The Virginia Gov race

The irony is that the whole clip was of dems. complaining that repubs. are using racist dog whistles to generate support.
They are calling out repubs for racial BS like the whole Critical Race Nonsense.
The one guy who said it was like the bussing (school integration) issue of the '70s was spot on.
It’s not CRT being taught in schools. It does have a nice ring to it though. CRT!

You work in Education though. What would be a better descriptor of what actually is being taught in a lot of schools right now (with regards to our racial history)?

Anti-Bias? Anti-Racism? Something else?

@AshG same question for you ^^
It’s not CRT being taught in schools. It does have a nice ring to it though. CRT!

You work in Education though. What would be a better descriptor of what actually is being taught in a lot of schools right now (with regards to our racial history)?

Anti-Bias? Anti-Racism? Something else?

@AshG same question for you ^^

I'll weigh in - those calling it CRT are as technically wrong as those defending the content by saying we are just teaching "history".

It's semantic games played by both sides when the reality is that parents (rightly IMHO) mostly don't want their kids being taught that their race defines them into classes; particularly oppressors and victims. So call it what you will. If Rs are guilty of wrongly labeling it CRT then Ds are guilty of wrongly saying it's just teaching history.
I'll weigh in - those calling it CRT are as technically wrong as those defending the content by saying we are just teaching "history".

It's semantic games played by both sides when the reality is that parents (rightly IMHO) mostly don't want their kids being taught that their race defines them into classes; particularly oppressors and victims. So call it what you will. If Rs are guilty of wrongly labeling it CRT then Ds are guilty of wrongly saying it's just teaching history.

Parents also don't want their kids taught that America is a racist country and that we all suck. This country has done far more for racial equality than any other and it's not even close. Teach that and I'll support it
Parents also don't want their kids taught that America is a racist country and that we all suck. This country has done far more for racial equality than any other and it's not even close. Teach that and I'll support it

There are many people out there who are having trouble equating what is taught in their classrooms to what they see on TV and in their own neighborhoods. CRT-informed education initiatives are a horribly misguided attempt to push back against what the purveyors see as a falsified "Land of Milk and Honey" history that didn't exist for them.

We have a complex and complicated history as a country, but we have also done some of the most amazing things in human history. We need to ensure that we have a curriculum that discusses the good and the bad in age and developmentally appropriate language. We should ensure that curriculum provides our students with the tools to understand that America is a work in progress that should continue to strive towards becoming a more perfect union, and that they can play an active part in that improvement. We absolutely must make sure that students understand that race, religion, creed, and identity do not make a person inherently good or bad; it is what you do with your power, as an individual or collection of individuals, that makes that determination.
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There are many people out there who are having trouble equating what is taught in their classrooms to what they see on TV and in their own neighborhoods. CRT-informed education initiatives are a horribly misguided attempt to push back against what the purveyors see as a falsified "Land of Milk and Honey" history that didn't exist for them.

We have a complex and complicated history as a country, but we have also done some of the most amazing things in human history. We need to ensure that we have a curriculum that discusses the good and the bad in age and developmentally appropriate language. We should ensure that curriculum provides our students with the tools to understand that America is a work in progress that should continue to strive towards becoming a more perfect union, and that they can play an active part in that improvement. We absolutely must make sure that students understand that race, religion, creed, and identity do not make a person inherently good or bad; it is what you do with your power, as an individual or collection of individuals, that makes that determination.

I agree. If it was just a push to include more racial history then I understand. Conflating racial history with determinism and implying we haven't changed and you are either born into oppression/victimhood or an oppressor is destructive, wrong and racist in and of itself.
I agree. If it was just a push to include more racial history then I understand. Conflating racial history with determinism and implying we haven't changed and you are either born into oppression/victimhood or an oppressor is destructive, wrong and racist in and of itself.

But there are things we have to be able to talk about that do require extreme care and a very gentle, practiced touch. Students do notice disparities caused by property tax based school funding want want to know how caring adults can allow such significant differences in opportunities to occur. Gentrification and the forced exit of long time minority populations as as result of rising property tax bills their jobs can't keep up with is another.

Kids are sharper and notice more than we give them credit for.
But there are things we have to be able to talk about that do require extreme care and a very gentle, practiced touch. Students do notice disparities caused by property tax based school funding want want to know how caring adults can allow such significant differences in opportunities to occur. Gentrification and the forced exit of long time minority populations as as result of rising property tax bills their jobs can't keep up with is another.

Kids are sharper and notice more than we give them credit for.
I just saw a group of teens at a friend's house and they were texting each other about the ramification of property tax increases on gentrifying a nearby neighborhood. Their main concern was the lack of benefit from rising average home costs to the population of home renters versus homeowners.
Got to give the libs credit for the pivot on talking points they made election night. Since then, they have absolutely been in lockstep that CRT is not even a thing! Not being taught anywhere! As Luther says, it is nonsense!
It's fascinating how quickly these people allow their brain to be switched. Or maybe that's a sign they don't have a brain at all?
So do you think the people in the clip were making the assertion that 100% of the republican vote was racially motivated?
Do you think that 0% of the republican vote was racially motivated?
Do you think that the CRT issue was a factor in anyone's vote decision?
How many whitey is bad lesson plans do you currently use?
How many whitey is bad lesson plans do you currently use?
If I were making lesson plans, I guess it would depend on the class and subject I was teaching.
But just curious, how many times has whitey been bad?.....and did any of those times have a significant historical impact?
But there are things we have to be able to talk about that do require extreme care and a very gentle, practiced touch. Students do notice disparities caused by property tax based school funding want want to know how caring adults can allow such significant differences in opportunities to occur. Gentrification and the forced exit of long time minority populations as as result of rising property tax bills their jobs can't keep up with is another.

Kids are sharper and notice more than we give them credit for.
Race has nothing to do with property taxes
If I were making lesson plans, I guess it would depend on the class and subject I was teaching.
But just curious, how many times has whitey been bad?.....and did any of those times have a significant historical impact?
Probably the same as every other race throughout history. Except for the historical impact. Some cultures were inferior clearly and still are
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