were they trying to fool? Liberal women in New York? They don't vote in Virginia. But MSNBC and CNN so enjoyed sneering about the stupidity of Republicans that they never bothered to consider that the people who would be voting could see with their own eyes what was being taught to their children.

Liberals thought they had a lock on Virginia, no matter what lunacies their candidates spouted. They had a gigantic immigrant population (non-English speakers are a key Democratic constituency); illiterates (same), who were specifically given the right to vote by Democrats; and felons (duh), more than 300,000 of whom were enfranchised by the last two Democratic governors.

After Tuesday's election, it looks like the Biden administration is going to have to ship a lot more immigrants into the Old Dominion. Bus in tens of thousands of Haitians and, in five or six years, McAuliffe can come out for white slavery and win.

That's rough. Democrats had specifically earmarked those immigrants for Texas and Florida.

Dems' Post-Election Plan: Send More Immigrants to Virginia
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Yeah... I feel bad about that.
Ha! Why, do I detect some sarcasm Mr. BB?

Edit: Sorry about your job. Just found out. Good luck finding another one man. I’ve been through it. Sometimes it takes a good while to find home again. It took me a few stops after I was laid off but it happened.
He was, but he later told us that he had just lost his job on Monday and was PWI (posting while intoxicated) yesterday and last night. Most of us are giving him a pass on his posts yesterday.
Oh did he really? I needed to keep scrolling it seems. I thought it seemed a little over the top for BB. I hate to hear that for anyone. Thanks for letting me know.
So CRT is not really a thing? Just made up out of thin air? Imaginary stuff that even if it existed is no where near any our of public schools? No consultants being paid money to teach staff about it?

Hope you're right. I've with you because what I've read about it leads me to consider it BS and Critical Race Nonsense. Actually, I like this Luther, Critical Race Nonsense. Thanks!
As much as your agreement makes me all tingly, I'm afraid you may have misinterpreted the "Nonsense" element. It's not in the theory itself but in the right's apoplectic response. Of course we all know why the minions are being lead to that response.
CNN poll from October 5, 2016 before he left had 54 percent of Americans stating race relations were worse then than before him.
...and they were correct. I specifically remember telling my dad during Obama's second term that race relations in the U.S. were the worst that they had been at any point in my lifetime.
The irony is that the whole clip was of dems. complaining that repubs. are using racist dog whistles to generate support.
They are calling out repubs for racial BS like the whole Critical Race Nonsense.
The one guy who said it was like the bussing (school integration) issue of the '70s was spot on.

Better not get biden started on that.
Better not get biden started on that.
lol....His change was almost as abrupt as trump's going from having universal health care as one of his main planks in 2000 to being adamantly against it a few short years later......and that whole women's choice thing.
As much as your agreement makes me all tingly, I'm afraid you may have misinterpreted the "Nonsense" element. It's not in the theory itself but in the right's apoplectic response. Of course we all know why the minions are being lead to that response.

:cool: I may have misinterpreted your intent in the usage of Nonsense, but not that is actual nonsense. CRT is a five gallon bucket of the proverbial bovine output.

Now, I do not want to assume anything here, Luther. What exactly do you mean by this: "Of course we all know why the minions are being lead to that response"? Particularly, what is the "why" we all know and who are the minions?
I was listening to Delano Squires on Jason Whitlock's show recently. He said this movement against the left would be a multi racial, multi ethnic, multi cultural one. He's right.
:cool: I may have misinterpreted your intent in the usage of Nonsense, but not that is actual nonsense. CRT is a five gallon bucket of the proverbial bovine output.

Now, I do not want to assume anything here, Luther. What exactly do you mean by this: "Of course we all know why the minions are being lead to that response"? Particularly, what is the "why" we all know and who are the minions?
The minions in this case would be the ones mindlessly lead by right wing media.
The "why" is to sow racial discourse.
It's the same as with the whole portrayal of BLM protestors as riotous thugs. There are still nuts in the PF who believe this.
That’s why they elected an African American female lol 😂
Yeah, but didn’t you hear, she is a closet white suprematist? She goes home every day and discreetly puts on her KKK robes and hood. Can’t be too careful, those White Suprematists are SNEAKY little critters.
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Yeah, but didn’t you hear, she is a closet white suprematist? She goes home every day and discreetly puts on her KKK robes and hood. Can’t be too careful, those White Suprematists are SNEAKY little critters.

So that was her standing next to Gov black face in that photo?
We gotta get this election stuff fixed. We just cant keep having these issues and expect to function as a nation.
Paper ballots on Election Day only, filled out in person after presentation of a valid photo ID. AAnyone who absolutely MUST vote early can do so within 7 days prior to an election by going IN PERSON to the county registrar of elections or a post office and fill out a notarized ballot upon presentation of photo ID. Military serving overseas can continue to vote by mail under current law. There. Fixed it!

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