The you don't want to get involved in this discussion thread (split)

He's a tremendous athlete that i hope is very successful in football and life after football. However, I am staunchly against anything antithetical to the way God designed life and marriage. It's also just anatomically incorrect. For some reason it's trendy now in our culture and I hope it passes.
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You really need to get a grip on your sales pitch. God has been really clear about where he stands on the homosexual issue. From the statements of it as being sinful to the redemption part of acknowledgement and confession of sin, to repentance. So if you are going to misrepresent his word, you have joined the camp against him.

The passage given in Romans 1 is developing the theme of righteousness from God. Paul is stating all have sinned and therefore need righteousness that only God can provide. He did provide that path through the acknowledgement of sin, confession of sin and understanding of the need for redemption, acceptance of the sin offering in the person of Jesus Christ. He identifies the sins for the Gentiles and the Jews and summarizes them leading into the verses you and the poster quoted.

God abandons those bent on personal desires contrary to his design and nature because they have placed those desires above him. You are to have no God above him, OT, and to love him with all your heart, soul and mind, NT (Jesus). Those are commands, not suggestions. People of that mind that do not do those things are effectively stating I know more than you, God, and I will do what I want. Not much unlike parent/child relationships of many humans. Even a naturalist can figure out that homosexuality dooms procreation without "science" being involved to circumvent the process. The circumvention is also sinful, but not the child produced from it since there was no personal participation or choice in the matter. But what do you expect from a society and world that views the murder of its unborn future as a person's "right" to choose death or life for another. Again, nothing new under the sun in our "progressive" world. That stuff is as old as the hills.
Jesus himself also said that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven and that you should sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor.

Everybody on this board is richer than 99.999% of humans that have ever lived. There are millions living in extreme poverty who will starve to death and everyone in this thread is posting on message boards from computers and smart phones instead of helping them. Taking the bible literally, all of us are most likely going to hell for having so much while others have so little and refusing to help the poor and sick to a greater extent (Jesus and his disciples got up close and personal with the poor and sick...none of this "I donated $20 to help the homeless!" garbage).

But I guess taking that verse literally isn't as convenient as taking the ones where Paul talked about minorities we can oppress or persecute easily being sinners.
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He's a tremendous athlete that i hope is very successful in football and life after football. However, I am staunchly against anything antithetical to the way God designed life and marriage. It's also just anatomically incorrect. For some reason it's trendy now in our culture and I hope it passes.

God didn't design humans to be missing chromosomes. Are you anti-Downs Syndrome?

Hopefully all this "special Olympics" trend passes too.
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It isn't worth arguing this because no matter what you say you can't argue with people who believe a 2000 year old book should still dictate modern society.

You probably don't like our constitution or bill of rights either, cuz they're like really really old pieces of paper.
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You probably don't like our constitution or bill of rights either, cuz they're like really really old pieces of paper.

That can and have been amended several times to fit the society we live in.

In the bible's defense though, the Mormons did a pretty damn good job of amending it :p
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Ignorant as in lacking knowledge (whether by choice or not) is different from calling someone stupid.

And none of the things I posted are "opinions." Believing homosexuality is a sin is an opinion. Thinking Yazzoo beer is the best in the state is an opinion. Disagreeing with scientific evidences and studies is selective ignorance.

2+2=5 isn't an opinion. It's just wrong. No matter how much Big Brother tells you on Sundays.

There is no scientific evidence that someone is born gay. All opinion.
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There is no scientific evidence that someone is born gay. All opinion.

Biology and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thirty seconds on google and Wikipedia can find you a plethora of scientific studies that suggest certain biological factors that can presuppose sexual orientation.

These were scientifically conducted studies that can't be debated (and this is just the garbage you can find on Wikipedia--contrasted to what you can find in actual scholarly journals or other publications).

None of this is opinion: it's data that comes from testing. Having a "differing opinion" is selective ignorance.
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Biology and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thirty seconds on google and Wikipedia can find you a plethora of scientific studies that suggest certain biological factors that can presuppose sexual orientation.

These were scientifically conducted studies that can't be debated (and this is just the garbage you can find on Wikipedia--contrasted to what you can find in actual scholarly journals or other publications).

None of this is opinion: it's data that comes from testing. Having a "differing opinion" is selective ignorance.
Wikipedia? Wow ok
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Wikipedia? Wow ok

And where do your refuting sources come from? Did you even read any of the wiki link?

Any professor will tell you that wiki can be a great starting point for finding sources. You shouldn't take the article itself to heart (and certainly shouldn't cite it), but you can usually find some quality sources in the references.

But that would take effort and you obviously don't want to put any effort into educating yourself because ignorance is more comfortable.
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I disagree. I'm well informed on what a gay person is, and I don't really care to watch them play football.

And if I played football, I wouldn't want to play with them.

To VN: No sense in bashing this guy, his punishment is going through life being an idiot.
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You forgot the quote where he said he was born gay.

Saying he knew at a very young age wasn't good enough for you? The interviewer didn't ask him directly "were you born gay?" but if he had I'm sure his answer would have been "yes". I'm betting he will be asked that question at some point soon now that he's out and it's a big national story.

So you think Michael Sam, at a very young age, was attracted to females but decided he would fight that urge and be attracted to males instead?
If he is gay, that is who he is. I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with the media and gay activists trying to impose their values on the rest of us. I do have a problem with gay priests and gay predators like Jerry Sandusky and what they do to young boys. Being gay is OK. Acting out and hurting others is not.
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If he is gay, that is who he is. I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with the media and gay activists trying to impose their values on the rest of us. I do have a problem with gay priests and gay predators like Jerry Sandusky and what they do to young boys. Being gay is OK. Acting out and hurting others is not.

Any adult molesting any child is deplorable. Gay or not gay has nothing to do with it.
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I hate that I just opened this thread. And it saddens me to see so many close-minded Vol fans.

1) Thread tools
2) Ignore thread


there are plenty of open minded ones as well - I have just had this argument so many times with my family who is very religious so I am tired of it

people read that book and focus on the parts that justify how they already thought in the first place

if they read it for what it was - set in a historical time that was brutal - you would see a man that was all about loving others and breaking down barriers for hate

it is hard to think that if he were on earth in our time he would be a guy screaming and holding an anti-gay sign with a bible verse on it
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How is this thread still in the Recruiting forum? We have other forums (The Pub and/or Around the NCAA) exactly for this.
I have been in this conversation numerous times.The only thing I will say is when 2 men or 2 women can produce a child naturally then come back and talk to me.NO ONE has EVER been BORN *****.Now before you get your lip stick smudged.let me say, I was brought up where there wasn't even any talk about it.But I do know that gay is happy and these poor people can't be happy.Sex with the same sex is ODD or *****.Do you understand all that

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