Time to Fire Up a Biden is a Liar Thread

Lol. It was months ago you r####d. I guess your accidental self outing was more devastating that I had thought...and you're still name dropping your skin mag collection. LOL.

I look forward to you slipping up about your leather chaps collection. HAHA. Your epic failures are absolutely memorable!

Heh, you'd know about the when part I guess, it's probably a thrill for you to be acknowledged. Though, I imagine I've driven the bus over your limp excuse so many times you'll have to pardon me not remembering. Either way, it's good to know that memory stuck with you, truthfully nothing you've ever uttered to me has been remotely memorable.
They will end fracking, then they won’t and now they will
Only the rich will have their taxes raised. Now they needs funds for the climate crisis hoax so everyone’s taxes are going up.

When they said they would end the trump tax cuts (meaning they’ll decrease the standard deduction) anyone with a brain knew they’d be raising taxes on nearly all Americans. But the media just goes with left wing lies
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Great comeback. The meme was a deliberate misquote. That wasn't what Biden said. The Republican Party has become the party of Q. You are the party of liars, paranoid kooks, conspiracy theorists and delusional quacks. Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Boebert, Louie Gohmert and Josh Hawley are the face of your party now. That is what Trump's four years has wrought. You should be so proud.
Great comeback. The meme was a deliberate misquote. That wasn't what Biden said. The Republican Party has become the party of Q. You are the party of liars, paranoid kooks, conspiracy theorists and delusional quacks. Marjorie Taylor-Greene, Lauren Boebert, Louie Gohmert and Josh Hawley are the face of your party now. That is what Trump's four years has wrought. You should be so proud.
It’s the only comeback that’s needed. Your ridiculous defense of this idiot is hilarious. Please keep it up by all means!
The day of the Georgia runoff biden said “ vote blue and the $2000 checks will go out the door immediately”. 1 day into his presidency and that was lowered to $1400.00. Claims to add that to the already received $600 checks. 9 days in and still nothing has been done. That’s not immediately. And that’s just one of his lies. Admit it, he’s a liar.
Do you have a link to that quote? I ran a search and can't find it.
The answer is "No". Biden didn't use the word "immediately". @dovervolz took a liberty with an adverb to spice it up.

You can always deny it when you parse it fine enough 😂😂😂
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Hypocrisy and "what-about-ism"... can't have one without the other.

Bro, I’m specifically asking about your hypocrisy. You were one of the primary screeches regarding whataboutism during the Trump administration. I was just wondering if whataboutism is cool again?

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