The you don't want to get involved in this discussion thread (split)

Just because your friends sister chose to be gay doesn't mean all gays do. I didn't say someone can't choose to be gay. I said the gays I know were born that way. And I'm sure that most gays will say they were born that way. Many parents of a gay child say they could tell at a very young age their child was likely gay. Just because you haven't seen if with your own eyes or your friends sister situation doesn't mean it's not true.

how do you know they were born that way ? because that is what they say ? when you were born did you know what being gay was at 1 yr old ?
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A way to know that people weren't meant to be gay is that gays can't reproduce which is a basic survival tactic for any species.
that's odd. one of my friends sister is Gay and she said she got tired of her husband and started going to Gay bars with her friends and the next thing she knew she was wanting to be with women. She was straight for 28years and never seen herself with a woman. She never once blamed it on being born gay.
I don't care if people are gay or not. but to hear they are born that way is wrong and that is my opinion. People are not born a murder or a dope head etc... its a choice.

I didn't grow up liking cole slaw, but now I do. Have no clue why.
They are gay it's not a sinful desire. It's what they are. You just compared being gay to you not cheating on your spouse. Please...

And some people are cheaters, they are both sinful desires. What's especially funny is people like you who support legalizing Gay marriage, not realizing that marriage in the US is based on the bible. And where does it stop front there, allowing gay marriage is fine, but then shouldn't we also legalize 3, 4, and 5 people being able to get married. Funny how some parts of the bible count but other parts don't. Both are sins as it clearly states in the bible, and you and I sin just as much as any gay person out there, it just isn't a hot topic for the media. Get your stuff together rookie
how do you know they were born that way ? because that is what they say ? when you were born did you know what being gay was at 1 yr old ?

Because they've always been the way they are?

I'm assuming you are a guy, right? And you've always been attracted to girls, right? Well, most gay people have always been attracted to the same sex. It's natural for them just as it's natural for you.
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Read Romans 2: 14-16.

14 for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, 15 who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them) 16 in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.
And some people are cheaters, they are both sinful desires. What's especially funny is people like you who support legalizing Gay marriage, not realizing that marriage on the US is based on the bible. Funny how some of it found but other parts don't. Both are sins as it clearly states in the bible, and you and I sin just as much as any gay person out there, it just isn't a hot topic for the media. Get your stuff together rookie

You know how many times God, Jesus, or any kind of creator is mentioned in the constitution? Zero. Laws in the US are not based on the bible. Our nation's founding governing document mentions nothing about the Bible.
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how do you know they were born that way ? because that is what they say ? when you were born did you know what being gay was at 1 yr old ?

Did you choose to be straight? We're you sitting on the playground one day looking at the guys and the girls and thought "hey, I could go either way I wanted on this, but I think I would rather be attracted to girls"?

Going through puberty some people naturally become attracted to the opposite sex and others naturally become attracted to the same sex.
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Seems like you have some personal issues to get through if you aren't comfortable enough in your own skin around other men of differing sexual orientations.
They aren't worried about you and your "junk" as you so eloquently put it earlier.

Lol whatever u say
You know how many times God, Jesus, or any kind of creator is mentioned in the constitution? Zero. Laws in the US are not based on the bible. Our nation's founding governing document mentions nothing about the Bible.

And thank the flying spaghetti monster for that. It's scary to think how messed up our country could be if it was governed by the religious.
Did you choose to be straight? We're you sitting on the playground one day looking at the guys and the girls and thought "hey, I could go either way I wanted on this, but I think I would rather be attracted to girls"?

Going through puberty some people naturally become attracted to the opposite sex and others naturally become attracted to the same sex.

so you are saying a person that is gay is a sickness and not a choice ?
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You know how many times God, Jesus, or any kind of creator is mentioned in the constitution? Zero. Laws in the US are not based on the bible. Our nation's founding governing document mentions nothing about the Bible.

Use some common sense, just because they are not mentioned by name doesn't mean the bible was not used. To suggest that absolutely none of the constitution is based on the bible is laughable. There is tons of documentation correlating the connections between the constitution to the bible. The founding fathers of this nation were just as steeped, or probably more so, into biblical ways than anyone on this forum. And again, it doesn't mean a homosexual person needs to be persecuted or treated differently as every one of us has just as much sin in our lives as them and is in no position to judge.
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