Simplistic is what we would call the bolded part of your post. Of course, people have been conquered throughout history. What kind of rationale is that?
Like I said before, share your pioneer courage to the Native Americans. I'm sure they'd love to hear all about it. Only been hearing about it the last 400 years.
So is someone born a pedophile or is it a sexual choice? We can both play these silly games.
Let me ask you a question....if you stick a homosexual male and a heterosexual female on a deserted island for 10 years what do you think would happen? Think any kids would be produced? Think they would love each other?
We can keep playing the game if you would like.
Actually, yes, it's something between biology and social deterministic factors, just like homosexuality and just like heterosexuality. I know that's not a popular opinion, but who in their right mind would choose to be a pedophile? Now, obviously, one should not act on these desires, but this is much different from homosexuality. And be careful with pedophilia, particularly if you're of a Christian mindset. Many of the OT patriarchs would qualify as pedophiles in today's definition of the word.
No problem at all. Most people really don't know that though. I was taught in school that all of our founding fathers were deeply religious (Christian). A little research though goes a long way. They were way more into their freemasonry that anything else.
Next time I am at a Casino I will ask them if they remember Lewis and Clark.
I'm assuming you will address my second question in your next post.
To address your second question, I really don't know. They may mate out of necessity; they may not. The man may discover that he is attracted to the woman afterall. This doesn't necessarily mean it was a decision made after careful arbitration. I used to hate cole slaw and now I like it. I have no clue why. To describe my liking cole slaw as a decision I made after contemplation, however, would be inaccurate. Just happened after time, and I have no clue why.
No problem at all. Most people really don't know that though. I was taught in school that all of our founding fathers were deeply religious (Christian). A little research though goes a long way. They were way more into their freemasonry that anything else.
Actually I disagree. Most of the main leaders of the revolutionary movement were in fact Christian.
To address your second question, I really don't know. They may mate out of necessity; they may not. The man may discover that he is attracted to the woman afterall. This doesn't necessarily mean it was a decision made after careful arbitration. I used to hate cole slaw and now I like it. I have no clue why. To describe my liking cole slaw as a decision I made after contemplation, however, would be inaccurate. Just happened after time, and I have no clue why.
I take it you think your heterosexuality (I'm assuming) was arrived at after hours, days, weeks, if not even years, of careful thought?
Many weren't Christians or practiced a form of Christianity that would get them condemned today.
Thomas Jefferson, for instance, was a deist. He believed Jesus had a good message though and created the "red letter bible" which featured only the words of Jesus and none of the supernatural stuff.
Regardless, they wrote a constitution that doesn't reference religion at all (the word God doesn't appear in the constitution or Bill of rights) except to say that the government can't endorse one religion over another.
Actually I disagree. Most of the main leaders of the revolutionary movement were in fact Christian.
A majority were god fearing Christians, but some; Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, and Washington were all Deist's. Look up John Locke for he is believed to have helped start that movement from the protestant faith.
Actually I believe all people were born heterosexual and it's his or her choice to decide otherwise.
Obviously I believe I am right, just as in my example of the deserted island that a choice is made about being gay.
We can obviously disagree just stating my viewpoint.
For every 1 of the leaders of the revolution that you name that were deists or freemasons I can name two who were Christians. I certainly agree that all of them werent like Thomas Jefferson but the majority were.
You seriously can't still be comparing taste with sexual preference?
Why do I like black cars compared to red ones. I choose to buy black ones because I think they look better.
See how stupid this is?